2021-01-09 R.M. of DATMC

Golden Sentences

Once you are on the stage, you have a purpose.---Carol

There is no need to be so ture, no need to be so realistic, enjoy the stage.---Jerry

The more I do, the less others take respoonsibilities.---Carol

The mentor discovers my tiny highlight, magnified it and make me feel "I'm awsome."---Hannah

Show the magic, creat the magic and spread the magic---Hannah

Pannel feedback the moment to receive all those gifts.---Vivian

Come to DATMC, you will never know who will inspire you.---Vivian

Ideas Shining

Try the suprise information instead of given information. Pause before building the special moment---Xiaoyu

Even gossipi could be directed to the contribution of the harmonious environment.---Yuki

Set bouderies clearly to perfect oneself and inactive others. Refuse with reasons and not be the guilt goat innocently---Carol

Gossipi can be responded in two ways, one as what is expected then be controlled by it, the other to take it, hold it and treat it professional.---Vivian

Suprise Show Time

Suprise I:

Never I thought Chinese could be so humorous until I watched and listened to the Joke prsented by Kent. Kent not only spoke but also acted the joke. Two bandages on the face immediately attracted my attention, rised my curiosity and prepared me well for big laughs. How great! I believe if he could play the dialogue more serious especially facial expression and end the joke with more like guess what question would build the humorous effects to another climax.

Suprise II:

What a gentle and precious-lanuage featured Toastmaster Vivian was. She specially tailored with precious and humorous style the introduction to each speacker and more surpirsed by her one-sentence positive comment to previous speakers. Especially the comments one by one after guests introduction and guests feedback. Is that the value of an experienced VPM as a background in personal growth?

Suprise III:

What the fast thinker and logic speakers the take topic challengers were. Unsuprisly, Donald started his speech immediately once he got the question. How? Always seems be prepared? Why? Is that the growth after challenging every table topic opportunity? Amazing. Always admire those who don't hesitate to stand up and speak up during the table topics. Hope one day I will also. Besides, I was impressed by the logic minds this time. Point-Examples-Point, Point-Solutions-Contrast-Point, Point-Story-Point, situation-solution-message. All the speakers have their wisdom to speak the minds. How about the efforts trying to formulating them?

Suprise IV:

Yuki has a magic tone when she speak English and the humorous style add more flavor to it. But to me what shines most is her mind. Travel on one own, set a target and stick to it until it is achieved, or direct the gossipi.

Constructive Feedback

Avoid to be too flat in vocal variety.

Tell stories in an emotional way.

Dig deeper behind those special moments.

Build stronger links between stories and try message in the beginning.

Keep humorous and try emotional at the same time.

Narrow down the special moments.

Content, content and content.

Ends with re-emphasized highlights.

Let's=Let us. Build a link between personal stroies and those of others.

Make goals smart and visionlize it clearly first before planning.

Avoid use the word people have different cincepts. Match yours with others.

Make balance between slowed down pace and powerful influence.

Try more metaphors when describing an abstract idea.

Meeting Panel

Include speech objectives and personal aims into evaluation to speakers.

Leave some time for transition is necessary for a sucessful meeting especially in term of time management.

Excellent guests welcome experience by SAA team. Bravo!

Feedback is so powerful and in detailed.

Professional rooted table topic attracted great interests. More clear vision effects is better

My awareness

1-Good job for speaking from mind directly. Mindmap really is a good tool to keep logic both in writting and speaking

2-Not easy to perform multiple roles like TTE and whole meeting recorder. Set focused target for each roles, avoid trying being ALL.

3-1 positive+1 to-be-improved is challanging but sure worth continue.

4-Feedback on time, otherwise it will turn into a burden.

5-Opened body guestures instead of restricted ones win the audience. Why mine are always not stable?

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