2021-02-06 Recap of 95th R.M. of DATMC

Special appreciation to all the meeting recap survey participants. You are always my main wisdom to make this recap as comprehensive and profound as possible. Special appreciation to all the people who read and follow my update, you are my power to carry on. Specialy appreciation to myself, you've already make this long, you can do it tormorrow.

To 2021, TOAST.

This is the first on-line regular meeting for DATMC in 2021. Very excited to see itturns out to be a success which comes from many contributing factors including but not limited to the sufficient preparations. Here special highlight put on the efforts of Survey on DATMC Regular Meeting in Feb 2021 launched by the officer team before the meeting. More than half of the members expressed their sayings via the survey, and was fully respected and valued. To me, this survey could also say a truth: express your ideas bravely since what if it has the power to change the world.

We do because we care.

Special Moments

This is a special meeting not only because of it is the first on-line one in 2021 but also because some special moments created during the meeting.

Warm Opening

Not limited to the guests introduction only this time, self introduction from the members also make the moment more enjoyable and relaxing. It is always fantastic to know one’s secrets even from the people you know somehow.

 Prin, a handsome guest attracted by DATMC international speech contest last week and shined bright during the meeting this time; Jerry sounds very cool in oral English tone and gets a very gentle and sweet Chinese Name as 周琬卿;Dan, our old friend, the founding VPM who stays underwater very often (likes wimming) and I take that as the secret of her to keep so healthy in bodybuilding; Lavender whose favorite thing is to listen to the secrets (oh, i guess this is the same favorite thing shared by many people); Kyle, a poet, feel lonely veryoften such as when he saw the tree, or see his best pal get married and allthose loneliness show as well your very kind heart; Vivian, dance queen of DATMC,though less show up recently but legend never stops, wish you continuous successin the new company.

Toast Time

What are toastmasters good at? Toast of course, at least we practice to be good at.Today, we’ve got an great time for this. As proposed by TM Leon, all the participants hold their lovely and unique cups behind the screen, but toast together.

1st, to DATMC our dynasty,TOAST!

2nd, to our families,friends and other people we love and be loved, healthy and happy, TOAST!

3rd, to this world, wish ita better and more prosperous year. TOAST!

Always admire Leon’s vision to make things bigger. If I were the TM, I might thought of Toast 1 & 2, but never 3 which actually if you think deep really is the thing we could sincerely wish and expect. Thank you Leon, for leading this special moment.

Table Topic Section

Congratulations Kyle, you make this section a success even starting from joyful festival featured background. What a great first impression. Besides, I must say the individual topics are so much enjoyed. You excellently inspired the speakers to open the golden box of past memories, consider clearly and calmly the present and look forward with hope about the future. What I was impressed the most is your conclusion part which showed your strong ability of carefully listening and smartlyconcluding. You were like a pearl picker when you retold the TT speakers' speeches, like picking up every shining pearls of each table topic speaker and make us feel so cherished. Thank you.

Let’s see those peals together.

Donald’s favorite memory about Chinese New Year when he was a kid was the red envelope.If there were a time machine, Donald would fly back to the golden time. And for sure he would not be alone since many of use would follow him.

Adah,a boy’s mom, who create a Santa for her kid and also educated his kid to be aSanta for other kids. Teach the kid to see this world himself/herself, enjoy the feeling of “You are special” and also treat this world with love. What agreat mom you are in my mind.

Prin, has a lot of paper to complete as graduate student, and also expect to do something different and to improve especially in his last year of student life. Enjoy please and hope to see a more confidence you in the future;

Lisa,a girl who was very independent, wish to spend her own money and bring her whole family to Europe. You look so quite, but inside you sound so powerful. Go ahead; your dream will definitely come true if you stick to it.

Lavender, such an unique plan to celebrate your next Spring Festival in 2022, stay the whole day in a library and enjoy the moment of yourself. Go away the naught husband and kid,go away the never-end family chores. Enjoy being alone.

Dan,the table topic evaluator, is like a pearl polish master, recognize the shining parts of each speaker and also help them to remove away what seems not gorgeous . You would know what a great job you did if you looked at those valuable comments you provided: focus on one thing, make conflict bigger, go specific and use thepower of pause, more efforts on why, add more passion…

Golden Sentence & Beautiful Ideas—Collectedfrom all, contributed by all

If bad things would happen, tell yourself not today.

If you feel youare going to die, tell yourself not today.

If you want toquite today, just tell yourself "not today".

If you have the courage to resign, why not have another try.

I often force myself not to be comfortable, physically, mentally and technically.

Start from the opposite of the question and then come back to the topic.

Try a little more, then the break through is just in front of you

When you have more power, it means parents are getting older. Cherish the moment you spend together and be together.

Stage is the beginning of dream.

Fire and Love

DATMC is unique in panel discussion which enables speakers to receive maximum feedback for 1 single prepared speech. This section is always sharp but also full of energy. I’d like to call it fire and love. Below I mixed the shining points and rooms for improvements commented to two prepared speakers Adah andJerry. Hope all of us can take something back.

I see the potential in your vocal variety, just let it go.

Tryto discover the uniqueness among a group of abstract things.

Repeatis a very important skill to enforce message.

Addyour stories inside to make the speech more convincing and inspiring

Speakfrom mind is more powerful than read from paper.

Payattention to pronunciation especially the pronunciation to the key words.

Focuson 1 or 2 stories, and spend efforts to build the punch line in the story.

Whenyou are describing about what, also please consider about why and how.

Advice to All

Learn to be specific and apply personal story

Attention to the ending as well, event the report can be a speech with message especially at the end of the report.

Make full use of the time even after the red card, remember to go to the point directly and no buffer time when you already speak.

Challenge yourself with more dimensions when you encounter invisibale wall in front of you.

A gentle reminder for the audience, please switch on the camera if possible, so that the speaker can see the reaction from you and get immediate feedback from your faces.

Look at the camera when you speak, otherwise a lot of strange eye contacts the audience behind the screen may capture.

Love We Want to Say

Adah's speech has new knowledge about the stage and dream, a big topic . Jerry's speech hasthe struggle and her growth through all the darkness. ---From an anonymous hero

To be or not to be by Jerry tell us how to walk out of comfortable zone. ---From ananonymous hero

Jerry, It's not easy to open up so much, especially your vulnerable part. The emotionis genuine and intense. I am really moved by the message. ---From an anonymoushero.

Iam impressed by to be or not to be by Jerry, because it tell us how to walk out of comfortable zone. ---From an anonymous hero.

Mary, good to have you back. Prin, Lisa, Celina come and visit more. ---From an anonymoushero

The meeting is joyful and sweet. Kyle's topic is really great this time, like a little warm up for the feast next week. ---From an anonymous hero

I enjoyed the opening; everyone makes a self-introduction and toast. ---From an anonymoushero

I like the warming up session asked everyone involved, it set a warm tone for all participants. ---From an anonymous hero

Carol: great timer with useful tips in time control. Kyle:Bro, you made it, made theTT session as your speech, from the past, to present and to the future.You are making the festival for us. Donald: Great! The moment that you looked for timer makes me believe that you achieved something important. Habit is hard to change, but we are here to make a difference. Adah: a good title is half successof a speech. Jerry: Rainbow is waiting for you! Dan: i was like you in the past, gave the first speaker longest time. Next time, give each one your same love.---From Leon

I hope…..

Give more people a chance to speak

To enhance my humor and ability to appreciate normal life

TTM can make brief introduction about the timing rules. Shall we give more time for GE andtimer to report?

Thank you all for all the comments contributors which leave us the opportunity to pursue excellence. Miracles start from your saying.

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