专访·中国篇|Swami Mantramurti:最大的挑战--中文

采访:Stella Zhang & 闲人捷

整理:Stella Zhang


Q: How did you end up in China?


A: Six years ago, some Chinese person came to my ashram in Australia to study meditation.


I was very impressed that they would come so far to learn.


And I was one of the teachers so they got to know me a little bit.


In the end he asked me to come to China and teach for him for 3 months.


I refused because China is a long way away and I was very busy.


He looked at me said that he really wanted me to come.


And I thought I got a lot of holidays why don't I go to China.


So I decided to go for few months and see what's like.


It's sort of like a little bit adventure.


But when I came here I started to see this was very hard.


I don't know what they say. I don't know how to talk to people. They eat parts of animals that we don't normally eat. But people were very kind to me.


I traveled to many cities and stayed 2 weeks in each one. I was meeting a lot of nice people.


After I went home at end of it all he contacted me and asked me to come back again. So in the beginning I came for 3 months, and then for 4 months and then for 5 months.


I worked for free in China and the other time I worked for money in Australia.


One day I thought if I am going to make a difference in China I must go and live in China.


I must have same students for 2 years or 3 years or 4 years then we can make progress. I can't teach them very much in 2 weeks.


Then I was invited to LeYoga for 3 days workshop when I was looking for a way to work in China.


All of these different experiences proved to me that there is a reason and purpose in your life.


Because when I used to follow money and power, it took me nowhere except to sadness and suffer.


And when I let go all of those stuff and looked for way to be useful and helpful, ways came to me.


I never chose to be a teacher. I never chose to come China. The way would keep coming to me to be able to do this.




Q: You've been LeYoga for 2 years, but some students don't know you. Some thought you are a serious person or scared person.


A: I don't really try to be anything but I'd try to be humble and quiet, not to make too much noise or anything like these.


And also I do not speak any Chinese. So it's very difficult for me to talk to many other students.


So usually the students I interact with are the ones who come to my class because I come to know them a little bit.


But I've always tried to say hello to people. When someone walk to pass I would make eye contact. And if they look back, I would always smile and say hello.


And if they don't look back I would just keep walking. Because also you must respect their space in the yoga center. Some people don't like to talk too much in yoga center.


But I feel good and comfortable here. I think I'm a shy person anyway except when I'm teaching. I'm not shy when I am teaching.


Q: What's the biggest challenge to teach in China?


A: Language. The concepts and ideas that I am trying to teach and the words I am trying to use they don't understand.


Things like awareness, consciousness, witness, I can explain them pretty quickly to people in the west because they get these.


It's just no part of the Chinese culture or they see these things in a different way.


So I must seek different way to explain that doesn't scare them or anything like that.


Sometimes when I say in meditation class "Are there any questions?" Silence that what I get.


People just stare at me. And I can see their faces with questions but they won't ask.


Sometimes I think they don't understand what is question to ask.


And then I come to realize that I don't really understand the students well enough to be able to teach them.


So I really want to become Chinese. Because I must become Chinese to be able to understand how Chinese think, to communicate with them and interact with them properly.


So when I come to China I don't want to be a westerner. It's difficult. But I want to try to embrace Chinese culture and I have so much respect for Chinese people.What they do and how they live.


I think we can all learn from each other.


And I hope way keeps coming for me to be here and to keep getting opportunity so I can keep working with Chinese people.


I am here for a reason. Universe doesn't ever make mistakes. It doesn't put you into places that you not meant to be. It just sometimes takes you a long time to understand why you are there or to be able to get used to this idea that you are there for a reason or purpose.


Q: Where does your name "Mantra" come from?


A: In India there is a tradition called Sannyasa.It's a little bit like a monk. If you wish you can make these vow and become a  Sannyasa which means you will live your life following path of yoga to grow yourself and help other people.


After 10 years or so of doing this yoga, I was surrounded by many people who have took this vow.


And I decided it was a suitable way for me to live and I wanted to become a Sannyasa.


There are different levels of Sannyasa.Anyone can become a Sannyasa.


But when you get to higher levels and really dedicate your life to it, the Guru must agree that you are suitable to this.


The highest level of these is to be made a Swami. Swami is like a title for a high teacher who is chosen to dedicate their whole life to live in this way.


Only the Guru can make you a Swami you cannot decide whether you are. You will go to your Guru and ask whether you can do this.


And he will decide whether you are ready for this and able to make this commitment.


So after many years of being a Sannyasa, I asked whether I can be a Swami. And the Guru said "Yes, you can do this. You are ready to become a Swami."


And when you become a Swami, he gives you a yoga name.


My whole name is Swami Mantramurti Saraswati. Saraswati the name of the family of yoga that I study.

我的全名是Swami Mantramurti Saraswati.


Mantra means vibration and energy. Murti can mean many different things but it is like a container. So one of the meanings of word Mantramurti would be energy within me.


And one of the rules of becoming a Swami is that whenever you are teaching or presenting your tradition in anyway, you must use the name that given to you. And also I must wear this color.


It's like the Buddhist Monk will wear the red robe that indicates that he has made commitment to that.


This color is called Geru which comes from the mud from the bottom of the Ganges River.


So when I am coming to the class I understand that it's very difficult for Chinese people to call me Swami Mantramurti Savasvoti. So Mantra is ok. That's where my name comes from.





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