
Sabotage could range from pinprick attacks on individual weapons or machines to full-scale onslaughts on formed bodies of troops.

There are only two justifiable reasons for taking an animal's life.

Yet the structure of the novel, the elements of revelation of character and plot, have been rearranged in quite a strange way.

Our parents were usually indulgent, and confident about themselves.

Who can you think of from the ranks of top scientists who also achieved the summit in literature?

Barriers to entry into the French political elite are exceptionally high.

The worst of it though, is the attention I get whilst running on the streets of London.

The problem often arises in a situation where occupants of such a household rise from bed at different times each morning.

However, Ireland triumphed over her injuries to achieve the competitive edge she enjoys today.

The dictionary definition of arrogance suggests overbearing behavior based on inappropriate views.

There it was - the unreasonably large, perfectly cut paisley gem that had haunted my dreams for the past two days.

It emerges from the ebb and flow of collective grievances and struggles for power.

She not only carried the torch of educating young women, but she passed it on.

If your name was randomly, groundlessly and wrongly linked with that of your party's Presidential front-runner, wouldn't you quickly put the rumors to rest with an unqualified denial?

She is very appreciative of my cooking, so it's always a pleasure feeding her.

The final will be a huge undertaking for a team which could be etched in the annals of history.

The authors of these guides have years of inside knowledge, wisdom and practical experience to pass on to you.

I had such a rewarding and fulfilling experience and loved the children.

I still have to humbly respect the effort and the passion of the audiences.

Performance management begins with an appraisal system which encompasses tracking, bench-marking, and formal follow-up.

Who on earth would be prepared, let alone equipped to take on such a challenge?

Incompetent and dangerous laboratories would be weeded out and further tragedies like these minimized.

Such an intention must be clearly manifested by unmistakable and unambiguous language.

Does he seriously think that anyone believes we rely solely on the wind to light our streets?

We must draw a line now, or we will have normalized barbarism for the foreseeable future.

In this job you get to know people from many walks of life and professions.

The government did not comply with the protestors' wishes in either case.

Workers on both the admin and examining side of the department were angry about this unilateral decision without consultation.

People are always trying to rid their body and house of the unsavory smells of meat.

The Danes are the world's keenest netizens, while the US has the biggest percentage of women online, a survey out today claims.

We now have fresh bread every breakfast, and it is not squashed flat in the shopping trolley.

He applied himself conscientiously to his profession.

Ellis had been recuperating from a serious illness when the wedding assignment happened.

As a result we have been maintaining and overhauling these engines for 25 years.

Britain's nationalized rail system was always beset with major difficulties.

My only complaint is that the bouncers seem to get a little picky on the dress code now and then.

They deserve our utmost respect and recognition for simply making the Olympic team.

For the parent keen to endow their child with an educational edge, shared reading is an obvious stepping stone.

We have been greatly encouraged and sustained by the support and prayer that we know has been going on here recently.

The danger exists that universities will be so assimilated into society that we will no longer be the kind of collectors of talent that allow creativity to blossom.

In a further statement released by Lucas, a brief premise has been sketched out for the third prequel.

With boundless energy and endless enthusiasm, it's hardly surprising that he makes a natural volunteer.

They do not show an act of suicide but an attempt, however futile, to escape death.

Tenants must also be reimbursed for any expenditure on repairs.

He flatters, massages their egos, and tells them that they are statesmen, hints at his own ability to further their careers, provided the gesture is reciprocated.

Temporal bone fractures can cause unilateral sensorineural and conductive hearing loss.

The company has agreed to prepare preliminary proposals based on feedback received at the workshop and exhibition.

It indicates a biased approach and preferential treatment in favor of individuals and groups.

The source of the oil is unknown and is thought to have possibly sprung from an old wreck lying on the seabed which has rusted away.

Indeed, conceit, arrogance, and egotism are the essentials of patriotism.

Since Father is unavailable that would be acceptable,’ she ducked her head in a gesture the steward took as maidenly modesty, but actually was meant to hide her smile.

There is a nature trail in the community near my home, which I avail myself of at every opportunity.

Israel is absolutely indispensable to the Jewish identity of American Jews.

Such companies will translate, edit, and proofread your material, and gather it all into the proper format, usually for between 20 cents and 30 cents a word.

The event would give Scotland an unparalleled opportunity for worldwide exposure which money cannot buy.

He sighed gently, cradling his bruised hand as an afterthought.

The team maintained the pressure and Gore was rewarded for his endeavor with a goal to seal the win from close range.

Religion is best when it's not ideologically predictable nor loyally partisan.

The GPS handily points out the gas stations that carry diesel.

Of course, detractors and critics emerged instantaneously out of the woodwork.

However, as with all new business ventures, a lot of expense was incurred in setting up.

The charges I shall have to pay to park weekly will equate to almost the equivalent of a year's subscriptions to be a choir member.

Likewise there is no established framework of social relations, such as kinship, which people can be slotted into.

The joint statement specifically named Taiwan as a mutual security concern for the first time.

As most of the passengers were settling down, Elf began a retrospect of the events of the past months.

This is an opportunity for all collegiate students to meet and socialize with one another.

Others believe that God inspired human beings to write it, thereby allowing errors to creep in.

It is difficult to assess the relative importance of all these complex processes in driving climate change.

In developing countries, nearly 60 percent of the people who confess to committing crimes are innocent, as they do so to escape torture.

Whether they factually did have those experiences or not may be in doubt - but they definitely think they did.

They are unquestionable, unassailable, and unimpeachable.

No funny stories, no amusing anecdotes just a proud Dad sending his baby off into the big wide world of further education.

The ordeal was far from over with incessant rain beating down mercilessly upon the operation.

A second noteworthy feature concerns the role of the European Parliament.

Our hearts swell with pride, and our thoughts drift to memories of fallen friends, brave deeds, and the proud legions who have gone before.

It would be appreciated if you would ascertain this information in a timely manner.

We take note of the brutality of the conditions and the inevitable backwardness of the semi-rural area.

But the critics were in the minority as mainstream thinking, as well as public sentiment, generally favored growth.

Only if society is on the verge of collapse can a communist revolution succeed.

Stiffening, his hand gravitating to his sword hilt, Ikeda steeled himself, preparing for any situation.

And at winter dusk, sky and snow are bathed in delicate colors which linger for hours.

Simple changes to the supply and demand rules can have far-reaching effects.

Tensions were also high between soldiers from Italian 1st Regiment and those from France, with arguments and quarrels among the soldiers leading to duels.

An unpolitical lad is blackmailed by the police into doing undercover surveillance in a mosque.

Some insurers will not make deductions for carpets or floor coverings which are five years or even ten years old.

China and India's appetites for oil are burgeoning, demanding more and more from the world's oil wells.

To his heartbroken family and friends, we offer our deepest and heartfelt sympathy.

He did hope that Sara could contain the problem before any of his irreplaceable artworks were damaged.

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