Webrtc AGC 算法原理初识(一)

1. AGC 初识




2. webrtc 的 AGC算法

AGC是自动增益补偿功能(Automatic Gain Control),AGC可以自动调麦克风的收音量,使与会者收到一定的音量水平,不会因发言者与麦克风的距离改变时,声音有忽大忽小声的缺点。



3. 主要配置

include/gain_control.h 里面定义了agc的三种模式,kAdaptiveAnalog、kAdaptiveDigital和kFixedDigital。其中,kAdaptiveAnalog带有模拟音量调节的功能。kAdaptiveDigital是可变增益agc,但是不调节系统音量。kFixedDigital是固定增益的agc。

enum Mode {
    // Adaptive mode intended for use if an analog volume control is available
    // on the capture device. It will require the user to provide coupling
    // between the OS mixer controls and AGC through the |stream_analog_level()|
    // functions.
    // It consists of an analog gain prescription for the audio device and a
    // digital compression stage.

    // Adaptive mode intended for situations in which an analog volume control
    // is unavailable. It operates in a similar fashion to the adaptive analog
    // mode, but with scaling instead applied in the digital domain. As with
    // the analog mode, it additionally uses a digital compression stage.

    // Fixed mode which enables only the digital compression stage also used by
    // the two adaptive modes.
    // It is distinguished from the adaptive modes by considering only a
    // short time-window of the input signal. It applies a fixed gain through
    // most of the input level range, and compresses (gradually reduces gain
    // with increasing level) the input signal at higher levels. This mode is
    // preferred on embedded devices where the capture signal level is
    // predictable, so that a known gain can be applied.

analog_agc.h 定义了配置targetLevelDbfs和compressionGaindB用于调节agc的动态范围

typedef struct {
  // Configurable parameters/variables
  uint32_t fs;                // Sampling frequency
  int16_t compressionGaindB;  // Fixed gain level in dB
  int16_t targetLevelDbfs;    // Target level in -dBfs of envelope (default -3)
  int16_t agcMode;            // Hard coded mode (adaptAna/adaptDig/fixedDig)
  uint8_t limiterEnable;      // Enabling limiter (on/off (default off))
  WebRtcAgcConfig defaultConfig;
  WebRtcAgcConfig usedConfig;

  // General variables
  int16_t initFlag;
  int16_t lastError;

  // Target level parameters
  // Based on the above: analogTargetLevel = round((32767*10^(-22/20))^2*16/2^7)
  int32_t analogTargetLevel;    // = RXX_BUFFER_LEN * 846805;       -22 dBfs
  int32_t startUpperLimit;      // = RXX_BUFFER_LEN * 1066064;      -21 dBfs
  int32_t startLowerLimit;      // = RXX_BUFFER_LEN * 672641;       -23 dBfs
  int32_t upperPrimaryLimit;    // = RXX_BUFFER_LEN * 1342095;      -20 dBfs
  int32_t lowerPrimaryLimit;    // = RXX_BUFFER_LEN * 534298;       -24 dBfs
  int32_t upperSecondaryLimit;  // = RXX_BUFFER_LEN * 2677832;      -17 dBfs
  int32_t lowerSecondaryLimit;  // = RXX_BUFFER_LEN * 267783;       -27 dBfs
  uint16_t targetIdx;           // Table index for corresponding target level
  uint16_t targetIdxOffset;  // Table index offset for level compensation
  int16_t analogTarget;  // Digital reference level in ENV scale

  // Analog AGC specific variables
  int32_t filterState[8];  // For downsampling wb to nb
  int32_t upperLimit;      // Upper limit for mic energy
  int32_t lowerLimit;      // Lower limit for mic energy
  int32_t Rxx160w32;       // Average energy for one frame
  int32_t Rxx16_LPw32;     // Low pass filtered subframe energies
  int32_t Rxx160_LPw32;    // Low pass filtered frame energies
  int32_t Rxx16_LPw32Max;  // Keeps track of largest energy subframe
  int32_t Rxx16_vectorw32[RXX_BUFFER_LEN];  // Array with subframe energies
  int32_t Rxx16w32_array[2][5];  // Energy values of microphone signal
  int32_t env[2][10];            // Envelope values of subframes

  int16_t Rxx16pos;          // Current position in the Rxx16_vectorw32
  int16_t envSum;            // Filtered scaled envelope in subframes
  int16_t vadThreshold;      // Threshold for VAD decision
  int16_t inActive;          // Inactive time in milliseconds
  int16_t msTooLow;          // Milliseconds of speech at a too low level
  int16_t msTooHigh;         // Milliseconds of speech at a too high level
  int16_t changeToSlowMode;  // Change to slow mode after some time at target
  int16_t firstCall;         // First call to the process-function
  int16_t msZero;            // Milliseconds of zero input
  int16_t msecSpeechOuterChange;  // Min ms of speech between volume changes
  int16_t msecSpeechInnerChange;  // Min ms of speech between volume changes
  int16_t activeSpeech;           // Milliseconds of active speech
  int16_t muteGuardMs;            // Counter to prevent mute action
  int16_t inQueue;                // 10 ms batch indicator

  // Microphone level variables
  int32_t micRef;         // Remember ref. mic level for virtual mic
  uint16_t gainTableIdx;  // Current position in virtual gain table
  int32_t micGainIdx;     // Gain index of mic level to increase slowly
  int32_t micVol;         // Remember volume between frames
  int32_t maxLevel;       // Max possible vol level, incl dig gain
  int32_t maxAnalog;      // Maximum possible analog volume level
  int32_t maxInit;        // Initial value of "max"
  int32_t minLevel;       // Minimum possible volume level
  int32_t minOutput;      // Minimum output volume level
  int32_t zeroCtrlMax;    // Remember max gain => don't amp low input
  int32_t lastInMicLevel;

  int16_t scale;  // Scale factor for internal volume levels
  int16_t numBlocksMicLvlSat;
  uint8_t micLvlSat;
  // Structs for VAD and digital_agc
  AgcVad vadMic;
  DigitalAgc digitalAgc;

  FILE* fpt;
  FILE* agcLog;
  int32_t fcount;

  int16_t lowLevelSignal;
} LegacyAgc;


int GainControlImpl::AnalyzeCaptureAudio(AudioBuffer* audio) {
  if (!enabled_) {
    return AudioProcessing::kNoError;

  RTC_DCHECK_EQ(audio->num_channels(), *num_proc_channels_);
  RTC_DCHECK_LE(*num_proc_channels_, gain_controllers_.size());

  int16_t split_band_data[AudioBuffer::kMaxNumBands]
  int16_t* split_bands[AudioBuffer::kMaxNumBands] = {
      split_band_data[0], split_band_data[1], split_band_data[2]};

  if (mode_ == kAdaptiveAnalog) {
    int capture_channel = 0;
    for (auto& gain_controller : gain_controllers_) {

      audio->ExportSplitChannelData(capture_channel, split_bands);

      int err =
          WebRtcAgc_AddMic(gain_controller->state(), split_bands,
                           audio->num_bands(), audio->num_frames_per_band());

      audio->ImportSplitChannelData(capture_channel, split_bands);

      if (err != AudioProcessing::kNoError) {
        return AudioProcessing::kUnspecifiedError;
  } else if (mode_ == kAdaptiveDigital) {
    int capture_channel = 0;
    for (auto& gain_controller : gain_controllers_) {
      int32_t capture_level_out = 0;

      audio->ExportSplitChannelData(capture_channel, split_bands);

      int err =
          WebRtcAgc_VirtualMic(gain_controller->state(), split_bands,
                               audio->num_bands(), audio->num_frames_per_band(),
                               analog_capture_level_, &capture_level_out);

      audio->ImportSplitChannelData(capture_channel, split_bands);


      if (err != AudioProcessing::kNoError) {
        return AudioProcessing::kUnspecifiedError;

  return AudioProcessing::kNoError;

4. 主要接口


WebRtcAgc_AddFarend  计算远端信号的语音活度VAD
WebRtcAgc_AddMic 计算麦克风输入的语音活度,对于非常小的信号会乘增益系数
WebRtcAgc_VirtualMic    用虚拟的麦克风音量来调节幅度
WebRtcAgc_Process   vad核心处理
WebRtcAgc_set_config    设置VAD参数





Webrtc AGC 算法(二)

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