
Practical Digital Forensics


Get started with the art and science of digital forensics with this practical, hands-on guide!


理查德·伯丁顿(Richard Boddington)

Copyright © 2016 Packt Publishing All rights reserved.


ISBN 978-1-78588-710-9


About the Author


Richard Boddington commenced general policing with the London Metropolitan Police in 1968 and joined the Royal Hong Kong Police in 1971, later serving as a chief inspector in the Special Branch. In 1980, Richard moved to Australia and worked as a desk offier and case offier with the Australian Security Intelligence Organization. He later worked in several federal and state government agencies, including the Western Australia Department of Treasury and Finance, as a senior intelligence offier.

理查德·伯丁顿( Richard Boddington ),1968年入职伦敦警局,1971年加入香港皇家警察,随后在政治保安处担任总督察。1980年移居澳大利亚,在澳大利亚安全情报组织负责管理和案件承办。此后,作为高级情报官,他还在数个联邦和州政府机构工作过,包括西澳大利亚财政部。

In 2008, he commenced developing and coordinating information security and digital forensics undergraduate and postgraduate courses at Murdoch University, where he was responsible for the creation of a digital forensic and information security degree offering. He provided a unique online virtual digital forensics unit for postgraduate students at the University of Western Australia in 2014.


Between 1991 and 2015, Richard was a security analyst and digital forensic practitioner, providing independent consultancy services for legal practitioners and organizations requiring independent digital forensic examinations and reports. This included analyzing case evidence in criminal and civil cases heard at Magistrate, District and Commonwealth Courts. His work included the compilation of digital forensic reports and testifying as an expert witness on complex technical matters to assist the jury in understanding digital evidence presented during trial.


Recent forensic examinations undertaken by him include analyzing digital evidence recovered from computers, mobile phones, and other digital devices and then preparing expert testimony relating to a broad range of criminal and civil cases, including:

• Child pornography and child exploitation

• Cyberstalking

• Aggravated burglary and false imprisonment

• Analysis of CCTV video digital evidence of assault and rape cases

• Alleged homicide, suicide, and other crimes of violence

• Bomb threats

• Family law disputes and Australian Vietnamese Relief Organization (AVRO) breaches

• Workers' compensation disputes

• Suspected forgery or manipulation of digital video and mobile phone evidence

• Industrial espionage and sabotage and intellectual property theft


  • 儿童色情和童工剥削
  • 网络骚扰
  • 入室行窃和非法拘禁
  • 非礼及强奸案监控视频数字证据的分析
  • 他杀、自杀和其他暴力犯罪
  • 炸弹威胁
  • 家庭法律争端和澳大利亚越南救援组织数据泄露
  • 工人补偿纷争
  • 数字视频和手机证据造假或篡改
  • 工业间谍和破坏活动,以及知识产权窃取

Since 2015, Richard has continued his digital forensics examinations on behalf of TSW Analytical Pty Ltd in Western Australia, where he now heads the Digital Forensics and Data Recovery Team.

2015年起,理查德为西澳大利亚的 TSW Analytical 有限公司继续从事数字取证审查工作,目前是该公司数字取证和数据恢复团队负责人。

He is also the General Manager for Research and Training at eReveal Technologies Pty Ltd (TSW Global Company) and is responsible for designing and coordinating online digital forensics, multimedia forensics, and e-discovery training courses for a broad range of organizations.


Richard is presently developing online digital forensics and e-discovery academic postgraduate course for the evolving Institute for Applied Forensic Science, associated with TSW Analytical, as part of broader postgraduate forensic course offerings in Australasia and overseas.

理查德目前在为不断发展的应用法医学研究所(与TSW Analytical 相关),开发在线数字取证和电子发现学术研究生课程——作为大洋洲和海外研究生取证课程的一部分。

In 2010, Richard authored two digital forensics chapters in Digital Business Security Development: Management Technologies. He has also written a number of journal articles on the validation of digital evidence, his ongoing research area.


In 2015, he authored an online video cast series, Emerging Forensic Tools for Locating and Analyzing Digital Evidence, on behalf of IGI Global Video Lecture E-Access Videos (http://www.igi-global.com/video/emerging-forensic-tools-locating-analyzing/134946).


About the Reviewer


Colin J. Armstrong has extensive business experience in communications and information technology, information systems and services, security, and forensic science education, spanning the aviation, transport, hotel and catering, tertiary education, and charitable industries. His experience derives not only from industry roles, but studies acquiring bachelor, masters, and doctoral degrees, participation in the Australian Standards Expert Committee, memberships to various professional industry bodies, board memberships, and company directorships.

科林·J·阿姆斯特朗( Colin J. Armstrong ),在通信、信息技术、信息系统与服务、安全,以及取证科学教育上具广泛业务经验,横跨航空航天、交通运输、酒店餐饮、高等教育和慈善行业。他的经验不仅来自于行业角色,还来自于其本科、硕士和博士学位获取过程中的学习,在澳大利亚标准专家委员会中的活跃,各种职业行业组织、董事会及公司领导层的参与。



This book will provide you with a clear understanding of digital forensics, from its relatively recent emergence as a sub-discipline of forensics to its rapidly growing importance alongside the more established forensic disciplines. It will enable you to gain a clear understanding of the role of digital forensics practitioners and their vital work in cybercrime and corporate environments, where they recover evidence of criminal offences and civil transgressions. Examples of real case studies of digital crime scenes will help you understand the complexity typical of many cases and the challenges digital evidence analysis poses to practitioners.


During the past 10 years or so, there has been a growing interest in digital forensics as part of tertiary courses and as a career path in law enforcement and corporate investigations. New technologies and forensic processes have developed to meet the growing number of cases relying on digital evidence. However, it has been apparent that the increasing complexity, size, and number of cases is creating problems for practitioners, who also face resource and costing restrictions and a shortage of well-trained and experienced personnel. The book will describe these challenges and offer some solutions, which hopefully will assist and empower current and prospective practitioners to manage problems more effectively in the future.


These are truly exciting and challenging times for practitioners seeking to enhance their skills and experience in recovering evidence and assisting the legal fraternity in making sense of their important fidings. For those wishing to enter the discipline, they do so at a time when banality, complacency, and fatigue are disappointingly quite common. The enthusiasm of entering the profession can rapidly dissipate because of tedium and heavy caseloads, notwithstanding the inherently exciting and important nature of the work. Presented in this book are new and more effective ways to reduce tedium and time wastage, reinvigorate practitioners, and restore the excitement of the hunt for evidence heralded by fresh winds of change.


What this book covers


Chapter 1, The Role of Digital Forensics and Its Environment, describes the digital forensics environment—an emerging discipline within the broader fild of forensic science. It outlines the main digital forensics environments of criminal and civil law cases and describes the role of digital forensics practitioners.


Chapter 2, Hardware and Software Environments, presents the basic working of computer hardware, operating systems, and application software and describes the nature of recovered digital evidence. A basic introduction to fiesystems and files commonly recovered during forensics examination is given as well as an insight into file encryption and password protection.


Chapter 3, The Nature and Special Properties of Digital Evidence, describes the special characteristics of digital evidence, including the nature of files, file metadata, and timestamps, which form an essential part in the reconstruction of suspected offences.The complex nature of digital evidence is introduced, and the expectations of the courts as to its admissibility in legal hearings is explained.


Chapter 4, Recovering and Preserving Digital Evidence, explains the importance of preserving digital evidence in accordance with legal conventions. It describes forensic recovery processes and tools used to acquire digital evidence without undue contamination under different forensic conditions.


Chapter 5, The Need for Enhanced Forensic Tools, emphasizes the redundancy of conventional forensic imaging and the indexing of increasingly larger datasets and introduces new forensic processes and tools to assist in sounder evidence recovery and better use of resources. The chapter introduces the disruptive technology now challenging established digital forensic responses and the overreliance on forensic specialists, who are themselves becoming swamped with heavier caseloads and larger, more disparate datasets.


Chapter 6, Selecting and Analyzing Digital Evidence, introduces the structure of digital forensic examinations of digital information through the iterative and interactive stages of selecting and analyzing digital evidence that may be used in legal proceedings. The chapter introduces the stages of digital evidence selection and analysis in line with acceptable forensic standards.


Chapter 7, Windows and Other Operating Systems as Sources of Evidence, provides you with an understanding of the complexity and nature of information processed on computers that assist forensic examinations. The chapter looks at the structure of typical Windows, Apple, and other operating systems to facilitate the recreation of key events relating to the presence of recovered digital evidence. It touches on malware attacks and the problems encountered with anti-forensics tactics used by transgressors.


Chapter 8, Examining Browsers, E-mails, Messaging Systems, and Mobile Phones, looks at Internet browsers, e-mail and messaging systems, mobile phone and other handheld devices, and the processes of locating and recovering digital evidence relating to records of personal communications such as e-mails, browsing records, and mobile phones. The value of extracting and examining communications between persons of interest stored on computer and mobile phones is described.


Chapter 9, Validating the Evidence, emphasizes the importance of validating digital evidence to ensure that as thorough as possible an examination of the evidence is undertaken to test its authenticity, relevance, and reliability. Some common pitfalls that diminish the admissibility of digital evidence, as well as the evidentiary weight or value of evidence, are discussed, as is the need for open-minded and unbiased testing and checking of evidence to be a routine matter. The presentation of digital evidence and the role of the forensic expert is outlined in the chapter.


Chapter 10, Empowering Practitioners and Other Stakeholders, provides a summary of the book and reflects on the changes presently occurring within the discipline. It offers some new processes and tools that enhance the work of practitioners and reduce the time spent on each case as well as untangling the complexity of analyzing large datasets.


What you need for this book


No software is required for the book.


Who this book is for


This book is for anyone who wants to get into the field of digital forensics. Prior knowledge of programming languages may be helpful but is not required and is not a compulsory prerequisite. This is a helpful guide for readers contemplating becoming a digital forensic practitioner and others wishing to understand the nature of recovering and preserving digital information that may be required for legal or disciplinary proceedings. The book will appeal to a range of readers requiring a fundamental understanding of this rapidly evolving discipline, including:


• Police, law enforcement, and government investigative bodies

• Corporate investigators

• Banking, business, and forensic auditors

• Security managers and investigators

• IT security professionals

• Taxation compliance investigators

• Defense and intelligence personnel

• The legal fraternity and criminologists

  • 警察、司法部门、政府调查机构
  • 企业调查员
  • 银行、商业和取证审计师
  • 安全经理和调查员
  • IT安全从业者
  • 税务合规调查员
  • 国防和情报人员
  • 法律援助组织和犯罪学家
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