追问幸福(On Happiness)

追问幸福(On Happiness)


On Happiness

作者:梦游人 Day Dreamer






The first time I began to think about the meaning of life was when I went to college.

I sought help from my father, the person I assumed to be the most intelligent one. His answer was only one word: happiness, which had no explanation, leaving me alone thinking in the dormitory and asking myself again and again what the hell happiness is?

The time flied and my wedding came, the host solemnly announced my "happiness", which restarted the confusion in my early years once again.

On birthday, my child's young voice shouted that Mom you will always be "happy", which surprised me but made me unconsciously began to reflect on life.

Oh my dear, what the hell is happiness? I've been struggling all these years to know you.



While tipping through my phone, I happened to find that today is White Dew. During the White Dew Time, migratory birds such as geese and swallows will fly to the warm south, while hundreds of birds begin to store dried fruit and grain for the winter. Farmers are also busy harvesting crops. It is the so-called "busy autumn, busy autumn, no hurry no gains".

In such a busy harvest time, I felt compelled to write something about happiness as a summative thinking,which would give a similar White Dew scene like“ busy thinking, busy thinking, no hurry no gains”.





After a series of learning, I got a definition as happiness is a life in which dreams can be realized. There is also a more general and abstract version, that is, "happiness is the a living state in which one can realize his or her purpose freely".

This abstract definition contains two main points.

The first point is about "purpose". It means that if you pursue happiness, you must have your own life dream and have your own meaningful and real life goals about career or life.

Life without goals will lead to unhappy? This sounds like some utilitarian, and such a view is not taken for granted in this era as many people prefer easy life. We all know that "seeking but can not get" is the greatest pain in life, and that's why some people choose to give up their pursuit to avoid suffering.






But it's easy to pick out the problems of giving up. As a saying goes, if you have no direction, the wind in all directions will be against you. As a mother once unemployed, I understand this feeling. A life without meaning will eventually be swallowed by boredom and emptiness.

Some people say that what human beings pursue is meaningless, and life has always been nothingness.

Not all ambition, obviously, is worth cultivating. Which are and which are not is something one soon enough learns on one's own. But it is nonsense to simply take views that men and women are useless. Such views are destined to remove all motives for competence, interest in attainment, and regard for posterity. And all these implications are nothing but denial of human dignity.

In fact, even existentialist philosophers did not deny the significance of human struggle.

Albert Camus pointed out that life is meaningless, just like Sisyphus, pushing a stone that is bound to fall over and over again. But it is our insistence on not giving up that proves that we have not been defeated by nothingness, and mankind still maintains high fighting spirit, which itself is the best resistance to nothingness, so Sisyphus is happy.



What’s interesting is that some people cited the opinions of scholars to refute "purpose". For example, John Dewey’s "education has no purpose", and psychologist Michal's views in the book "Flow The Psychology of Optimal Experience ", which says "one can never get happiness if he or she set it as the direct goal" and so on.

Thus I read the books of John Dewey and Michal carefully and found where the problem lied.The so-called "no purpuse" is not true. In Dewey's theory, education is social life, education is growth, education is the continuous improvement of experience, then naturally the education had no other purpose but itself. Michal also did not deny happiness itself but pointed out the way to achieve happiness can not be setting the direct goal of happiness, but should be "regardless of good or bad, devote yourself to every detail of life".



Happiness is different from happiness, and sometimes the difference is even greater than happiness and misfortune. Everyone bears different responsibilities and expectations because everyone has different social relations and growth backgrounds. No one's enthusiasm and pursuit will be exactly the same because no one has the same experience and talent.

Despite all these differences, the pursuit of "purpose" in life should be the same. If there is no purpose and direction, no hope and pursuit, people would lose the source of happiness.








The second point is "free realization", that is, everything you want comes true and your dreams are all realized. This is an ideal life situation.

This ideal situation is, obviously, rare and short-lived. As the French philosopher Alan said in his book , happiness coexists with fear and trouble, and misfortune coexists with longing and hope.

This dialectic of happiness sounds quite correct and a little frustrating.

But there was another official definition of happiness. The Chinese Dictionary points out that happiness is a situation or life in which people feel comfortable and satisfied .

Environments are only objective conditions, but the subjective feelings are the real purpose. So happiness depends more on how you feel rather than what situation you are in.

"All bad things will become unfortunate events only when we think they are bad", American management psychologist Schwartz once said. This sentence reveals a common sense that it is easier to harvest happiness with a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.

There is also a "diminishing happiness" view in psychology, that is, "the more you get, the less happiness you feel." A joke vividly described this : people in the past only worry about survival., but modern people have countless troubles after solving the problem of survival.



In such a logic, you can know that many people feel unhappy not because of how bad their life is, but because they lose their sense of happiness. Conversely, if one can't feel happy, no matter how much he or she has, there would be no happiness. The ancient Roman philosopher Seneca deduced this truth to the extreme. He said, "if you can't be satisfied with what you have now, you won't be happy even if you have owned the world".

The concept of happiness is finally clear to me. Happiness means a sense of value and dignity while making contributions and a state of calmness and detachness while being defeated and frustrated. Happiness definitely needs dream and pursuit, but optimastic attitude and thinking way are also necessary.

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