
1. 用被动语态省略主语,比如Donald Trump was elected

2. shake XX out of its paralysis

3. adding to XXX

4. ought to

5. united against比fight together简洁,暗含united states含义

6. rive, 原意指劈木头,引申义指撕裂

7. mutual


between Republicans and Democrats, yes, but also between factory workers and university students, country folk and city dwellers.后一句不需要用between

9. 指造成XX的原因时,cause比reason更精准。

10. won power是elected的一种变通用法

11. 报道用set out,有隐含该报道条分缕析的含义


dredging Washington of the elites and lobbyists too stupid or self-serving to act for the whole nation

13. would fix用过去将来时

14. 用is not working,现在进行时比does not work更好

15. Five months into his first term, Mr Trump presides over a political culture that is even more poisonous than when he took office.

16. core voters核心支持者

17. deregulation用单数即可

18. but XXX stands on even-shakier ground很形象


beyond the beltway and into the economy, And不能省略

20. did not start with, 用过去式

21. have complained即可,无需have been complaining

22. 用growing形容influence比rising贴切

23. competing interests指相互竞争的利益,不是相互冲突

24. that can block almost比blocks好,语气不绝对

25. rise to the chanllenge应时而变

26. disillusion搭配grow

27. mistrust搭配fuel

28. needs reform即可,reform做名词,无需用to

29. incontinent ego,无法自制的自负

30. No body doubts=everybody believes

31. show every sign of doing XXX

32. would leave 虚拟语气

33. 指代确定的政府机构时,Institution比government更为精准。

34. attempt to do sth,尝试做XX,重点在尝试,efforts to do sth,重点在努力,需要区别动词。

35. 对机器的破坏用wreck

36. undermine-削弱,有隐含破坏XX的地基的含义

37. budget cut用deep形容,因为cut deep

38. vowed to do XXX

39. areas where XXX, area后面跟地点状语从句,用where

40. in knots over XXX, 三五成群叽叽喳喳

41. spun XXX 孳生,表示产生不好的东西,而且是大量产生

42. where one ends and the other begins,指事物的界限

43. dismal scoring of XXX可悲的不成功的记录,即无用功或不良历史记录。

44. a benighted clash of rival tribes

45. rude health非常健康

46. all time highs历史最高点

47. have more clout than at any time, clout: When you speak of someone having clout, it usually means that they communicate a sense of power or influence, particularly in the political sense. "You’ll wanna talk to that big guy over there if you want me to let you in. He’s got clout."

Clout can also mean to hit someone really hard — either the hit you give (“that’s a big clout he just landed”) or the act of hitting (“she clouted him with a baseball bat”). Of course, the sense of having power and the actual hitting are related, since clout is something to be wielded — either physically or figuratively. Note: it's not just tough guys who have clout. China is said to have "growing economic clout," and Oprah is known to have significant clout in the media industry.

48. shun XXX  If you purposely stay away from someone, you shun that person. A sensitive baker may ask why you are shunning her cookies.

49. miss opportunities=impose opportunity cost

50. gone unchallenged=no regulation

51. XXX fall short=fall to meet

52. by doing XX, 不能漏掉by

53. entrench=挖战壕=建立

54. shore up:

v support by placing against something solid or rigid

55. compete for advantage=争夺利益

56. decision making用erratic表示错误的不正确的

57. depend on比count on正式

58. 日期用time去描述即可

59. embrace XXX表示接纳、开始做XXX

60. address the issues, issue搭配address

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