Impact factor            5.017
Frequency              Monthly
Publication history         1965-present
EIF                Shinobu Kitayama,       
               Kerry Kawakami, M. Lynne Cooper

Publisher          American Psychological Association

Shinobu Kitayama:Originally from Japan, he received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan,his research focuses on cultural variations in self, cognition, emotion, and motivation.He has also pioneered the use of neuroscience measures such as fMRI and EEG in the investigation of the dynamic, recursive interaction between culture and the brain, thereby contributing to the emerging field of cultural neuroscience.
Kerry Kawakami:Ph.D. in Psychology from University of Toronto;focuses on the automatic activation of associations related to social categories.
M. Lynne Cooper : is a professor of psychology at the University of Missour,she is known for her research on risk-taking and psychological adjustment of adolescents, young adults, and couples

Part 1 Basic Information of JPSP

- Types-JPSP publishes:

1.publishes original papers in all areas of personality and social psychology
2 emphasizes empirical reports
3.include specialized theoretical, methodological, and review papers.


The journal is divided into three independently edited sections..

1.Attitudes and Social Cognition:addresses all aspects of psychology (e.g., attitudes, cognition, emotion, motivation) that take place in significant micro- and macrolevel social contexts.
  Topics include, but are not limited to, attitudes, persuasion, attributions, stereotypes, prejudice, person memory, motivation and self-regulation, communication, social development, cultural processes, and the interplay of moods and emotions with cognition.
  We accept papers using traditional social-personality psychology methods. However, we also strongly welcome innovative, theory-driven papers that utilize novel methods (e.g., biological methods, neuroscience, large-scale interventions, social network analyses, or "big data" approaches).

2.Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes:focuses on psychological and structural features of interaction in dyads and groups.
  including interpersonal attraction, communication, emotion, and relationship development, and on group and organizational processes such as social influence, group decision making and task performance, intergroup relations and aggression, prosocial behavior and other types of social behavior.

3.Personality Processes and Individual Differences:publishes research on all aspects of personality psychology.
   It includes studies of individual differences and basic processes in behavior, emotions,,motivation, coping, health, and other phenomena that reflect personality.

Part 2 Style and format for target articles

1.Submit manuscripts to the appropriate section editor.
  Attitudes and Social Cognition——Shinobu Kitayama
  Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes——Kerry Kawakami
  Personality Processes and Individual Differences——M. Lynne Cooper
2.Provide an abstract of no more than 250 words of the manuscript.After the abstract, please supply up to five keywords or brief phrases.

  The minimum line weight for line art is 0.5point for optimal printing
  When possible, please place symbol legends below the figure instead of to the side.
  For authors who prefer their figures to be published in color both in print and online, original color figures can be printed in color at the editor's and publisher's discretion provided the author agrees to pay:
  $900 for one figure  
  An additional$ 600 for the second figure
  An additional $450 for each subsequent figure
  For more information about acceptable resolutions, fonts, sizing, and other figure issues, please see the general guidelines.
5.Other Information(APA Style)

Part 3 Reading and Analysis

》》》 2010——2018年发表关于emotion文章共214篇
    2018  16篇          2013  22
    2017  19篇          2012  31
    2016  14篇          2011  37
    2015  24篇          2010  27
    2014  24


article214篇,other117篇,clinical trial9篇,             review和editorial各两篇,retracted publication一篇



1.Why I don't always know what I'm feeling: The role of stress in within-person fluctuations in emotion differentiation.
2.Interpersonal emotion regulation: Implications for affiliation, perceived support, relationships, and well-being.
3.Perceptions of romantic partners' responsiveness during a period of stressful uncertainty.

1.Combating the Sting of Rejection With the Pleasure of Revenge: A New Look at How Emotion Shapes Aggression
2.Awe, the Diminished Self, and Collective Engagement: Universals and Cultural Variations in the Small Self
3.Preemptive Strikes: Fear, Hope, and Defensive Aggression

1.Emotional Complexity: Clarifying Definitions and Cultural Correlates
2.Desired Emotions Across Cultures: A Value-Based Account
3.The Good and Bad of Ambivalence: Desiring Ambivalence Under Outcome Uncertainty

Paper selected

Schroeder J,Fishbach A, Schein al.(2017).Functional intimacy: Needing-but not wanting-the touch of a stranger.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 113(6):910-924

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