


线下  :  必须要有工商行政管理部门核发的营业执照,有税务部门的税务登记证,有卫生监督部门核发的卫生许可证,还要有健康证(卫生防疫部门经人员体检合格后发给)。 1、先去开店的所在地区或街道的工商所办理营业执照。 带上你的身份证,户口本、或居住证(或临时居住证),店面的租赁合同,照片,到当地工商局/所领取个体户设立登记表,一般三天左右就可以拿到执照。 2、 办理税务登记证。 因为是个体户,可以申请定额税,也就是每月不管营业额多少、不管开了多少发票,固定的交一定的税金。 流程:店的名称核准、 营业执照(工商)、税务登记证(税务所)、卫生证可证(食品卫生管理局)、 员工健康证(医院体检)等。 你去了工商所,所有注册经营的手续都有一份书面印刷品给你。

线上  :  工商行政管理部门核发的营业执照,有税务部门的税务登记证,有卫生监督部门核发的卫生许可证,还要有健康安全食品证。产品合格证。

2.阅读一篇以上ecommerce laws相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容

Your terms and conditions should outline that buyers are entering into a contract to when they purchase goods from your website. Outline the terms of delivery, shipping, refunds and payments, exclusions of liability and terms of use for your website. Finally, specify the choice of law and jurisdiction of wherever you’re based – this will shift the case to your own legal system, so you don’t find yourself negotiating some unknown foreign law interpreting your terms in the event of legal issues.

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While most transactions will be fine, a not insignificant percentage of transactions will be fraudulent. Fraud occurs when a buyer uses false details or someone else’s payment information to make a purchase. By the time they are found out, they’ve already disappeared with your product, and you could be left footing the bill. Some fraudsters also order products, say they never arrived and demand a refund, or chargeback their credit cards once the receive the products they’ve bought.

This can be extremely damaging for your business, especially given the often slim operating margins. You can protect yourself from fraud to a certain extent, but you probably won’t be able to avoid being targeted if you reach any scale. Your best option is to keep a record of all transactions and refund behaviour, and attempt to identify patterns that might give you a case against a particular customer. While expensive and uncertain legal routes are available, most ecommerce operators just take the hit and move on.

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Choosing a reliable payment processor can help weed out the fringes of fraudulent activity, but you also need to remain vigilant and monitor what’s going on in your business if you want to stay one step ahead.

Ecommerce Shipping and Delivery Policy

A clear, defined delivery policy is a must-have, so that customers know when to expect their products and how their packages will be delivered. You will need to specify the expected delivery timeframes and costs, as well as detailed terms on any shipping promotions. A number of merchants use shipping discounts and promotions to encourage a higher average spend – for example, free shipping on orders over £200. Policies like this can help squeeze extra revenue into the bargain.

By making your shipping information clear on your product pages, and within your terms and conditions, you can prevent any problems from arising with disgruntled customers. This means customers are more likely to understand the shipping terms you offer, with the security of their agreement to your terms in the event of disputes.

Ecommerce Refunds Policy

Refunds are an important part of building trust with customers, and you will hamper conversions if you don’t recognise that refunds will sometimes be required. It is wise to be liberal in your refunds policy, and you must refund cancelled purchases within the statutory ‘cooling off’ period – 14 days. You can ask the customer to pay the cost of returns, and you are entitled to expect goods to be returned to you in a merchantable condition.

Accepting that refunds are a natural part of the business, and responding promptly in handling refund requests will help assure customers that you care, while ensuring you don’t end up shy of consumer selling regulation.

Include your refunds policy prominently on your website, and certainly within your terms and conditions so that buyers can see what they are getting into. By getting the customer to read agree to these terms and conditions before their purchase, you can be sure they understand and accept the terms of refunds beyond their statutory rights.

You can keep refunds low by using better photos on your product pages, improving the accuracy of your descriptions, and making sure your products are well packages and promptly despatched. Try to make it easy for your customers to keep your product, by limiting the potential reasons they could request a refund.

Ultimately, refunds can hit your bottom line, and this can become a problem as you try to scale your shop if you don’t keep a grip on the reasons your customers are refunding. Track refund activity and the reasons for refund requests, so you can work on getting the percentage down.

Protecting Your Interests

Terms and conditions are essential for protecting your business, and possibly your personal, interests when selling online. In an ideal world, you would never encounter disputes or difficulties in ecommerce. In the real world, it’s an absolute guarantee with scale. By taking care over drafting your terms and conditions, and consulting a lawyer where the budget allows, you can clearly set out the terms of business, and secure agreement from your customers at the point the contract of sale is created.

Standard Ecommerce Terms and Conditions

There are a number of clauses that can be found in most terms and conditions, either by virtue of legal necessity or to protect the merchant in the selling process. The following is a non-exhaustive list of some of the things you might want to include within your ecommerce terms and conditions:

Information Commensurate with latest Consumer Contract Regulations: The latest Consumer Contract Regulations stipulate information that must be made clear to consumers purchasing online via your terms and conditions. These include your contact details, including clarification of your business identity, the products you sell, and how you can be contacted by your customers. This is not optional, so it pays to do your homework on what must be included when drafting up your terms and conditions.


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