英语如何说 “景色优美”才好?



spectacle、view、sight、vision和 scenery 都可以表示风景,但意义有点区别。


The scenery is really  beautiful.


2.Spectacle 壮观的风景

A magnificent spectacle spread itself out before the eyes of the travelers.


3.View 景色 一般指从一个特点的视点看到的景象

There 's a fine view of the lake from our hotel window.


4.Sight 景色、景象

We'd toured the sights of Paris.


5.Landscape 风景、风光

We indulged  in the beauty of the landscape .









这里,就用picture-postcard来表示 “如画的”美景。

out of this world:


out of this world形容景色等美得不属于现实世界一样。



an unspoiled place has not been changed in ways that make it less beautiful or enjoyable



a pretty place, building, or object is attractive, especially in a delicate way, but not really beautiful or impressive



a panoramic view allows you to see a large area of landor sea around you



a favoured place has qualities that make it attractive



not hidden by anything, so that you can see a long way

take my breath away:


to take one's breath away通常指被美丽的事物或人震撼到了。美得令人透不过气来。





how awestricken you were witnessing this out-of-the-world scenery



- The sun rays glint brightly in the clear waters.

- The sunset was glorious, all rosy and salmon-pink.

- The sun-lit sky and sea blend perfectly into each other.

- The awe-inspiring sun danced in from the horizon.

- Dews on the blades of grass sparkled in the sunlight.

- The high sunlit clouds drifted across a clear blue sky.

- A torch of fire started to light up the darkness around us.

- Basking in the golden rays, I hope to have a flattering tan.

- The unending bright sky was glorious luminous blue and pink.

- The sky was overwhelmed by crimson and amber-tinted clouds.

- The sun filtered through the clouds, signaling the end of the rain.

- It was a blindingly hot day and the humidity in the air was stifling.

- The whole landscape was bathed in the warm glow of the rising


- Palm trees swayed to the gentle breeze in the warm tropical


- The sun and the moon were visible in the clear blue early morning


- The sun shone brilliantly and the water in the pond glittered


- Windows threw wide in the hope of tempting in a non-existent


- A golden glow spread across the sky as the sun chased the dark

clouds away.

- As the sun set, the few thin strips of clouds on the horizon turned

shimmering gold.

- It was a lovely walk, with the sun setting behind the mountain in a

sea of liquid gold.

- From freezing night, it turned to scorching day as the sun climbed

towards its zenith.



Describe the most beautiful natural scenery you have ever seen.

Reference answer:

When  I was a university student, I went to a village which was the living place of my best friend's grandfather's house. It was in a remote area and the natural scenery I saw there was the most beautiful natural scenery I have ever seen. It was in (...say the name of a place...) and the small river, the hill, the green fields and the blue sky made a combination that I felt something out of the world. I saw it in one autumn evening when I went to explore the surroundings of the village. That was an awe-inspiring scenery that I will never forget. I saw this scenic beauty in 2011 and it was mid-autumn season then.

My friend, I and one of my friend's cousin were present at that time and I heard from my friend that his village was a very beautiful place. I could not believe how much beautiful it was until I saw it with my own eyes.

We left for the river in the evening and I was amazed to notice the hill and the sloping road track beside it. The river was flowing gently and the vast paddy fields were all around us. I heard the chattering of the birds in the green trees and the sound was creating a harmony in my ears.

To me, this was a truly amazing feeling to witness a natural scenery that could exist only in our imagination. I have seen many rivers, hills and paddy fields but in my friend's village, they were arranged in such a way which is only possible in an artist's picture. The blue sky seemed very nearer to the horizon and the vast green all around us make me feel like visiting in a fairy land.



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