MFS02 E18

S02 E18 

Morning, mom.

Good morning, puppy.

Hump day, am I right, Jay?

Your day ends at 2:30.

Can’t come fast enough. Quitting time. Am I right, Jay?

Let’s not make this a thing.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What is this? Where’s my soft-boiled egg?

I scrambled it. It’s good for u to try new things.

I don’t want to try new things. You can’t just spring this on me.

I have bad new, this is not the biggest curve ball that life is going to throw you.

Buddy, don’t close yourself off from new things. I ever tell you the story about me and crab cakes? Thought I didn’t like them, tried them, love them.

Are the movie rights available for that one?

Hump day驼峰日,星期三,一周中最难过的日子,但也是最充满希望的时日,过去了就是周末了


Can’t come fast enough.来的不够快

Quitting time下班时间


Soft-boiled egg 水煮蛋

Scramble 炒(蛋)

Spring on突然告知 

Curve ball曲线球;表示意外的东西 something that is unexpected or design to treat 

Close off隔绝;封锁

Crab cakes 蟹饼

Movie rights电影版权

Available for可供…之用的,有效期为,能参加(出席)…的

Who’s gonna do the dishes for the next week? Boy versus girls. Testosterone versus estrogen. Standing up to pee versus the squat。

phil, come on!


Swing and a miss. 击球失误 he’s in her head, Luke.

And boys rule and girls drool.

You drool all the time. Mom hand to take you to a specialist.

I’m still growing into my tongue. 我还在适应舌头尺寸

Hey, mom, can I go to the movies with robin.

No, you may not, ‘cause you are still grounded.

Then can I be sent to my room?

No. ‘Cause we’re having some fun family time. We’re gonna spend this beautiful afternoon outside in the fresh air, getting some exercise, okay?

Pitch it, Phil.

Oh, well.

That’s the game.

What do you mean? We jus started.

That was our only ball.

So what? The game’s over just because you’re afraid of stupid Mr. Kleezak?

Yep. I’m not going over there. That was fun.

Do dishes 洗碗


Testosterone [teˈstɑːstəroʊn]睾酮;睾丸素

estrogen  [ˈestrədʒən] 雌激素

squat 蹲坐,这里就是蹲坑。。。


Drool垂涎欲滴 淌口水

And boys rule and girls drool.男人的规矩 女人只有淌口水的份

Grow into 长得适合穿

Pitch 投球

If Hannibal Lecter and Freddy Krueger had a love child, he would be afraid of our nest-door neighbor.

I don’t have a mean thing to say about anyone, but Mr. Kleezak is… not e a nice person.

Easy. Honey.

Hey. Haley. 

Oh, hey, uncle Mitchell.

Hey, is your mom home?

no. she had to take Alex to the oncologist.

Oh, my god, what’s wrong?

She need new glasses.

Oh, did you mean optometrist?

Whatever. So, should I give her a message?

Yes, yes. Could u ask her if she could possibly babysit Lily on Saturday night? We’d really, really appreciate it.

Saturday night, we’re having  diner with Pepper, Longinus, and Crispin.

They’re gay friends.

I think that was clear. I’ve been spending a lot of time with a lot of straight people lately. And, darling, I need a night with my homies.

You mean homos.

Okay, yeah. You know what? Maybe you should stay in and babysit.


Optometrist [ɑːpˈtɑːmətrɪst] 验光师



straight people直男

Homies 哥们儿 同伴


Yeah, our babysitter bailed. And we’re kind of in a bind, so—

I can do it. I can watch Lily, I’m really good. I’m babysitting Luke right now.

Oh, yeah? You want to baby-sit lily. Oh, well, that’s very sweet, honey. But you’re a very popular girl. I’m sure you have better things to do, so—

Seriously, I’m totally free.很闲

babysitter 临时保姆

bailed 没有去做


Being grounded is so much worse that it was in the older days. Y friends text and Facebook while I’m stuck at home playing Jenga with my dad.

Are u serious?

You don’t even have to pay me. I promise I’ll take super good care of her.

Okay, well, that would be great. Thank u. Yes, well, we’ll see u on Saturday night. Bye sweetie.



Older days 过去, 古时候


What are u thinking?! Healey is a very sweet and fashionable girl, but seems hardly a responsible caregiver!

Well, you know what? We needed a sitter. She’s family. I say we give her a shot.

A shot? With our only child? Sure, why not? If something goes wrong, we’ll just pop over to the orient and grab another one.


Give a short试一下

Pop over (到…)去一下,作短暂的访问

Orient使适应,使熟悉(新的环境或行为方式)——拉丁语sol orient 旭日,land of the rising sun旭日之国, 欧美人称the orient为亚洲, 尤其指远东

The orient 远方


My name is Luke dunphy. I live nexs door.

What do u want? I want to get our ball from your yard.

I don’t want you messing around back there, just go home.

Are u going scuba diving? Why do u have that tank?

You being smart?

You mean in school? Well, I do okay. My teacher says I get distracted. Why do u have that tube in your nose?

For fun.

Rally? Can I try?

It’s oxygen.

We have that in our house. But we don’t need tanks.

Oh, for god’s sake, just get your ball.


Mess around乱弄;瞎摆弄

Scuba diving戴水肺的潜水;斯库巴潜水


Get districted分心;分散

Oh, my god. I was watching the news, and another flock of birds fell out of the sky dead. What is happening?

Sweetie, you got to stop watching the news.

That’s your big solution—embrace ignorance?

What are u two arguing about? Never mind. I don’t want to know.

Be back in a couple hours.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, where are you going?

To my friend Walt’s house to watch “High noon.”

Ooh, I love westerns— the bloodier, the better, that’s my favorite type of movie—that and anything set against the backdrop of competitive cheerleading.

Is Walt the one who’s always skateboarding.

No. Where would he put his oxygen tank?

Okay, now I’m really confused.

You sound like Walt. He get confused a lot. It’s hilarious.

Yeah, I went over to his house to get my ball, and we’ve been hanging out.

wait, are we talking about  Mr. Kleezak?

You were in Mr. Kleezak’s house? Luke, that is not okay.

Why not? He’s really nice and funny. Listen to this joke. Okay, two krauts walk into a bar.

Phil, this is not good. 

Honey, don’t jump conclusions.let him finish the joke. And one of them has a limp.

You may not go back to that man’s house.

Why not?

Because … he’s weird.

And not very nice.


That’s what you said about my friend Oliver.

Oliver who almost burned down our garage? He likes to melt stuff. Like you ‘re so prefect.

Luke, I’m sorry, but your mother and I just aren’t comfortable with this.

That’s so unfair. You don’t even know him ‘cause you’re two afraid to talk to him.

Buddy, we’re just looking out for u.

You never like any of my friends.

We’re doing the right thing.


aren’t we?

I don’t know. I mean, he makes a point. We don’t know the man, and little kids can be friends with old people, right?

Of course they can, there’s tons of examples.

“Up,” um, “ Gran Torino,” “True grit.”

Cartoon,  kills himself, she loses an arm. We’ve got to go talk to that guy.


Yeah. It’s so dark.


Fall out of 从…掉了下来

Get to开始

Embrace ignorance拥抱无知

Set against把…和…作比较;把…对照…来看


Competitive cheerleading美国学校的竞技啦啦队;技巧啦啦队;竞技拉拉队


Hilarious [hɪˈleriəs] 极其滑稽的

Hang out 闲逛,逗留;一起玩


don’t jump conclusions别妄下定论

Burn down焚毁;(使)烧成平地


Look out for 考虑…的利益;关照;关心;也就是对某人负责

Tons of 许多

Gran Torino [ɡræn tɔˈrinoʊ] 老爷车

true grit打底惊雷; grit勇敢

He makes a point.他说的有点道理

Okay, so, the numbers are by the phone. There’s food in the fridge. I just changed her diaper, so all you  need to do is put her down in about a half-hour, and not let a serial killer in the front door.

well, what if he’s cute?

Then save him for us.

Nobody in, nobody out.

Oh, we’re gonna be totally fine, you just go get your gay on.

Oh, it is on like Donkey Kong. Well, clearly it’s not on yet, but it will be. Thanks. So, okay, come on. Let’s go.


Serial killer连环杀手

get your gay on 去开始你的同志活动吧

Donkey kong大金刚

I‘m telling u kid, this is a concert you’re never  gonna forget. Greatest music in the world. Wait a minute. What’s this?

What do you mean?

What are we seeing?

The symphony “The four seasons.”

I thought we were seeing Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.

No. No, it’s Vivaldi.

Oh, crap. You mean nothing but instruments?

I’m out of here.

No, you’re not out, you’re in.

I hate this kind of music.

Jay, you always do that. Every time we try something new, your first reaction is always no.

It’s ‘cause I’m old enough to know what I like and what I don’t like.

What about the crab cakes?

That was a fluke. And I can’t slather that boring music in tartar sauce.

So I have to try new things, like scrambled eggs, but you don’t have to?

You see what you’re doing? You’re tearing this family apart.

Let’s take it down a notch. You two go in. Have a great time, I’ll see u later.

What are u going to do?

I’m gonna walk like a man, fast as I can. To that bar over there. And if you knew Frankie Valli, you’d be cracking up right now.

It’s okay.



Crap糟糕 鬼扯



Tartar sauce [ˈtɑːrtər sɔːs] 鞑靼酱,蛋黄沙司(常伴鱼一道食用)

Tear apart使起内讧;使分裂;离间

Take it down a notch 别说这个了

Crack up(使)大笑 

I’m telling you, John Schneider was the one!

John Schneider, form “The dukes of hazard”? 

That was your first crush? 首次来电

oh, my god, yes. Bo duke—delicious.

He was a redneck who drove a car called the general lee with a giant confederate flag on it. that wasn’t a turn-off for u?

But the heart wants what the heart wants.

Richard Gere.

Oh, my god. I’ll be the officer, don’t be a gentleman.

Montgomery Clift.


Don’t do that, Crispin. You’re not that young. Anyway, my crush was gay. At least I had a shot.

You had a shot with Montgomery Clift? How old are u?

I will cut you like it was nothing, farm boy.

Oh, see, I miss this.

Wait. What about u, Mitchelll?

Um, okay, well, I didn’t know it was a crush, because I was only 8 at the time.

I knew when I was 8.

Everyone knew when you were 8.

Longinus, get up. We’re switching seats.

Okay, okay, back to me, back to me, back to me. So, I had just seen “ST. Elmo’s fire,” And— oh, Mitchell, look, it’s your father.

Ooh. That’s your father? He’s cute.

Okay, can u please turn it off for one second?

Ooh, he’s all alone. Invite him over.

Yeah, that’s not something we’re gonna do.

Relax, your dad knows you’re gay.

He doesn’t  know I’m this gay.

Excuse us?

Oh, Mr. Pritchett!

Jay! Jay! Yoo-hoo!

He looks like that dentist you hooked up with in laguna.

Oh, yeah, that was in my daddy phase.

yes, please, keep this up. This is fun for me.

Fellas, how you doing?

Hey, dad.

Hi, Jay.

Hello, daddy.

What are u doing here?

I’m just getting a drink while gloria and Manny see a show.

Well, please join us.

No, I don’t want to intrude.

He doesn’t want to intrude.

You are not intruding.

I’m just gonna watch the game at the bar.

He just wants to watch the game at the bar, so…

Oh, sit down, we’re up by 25 with a minute to go.

Well, maybe just for a minute.


So, what does a guy got to do to get a drink around here?

Nobody say anything.就这么干坐着

Justin, more booze.

Oh, Mitchell was just about to tell us who his first boy  crush was.

No, no. I wasn’t.

Let me bring you up to speed.

Crishin’s was Joey McIntyre. Whoever that is.不管是谁 Longinus said John Schneider.

Your name is Longinus?

I know. I never stood a chance.我从未有机会被感化(stood a chance,有机会;Longinus刺伤了十字架上的耶稣,后来被圣血感化)

Cam’s was Richard Gere and I was Monty Clift.

Well, at least yours was gay. I mean, you might’v head a shot.(have a shot有机会)

Thank you.

Crispin, up. I’m sitting nest to this one.



联邦federation 邦联confederation

Turn off使人扫兴(或倒胃口)的事物;让人丧失性欲的事物

Let me have a shot at it至少我尝试了 have a shot

I will cut you like it was nothing, farm boy. 我要把你开膛破肚,仿佛你从未在世上存在过

farm boy农家孩子

switch seat 换座位

Invite sb over请(某人)过来

Hook up with 交流,沟通——勾搭

Laguna 泻湖;温泉盆地

in my daddy phase 在我恋父阶段

 I don’t want to intrude. 我不想打扰你们, 不想扫你们的雅兴

we are up by 25 with a minute to go.我们再待个25分钟就走了


Up to speed掌握最新情况的

She’s right there.

All right.

Mr. kleezak? It’s open. Honey, he’s not moving. Is he okay?

Well, there’s only one way to find out.

Okay, I don’t know If he’s breathing. Does he have a pulse?(pulse脉搏;脉动)

Well, there’s only way  to find out.

Would you stop pushing me? You do it.

I hate this. I’m gonna kill Luke. Oh, my god. He’s ice-cold.

I’m sorry. We thought there was something wrong with u.

We haven’t, uh, formally met. Phil Dunphy.

Yeah, I know u. You’re the guy who just broke into my house and fondled me.(fondle抚弄;爱抚)

No. No. We were just concerned that you looked dead. No offense.(无意冒犯)

Well, what are u doing here?

Oh, um, our son, Luke, told us that you invited him over to watch movies, and I’m sure you could understand why we would… be concerned about that.



You’re doing great.

Wait, are u saying that’s some kind of pervert?(pervert性变态者)


Probably… not.

Look, I isn’t ask him to come over here. I was minding my own business, like you should be.

(Mind my own business管好我自己的事;各人自扫门前雪 莫管他人瓦上霜)

But in all fairness, our son is our business.(in all fairness说句公道话;公平地说;公正地说)

Well, then, keep him. And keep your daughter from driving into my garbage cans.

Drive into (车)开进

garbage cans 垃圾桶

And keep your blinds closed when you’re doing your little sexy dance.

Blinds [blaɪndz] 百叶窗

Oh, god, he’s seen my sexy dance.

So I’m 12 years old I was staying over night at my best friend Jim’s house. And neither one of us want to go to sleep. 

I know where this is going.

You’re better than that, Crispin.

So, we sneak off to the movies, and we see this little picture called “Solomon and Sheba.” And Sheba was…

Gina Lollobrigida!


And for the rest of my life, I swore, one day, I would marry Gina Lollobrigida!

Well, dad, you kind of did.

I hear that! Mmm. These are good. What’s in them?

It’s a margarita with a shot of absinthe.

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.

ohh, are u making a bad pun or just lisping?

I can’t believe I drove all the way to the valley to pick u up.

Justin, more booze!

Sneak off to 偷偷溜去干XX


solomon and Sheba[ˈsɑːləmən ənd ˈʃibə] 国王与荡妇



make the heart grow fonder加深感情

a bad pun 蹩脚的双关语


Haley, hi. Is everything okay?

Yeah, why?

Because I just saw a man walk through the living room,

What? Where are u?

I can see through the camera on the computer.

You’re spying on me? Oh, my god. That is so lame.(蹩脚)look, I don’t know what you think you saw, maybe the TV, or the refection, or maybe you think that my body’s just shaped like a boy, like I don’t have hips or something.

no, no, no, no. you have a darling figure. I was just concerned that,

That hurts so much. This is like kind of thing that I expect from my mother, but not from my cool uncle, so thank u for all of your trust.

Okay, I’m sorry.

Unbelievable. You got to go.



Yeah, all right.

Thank you. Thank you.

Dad, I’ve never seen you sing before.

Well, you never saw me in the shower. And don’t anybody go there.

When I was 12 years old, my father walked into my bedroom and caught me doing the most embarrassing thing that a boy can do— dancing to Madonna’s “Lucky star.”  And from that moment on, there’s always been a part of me that I’ve kept from him. And yet, yeah, here he was, you know, laughing with my friends. And I don’t know, maybe the problem was me.

Rob Lowe.


No, no, Rob Lowe from “St. Elmo’s fire,” that was my crush. I loved him.

I get that. He was a good-looking kid.


Yeah. Hey, “Walk like a man”?

Well, I can sing it, but I can’t do it. I think I just broken something.



Keep from隐瞒


Please tell me that you have my shoes.

Why would I have your shoes?

Because I left then at your uncle’s house last night.

What? How could you leave without your shoes?

I got a lot of places without shoes. I’m not wearing shoes right now. Oh, wait. That’s cause I left them at your uncles’s house.

This is a disaster!

Well, maybe they’ll think they’re theirs.

They’re gay. They know what shoes they own.

Thanks a lot, Walt. You couldn’t be nice to my parents for two second, so now I’m not allowed to hang out with you.

What do you want from me?

I thought you were my friend. You promised to teach me how to grew tomatoes, and you were gonna take me for egg cream.

Forget it. You’re a little kid.

I don’t need the aggravation.我犯不着生气

oh, sorry I “Aggravated” you. And , just so you know, a lot of people think I’m adorable.

Egg Cream蛋蜜乳


I can’t open this.

Maybe if you have gone to the concert instead.

Could u open it, please?

I would, but I’m old enough to know that I don’t like opening aspirin bottles.

Hey, dad!

How do you guys do it? I thought cops could drink.(我醉得叫警察和我一起喝)

Listen, I just — I wanted to say I had such a good time with you last night, and I wanted to—

hey, hold on. I got a call waiting.


Woof, not a morning person. Good to know. Listen, I’m five away.(还有5公里?还是5分钟路?)

I hope you like blueberry scones and Dusty Springfield.

Who is this?

Pepper, silly. It’s gonna be a scorcher in the desert today. So dress accordingly. 今天沙漠会是大热天,所以相应少穿点

oh, this is your street. See u in a minute.


blueberry scones蓝莓烤饼

Dusty Springfield.达斯蒂·斯普林菲尔德

Scorcher 热天


Holy crap! That friend of yours , that Pepper. He’s on his way over here. why?

Well, you made a date with him last night. Don’t you remember?

I think I would remember if I made a date with a guy!

I’m telling you , I know a guy in Palm Springs who has every single vintage record known to man. I’m driving out there tomorrow. Come with me.

It’s a date.

All right.

I was drunk. I’m not going shopping with Priscilla, queen of the desert.

Okay, dad. Well, I’m feeling really good about our relationship, and I wanted to hold on to that for a little while longer, so I’m gonna go ahead and hang-up with you. Give pepper a big kiss for me.

vintage record古董唱片

known to man 人类已知的

Go ahead着手;开始做 

Gloria, now, listen. I know that you’re upset with me about that concert thing, and rightfully so, but you have to help me.

What is it?

It seems I made plans with Mitchell’s friend pepper.

That’s someone’s name? Pepper?

Yes, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There’s another guy named Longinus. But Pepper’s gonna be here any second. He’s gonna take me to Palm Springs to go shopping for records. Now, when he gets here, can you pretend there’s some kind of an emergency?  Can you do that, please?

iay, jay! I think you’ll have to take me now to the hospital. My head is in pain. Do you mean like that?

Yea, thank you. Okay, it’s showtime. And with this guy, I mean that literally.

I’m here. Oh, my god. What I could do with this house.(这个家无可挑剔)hello, Jay. Chop, chop— it’s a two -hour drive, not counting our stop at the outlet mall.

Oh, okay, um. Gloria, we’re leaving!

Hello. You must be Pepper.

My head.

What’s the matter, gloria?

Nothing. I just had a little ice cream, huh? He hasn’t stopped talking about you all day long.

You are stunning.

How rich are you?

Are you sure you’re right, gloria?

I feel great, mi amor. I’m so happy that he’s doing this with u, because I never get him to do anything different, like the Vivaldi, hmm? I thinks he likes you more than me. You two have a great time together.

All right, but we got to be back early, because, you know, I got that work thing.

No, no, I canceled everything, you don’t have anything. You spend all day long with him.

Wonderful. Well, shall we?

Oh, my god. Talluhlah! Oh! Don’t worry. She’ll stop yapping when she gets on your lap.


tip of the iceberg冰山一角


could do with 需要;渴望得到


outlet mall 直销中心,或者奥特莱斯




Alex, honey, come on. We’re gonna be late.

I herd of cows dropped dead for no reason. I’m not going anywhere. Get your affairs in order, people. This is the end.

Don’t be ridiculous. There’s nothing out there to be afraid of.

Mr. Kleezak. I’m not used to waking up with people poking me. i was startled, you know.

We’re really sorry about that. 

Yeah , well. These are onions from my garden.

Wow, thank you so much.

That is so nice.

Yeah, well, don’t go throwing any parades.

They’re onions. I used to be a fireman, you know. I don’t hurt kids.

Sir, would you like to come in?

Just tell the boy that “Shane” is on today at 3:00. He should watch it.跟孩子说一声, 今天三点开播《原野奇侠》

Maybe you could tell him yourself, he’s right upstairs. Hang on. Luke, honey, come on down! Your friend… Walt is here.

This is just so sweet.


Well, just don’t start dancing.



Get your affairs in order把事都料理好吧


don’t go throwing any parades.别吹嘘夸耀了

Shane 沙内《原野奇侠》

People can surprise you. You get used to thinking of them one way, stuck in their roles. They are what they are. And then they do something that shows you there’s all this depth and dimension that you never knew existed.

I was young at the time…

Are you talking about rob Lowe?

I’m just saying he’s a very versatile actor. I think his good looks actually held him back.(抑制了他的发展)

I can relate to that.我能理解

人们会给你惊喜。 你常用同一种方式看待他们, 将他们困在角色里。 他们就是他们自己。然后你从他们的所做所为中知道你从未发现的深度和广度



We need to talk. I know I freaked out on you last night, but you have to see it from my point of view. You were totally spying on me.

I know.

You were invading my first-amendment right to privacy.

You were.

I’m sick and tired of people not trusting me.

I get it.

And especially you guys. I don’t think of you guys as my uncles, I think of you as my friends. And if your friends don’r believe in you, then what else do you have?

Dylan’s shoes?

Please don’t tell my mom.

Buckle up.


first-amendment right to privacy.第一修正案赋予我的隐私权

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  • 序言:滨河连续发生了三起死亡事件,死亡现场离奇诡异,居然都是意外死亡,警方通过查阅死者的电脑和手机,发现死者居然都...
    沈念sama阅读 67,454评论 1 294
  • 文/潘晓璐 我一进店门,熙熙楼的掌柜王于贵愁眉苦脸地迎上来,“玉大人,你说我怎么就摊上这事。” “怎么了?”我有些...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 109,171评论 0 243
  • 文/不坏的土叔 我叫张陵,是天一观的道长。 经常有香客问我,道长,这世上最难降的妖魔是什么? 我笑而不...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 44,062评论 0 207
  • 正文 为了忘掉前任,我火速办了婚礼,结果婚礼上,老公的妹妹穿的比我还像新娘。我一直安慰自己,他们只是感情好,可当我...
    茶点故事阅读 52,440评论 3 287
  • 文/花漫 我一把揭开白布。 她就那样静静地躺着,像睡着了一般。 火红的嫁衣衬着肌肤如雪。 梳的纹丝不乱的头发上,一...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 40,661评论 1 219
  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
    沈念sama阅读 31,906评论 2 313
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我猛地睁开眼,长吁一口气:“原来是场噩梦啊……” “哼!你这毒妇竟也来了?” 一声冷哼从身侧响起,我...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 30,609评论 0 200
  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
    沈念sama阅读 34,379评论 1 246
  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 30,600评论 2 246
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 32,085评论 1 261
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
    沈念sama阅读 28,409评论 2 254
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
    茶点故事阅读 33,072评论 3 237
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 26,088评论 0 8
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 26,860评论 0 195
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 35,704评论 2 276
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 35,608评论 2 270


  • S02 E12 Honey, honey, look, look. She’s doing that thing ...
    c51ebd4f18de阅读 325评论 0 0
  • S02 E02 How could we don’t have the same number of contai...
    c51ebd4f18de阅读 515评论 0 0
  • S02 E13 Come on, let’s go. We’re gonna need a little more...
    c51ebd4f18de阅读 440评论 0 0
  • S02 E11 Good night, sweet pea. Good night, honey. Mitchel...
    c51ebd4f18de阅读 1,515评论 0 0
  • S02 E07 what are you doing? Shh. One of the smoke alarms ...
    c51ebd4f18de阅读 463评论 0 0