如何进行冲突、压力、时间管理3:积极方法和态度|课程:Conflict, Stress and Time Management

课程:Conflict, Stress and Time Management: apply to a customer support environment

今天探讨最后一部分内容:Stree and Time Management in Customer Service

1. 压力管理


"Challenge is a dragon with a gift in its mouth…Tame the dragon and the gift is yours." – Noela Evans, author

1)Sources of stress

unreasonable workloads and deadlines

conflict with coworkers or lack of coworker support

conflicting, confusing, or unclear communication, priorities, and responsibilities

uncomfortable or hazardous environmental factors

lack of job security, lack of control, or lack of participation in decisions

rapid changes for which workers are unprepared

2)Symptoms of stress

Stress is based in one of the most basic preprogrammed biological reactions. It is an evolutionary artifact known as the fight-or-flight response. 

rapid heartbeat and pulse

inability to think clearly or focus

exaggerated emotions


3)Reducing stress

By regularly recording information about the stresses you are experiencing, you can analyze the stresses and your reactions and then work to manage both.

The two levels at which stress can be addressed –internal and situational.


dealing with symptoms

Watch for signs of the fight-or-flight response. If you find yourself nervous, muscles tensed, and your heart beating fast, take steps to return to a calm state before dealing with the next caller. Make adjustments before your health and general welfare are affected.

improving your physical condition

Your physical condition – such as exercise and nutrition, including the avoidance of tobacco, alcohol, and excessive caffeine – impacts your energy levels, your ability to think, and your ability to deal with stress.

avoiding unrealistic expectations

You can only fit so much into one day. Unrealistic expectations set you up for failure and increased stress. Avoid perfectionism, don't be a workaholic, and don't obsess over unimportant details.

keeping things in perspective

Your current project or job may be very important to you, but your health, friends, and family are all more important in the long run. As author Natalie Goldberg said, "Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency."

maintaining a positive outlook

You can't control or change other people, but you can change how you react. Avoid taking things too seriously. Life is too short and too much of it is spent at work not to have a little fun on the job. Remember to reward yourself occasionally.

cultivating coworker support

Having coworkers you can get support and empathy from can be the best stress reducer. Just knowing that the support is available will help, so put some effort into having positive professional relationships.

taking a break

If you have a series of stressful calls, take a break and change your focus for a few minutes. Go for a short walk or go sit somewhere quiet and different from your work environment, such as a park or a cafe.

having a life

Remember that old adage about "all work and no play"? Try to give your life outside work its due. Get a pet. Have a social life. Enjoy a hobby. Be involved in your community. Strive for a true work-life balance.


Although reducing the situational aspects of stress depends greatly on job design and organizational action, an individual can do certain things to try to affect environmental factors – even though some of the actual decisions may be beyond your control as a CSR:

modify your job situation

If your job is too stressful, ask your employer about adjusting the job to match your capabilities.

If there are policies, procedures, or people inhibiting your ability to do your job, either talk to those involved or ask your supervisor to help resolve the problem. Suggest the appropriate organizational changes instead of just complaining.

control your workspace

Take control of your immediate work area. Make sure you have all the equipment and supplies you need. Ensure your chair, desk, headset, and keyboard are comfortable and ergonomically correct. Make sure you have enough lighting and that the room temperature is comfortable.

Cluttered workspaces add to existing stress and affect productivity and job satisfaction. Make sure the area is clean and organized.

reduce repetitive tasks

By nature, a Customer Service Representative's job is usually repetitive – whether answering customer questions, or addressing complaints and problems. But if there are opportunities to vary your routine and enjoy a mental break from your job, take them.

Reports may need to be compiled or analyzed, or committees organized to plan events. You may be able to cross-train for another area or perhaps help train new employees.

manage your time effectively

Effective time management means being organized, prioritizing, avoiding procrastination, and staying focused. Distractions such as phone calls and e-mails must not keep you from completing your daily tasks.

2. 时间管理

1)"Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent." – Carl Sandburg




attempting too much

interruption and distraction

2)Common strategies to manage time and overcome time robbers are

organizing:These four simple strategies can help to keep you organized

make lists

reduce clutter

put your files in order

plan each day's schedule:按照must do, should do and nice to do进行分类

doing it now:Certain strategies can help you break the procrastination habit, but first, you have to find out why you are doing it.

(Overcoming) Unpleasant Tasks

Fear of Failure

Overcoming Fear of Failure

Not Knowing Where to Start

Finding a Place to Start:如果不知道从哪里开始,那就从简单的或你了解的入手。

saying "no":拒绝打扰

staying focused:固定时间处理杂事,比如邮件、短信、微信、回电话等

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