


Once in a while, in long century periods, some vast new knowledge comes to the slowly unfolding race of man through cosmically-inspired geniuses, or men of supervision, who have an awareness of the reality which lies beyond this universe of illusion.


This new knowledge if of such a revolutionary nature in its time of coming that whole systems of thought, even unto entire cosmogonies, are rendered obsolete.

这种新知识在它的年代对整个思想系统以至于整个宇宙论太有革命性, 所以被放弃。

When each cosmic messenger gives such new inspired knowledge to the world, the whole human race rises one step higher on that long ladder of unfolding which reaches from the jungle of man’s beginnings unto the high heavens of ultimate complete Cosmic Consciousness and awareness of unity with God.


Thus it is that man has ever been transformed by the “renewing of his mind” with new knowledge given to him since hiss early beginnings, through the Mahabharata and Bhagavad-Gita of the early Brahmic days, through such ancient mystics as Laotze, Confucius, Zoroaster, Buddha, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Epicteus, Euclid, Mohammed, Moses, Isaiah, and Jesus, whose cosmic knowledge utterly transformed the practice of human relations of their day.


Then dawned a new day of the gathering of so-called “empirical knowledge,” which is gained through the senses by research and observation of effects of matter-in-motion rather than through the Consciousness of inspired Mind in meditation, which is the way that mystics and geniuses acquire their knowledge.


Since the days of Galileo this undependable method of gaining knowledge through the senses has served to multiply man’s reasoning powers by teaching him HOW to do marvelous things with electricity and the elements of matter, but not one great savent of science can tell the WHY-or the CAUSE—of his familiar effects.


If asked what electricity, light, magnetism, matter or energy is ,he frankly answers:” I do not know.”


If science actually does not know the WHY – or WHAT – or CAUSE –of these essentials, it necessarily follows that it is, admittedly, without knowledge.


It is merely informed – but information gathered through the senses is not knowledge. The senses sense only EFFECTS. Knowledge is confined to the CAUSE of EFFECTS.


The sense are limited to but a small range of perception of the EFFECTS which they sense, and even that small range is saturated with the deceptions and distortions created by the illusion of motion.


It is impossible for the senses to penetrate any EFFECT to ascertain its CAUSE for the cause of illusion is not within effect. For this reason the entire mass of co-called empirical knowledge which science has gained by reasoning through the senses if invalid.


Let us examine some of these conclusions which form the basis of scientific theory and see why all present theory is invalid, and why its entire structure has no resemblance to either Nature’s laws or its processes. I will now enumerate some of these unnatural theories.




1.The cardinal error of science lies in shutting the Creator out of His Creation.


This one basic error topples the whole structure, for out of it all of the other misconception of light, matter, energy, electricity, magnetism and atomic structure have grown.


If science knew what LIGHT actually IS, instead of the waves and corpuscles of incandescent suns which science now thinks it is, a new civilization would arise from that one fact alone.


Light is not waves which travel at 186,000 miles per second, which science says it is, -- nor does light travel at all.


The light of incandescent suns is but an effect of one of the two equally – opposed electric pressure conditions which interweave this universe into visible solids and liquids surrounded by invisible gases of space.


These two opposite electric conditions which form the basis of the constitution of matter are the compressed condition of gravity pressure and expanded condition of radiation pressure. These two electric conditions are the equal – and – opposite pressures which make motion imperative and without which motion is impossible.


The positive electric condition compresses large volumes of light-waves into small volumes by winding them up centripetally into spiral vortices by thrusting inward from without. That is what gravitation is.


The negative electric condition expands small volumes of light-waves into large volumes by unwinding them centrifugally into voiding equators where matter disappears. That is what radiation is. Radiation thrusts outwardly from within to depolarize matter and void motion.


The light of suns and the dark of spaces are but two opposite conditions of the same thing. They interchange constantly. Each becomes the other sequentially.


Science excluded God from its consideration because of the supposition that God could not be proven to exist by laboratory methods.


This decision is unfortunate for God IS provable by laboratory methods. The locatable motionless Light which man mistakenly calls magnetism is the invisible, but familiar, Light which God IS – and with it He controls His universe – as we shall see.

上帝被实验方法证明是不幸的。静止的光,人们错误的称为磁性是不可见的,但相似的,光就是上帝 – 上帝用光控制宇宙 – 如我们看到的。


Misconception of Electro-Magnetism

2.The Einstein theory of the constitution of matter conceives this universe to be “one great ocean of electro-magnetism, out of which –and into which – flow the streams of gravitation, matter and energy.”


Radiation, the equal-and-opposite mate of gravitation, without which gravitation is impossible, is entirely ignored in this fantastic and unnatural concept.


Equally fantastic is the claim of this theory that “it is possible to have gravitation without matter,”and “for space to exist without gravity or without matter.”


The weak point in this theory is the fact that electro-magnetism is not an existent force in Nature; nor are there electro-magnetic fields or magnetic fields. Wave fields are electric – exclusively electric.


Electricity is the only force which God makes use of create this universe.And the only two “tools” God makes use of for creating His universe of matter and motion are two pairs of opposed spiral vortices. One of these opposite pairs meets at apices at wave amplitudes to create spheres of matter and the other opposed pair meets at cone bases upon wave axes to void both matter and motion. ( See Figures 129 and 130,page 162)



These two pairs of opposed electric spiral vortices are the basic units which construct all matter. Together they form the electric waves of motion which create the various pressure conditions which are needed to produce the many seemingly different elements of visible and invisible matter.


Electricity is divided into two equal-and-opposite forces which thrust away from each other to build this polarized universe.


When inability to thrust away from each other takes its sequential turn in the pulse of the universal heartbeat, depolarization voids all opposition. Thus this universe consists of cycles of life followed by death –growth followed by decay, and generation followed by radiation – each expressed simultaneously and repeated sequentially forever without end.


That which science calls magnetism, and believes to be a force which has the power of lifting tons of steel, is God’s still Light which balances and controls the equality of electric division, but electricity alone performs all of the work of this universe. The magnetic Light which controls the universal balance performs no work whatsoever.


A bar magnet picks up nails because of the electric current which divided that steel into its activated polarized conditions, and not because of its focal poles of stillness which center its two activities. Even though the electric current has been withdrawn, the steel retains its electric activity for long periods and acts as though the current still remained.


Magnetic Light control might be likened to the rudder of a ship which controls the direction of the ship’s motion without in any way motivating that motion.


It might again be likened to the fulcrum which extends its power of expression through motion to a lever, without in any way acting to motivate that expressed motion of the lever.


God’s still magnetic Light is the fulcrum of this creating universe. Electricity is the two-way lever which extends from that fulcrum to give the universe its pulsing heartbeat of simulated life-death sequences.


Wherever God’s Light appears in matter, there stillness centers motion, but there is no motion at that point. The center of gravity in a spherical sun or earth is one locatable point where God’s Light is. Likewise, the two still centers of north and south spiral vortices are other locatable balancing points of control. Likewise, the shaft which connects all pairs of opposed poles is an extension of stillness from the zero of wave beginnings to the zero of wave amplitudes, and the return of motion to the zero of its beginning in the stillness of its borning place on its wave axis.


This is a universe of Light-at-rest from which two opposed lights-of-motion appear to manifest the IDEA which is eternally sealed in the Light-at-rest.



Misconception of Energy

  1. Failure to recognize that this universal body of moving matter has been created by some power outside of itself has led science to conclude that the energy which created matter is within itself. Even more erroneous is the conclusion that energy is a condition of matter, such as heat.


This fallacy has led to the conclusion that Creation will disappear when energy “runs down.” The first and second laws of thermodynamics are built upon this obviously wrong conclusion. The universe will never “run down.” It is as eternal as God is eternal.


This universe of matter-in-motion is a Mind-conceived, Mind-creating body. As such it is as much a product of Mind as a pair of shoes, a poem, a symphony, or a tunnel under a mountain is a product of the Mind which conceived it, and motivated the action which produced it as a formed body of matter.


The poem is not the poet, however, nor is the symphony its composer. In a like sense this universe if not its own Creator. Whatever qualities or attributes there are in any product-whether it be an adding machine or a universe-have been extended to that product by their creator to manifest qualities, attributes and energies which are alone in the creator of that product.


Nor is the IDEA which matter manifests within matter. IDEA is never created. Idea is a Mind quality. Idea never leaves the omniscient Light of Mind. Idea is but simulated by matter-in-motion.


IDEA never leaves its invisible state to become visible matter. Bodies which manifest IDEA are made in the image of their creator’s imaginings.


Every creation, whether of God or man, is an extension of its creator. It is projected from him by a force which is within its creator and not in the projected product.


All of the knowledge, energy and method of creating any product are properties of Mind alone. There is no knowledge, energy, life, truth, intelligence, substance or thought in the motion which matter is.



Misconception of Matter

4.Electric matter is but a mirror which reflects qualities outside itself to simulate those qualities within itself.


In the Mind of any creator of any product is the IDEA of the formed body which Mind desires to produce. Also the knowledge, energy and method of production are in the Mind of the creator of that product and not in the product. The architect dose not say that the energy, idea, or construction methods are in the temple of his conceiving, nor should man say that they are in the temple of God’s conceiving.


To thus claim that energy is a property of matter is to deprive The Creator of His omnipotence and omniscience. The entire universe manifests power, but the universe is not the power which it manifests.


Not one particle of matter which constitutes the material body of any product can move of itself. It can move only through desire and command of the Mind of its creator extended to it electrically.


The powers of “attraction” and “repulsion” which science mistakenly attributes to matter are electrical effects performing their one and only function of dividing an equilibrium into two opposing conditions, which extend equally form a dividing equator. The magnetic Light controls the balance of these two opposing conditions which interchange two ways in their endeavor to void their opposing conditions, but the stresses and strains which seem to make matter attract and repel matter are electric effects.


Electric effects of motion can be insulated from each other—but the magnetic Light of The Creator, which causes those effects, cannot be insulated from matter by matter.


All matter is electric. Electricity conditions all matter under the measured control of the ONE MAGNETIC LIGHT which forever balance the TWO electrically-divided, conditioned lights of matter an space.


Divided matter strains to find balance in the zero of equilibrium from which it was divided. The senses of man are mightily deceived by the illusions of appearance which cause him to conclude otherwise.


Newton’s apple was not attracted to ground by gravitation. The high potential condition of that solid apple sought a similar high potential condition. That is to say it “fell” toward the earth to fulfill Nature’s law of like seeking like.


Had Newton sat with the apple for a week or two he would have seem that same apple “rise” unto the heavens as a low potential gas seeking a like low potential position to balance its electrically-divided state. The “rising” of the decaying, expanding apple again fulfills Nature’s law of like seeking like.
All polarizing bodies add to their densities and potentials. The apple which fell to the ground was a polarized body. All polarized bodies must reverse their polarities and depolarize. They then lose their densities and potentials. The depolarized apple returned to zero of its beginning.


The Newtonian law is in this respect invalid because it accounts for but one half of the apple’s growth-decay cycle. This is a two-way universe of opposed effects of motion—not a oneway universe.



Misconception of Substance in Matter

5.Sense of observation has led to the erroneous conclusion that there are 92 different substances of matter.


This universe is substanceless. It consists of motion only. Motion simulates substance by the control of its opposing wave pressures of motion which deceive the senses into seeing substance where motion alone is. The senses do not reach beyond the illusion of motion,nor do those who believe that they can gain knowledge of the secrets of this vast make believe universe even faintly comprehend the unreality of this mirage of polarized light-in-motion which they so firmly believe is real.


Motion is two-way, forall motion is caused by the division ofan equilibrium, and its extension in two opposite directions to create the two opposite conditions of pressures necessary ta make motion imperative.


One of these two conditions of electric motion thrusts inward toward a center to create a centripetal vortice to simulate gravity. On the other side of the dividing equator, the other condition thrusts outward from a center to create a centrifugal vortice to simulate vacuity.


Moving waves of oppositely-conditioned matter simulate substance,but there is no substance to the motion which simulates IDEA in matter. If a cobweb could move fast enough,it would simulate a solid steel disc -- and it could cut through steel. If such a thing could happen it would not be the “substance"of the cobweb which cut through the steel -- it would be the motion which cut it.


Fast-moving short waves simulate solids,while slow-moving long waves simulate the gases of space which surround solids. Waves of motion are substanceless,however. They merely simulate substance.


Motion itself is controlled by the Mind of the Creator Who uses it to express His desire for simulating IDEA of Mind by giving it a formed body.There is no other purpose for motion.


Desire in the Light of Mind for creative expression is the only energy in this universe. All motion is Mind motivated. All motion records Mind thoughts in matter.


All matter is but pressure-conditioned motion. Varying pressure conditions yield varying states of motion.Varying states of motion are what science misinterprets as the elements of matter.


Varying pressures in a wave are tonal. In each octave wave there are four pairs of tones, each of which has the same relative position in its octave color spectrum as it has in its octaves of chemical elements.


Waves are, therefore, electric pressure-conditioned octaves of tones.


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