英语学习笔记 Fifty shades of blue

​​✸✸A CHEERgoes upas Jens Maier takes the podium at a packed sports club in Dresden. The Alternative for Germany (AfD) candidate for the Bundestag, Germany’s parliament,rails againstAngela Merkel’s refugee policies: “Who has to live with these ‘new citizens’? Whose children have to go to school with their children? Who produces the wealth theyfeed off?” Germany, he concludes, needs MPs “imbued witha sense of responsibility towards their own people” who can “show up the incompetent establishment”.

1) go up 英 [ɡəu ʌp]   美 [ɡo ʌp]  上升;响起;(幕布)升起;破产

I fancy Leicester to go up.


短语:go up to 英 [ɡəu ʌp tu:]   美 [ɡo ʌp tu]   入…, 进…

go up and down 英 [ɡəu ʌp ænd daun]   美 [ɡo ʌp ənd daʊn]  升降

go up in flames 毁于大火;突然地和完全的结束,破灭,毁于一旦

go up the ladder 英 [ɡəu ʌp ðə ˈlædə]   美 [ɡo ʌp ði ˈlædɚ]  爬得很高,飞黄腾达,官运亨通

2) rail against英 [reil əˈɡenst]   美 [rel əˈɡenst]反对…,严厉责骂…

Both rail against oil companies, drug companies, credit-card companies& the usual suspects.


3) feed off英 [fi:d ɔf]   美 [fid ɔf]依靠…提供的东西维持(生活),从…中取食

When fresh food and water are not available, the camel can feed off its hump.


4) imbue with英 [ɪmˈbju: wið]   美 [ɪmˈbju wɪð]灌输

About the Image-his image was a personal project, I wanted to paint an exotic open desertlandscape and imbue with a sense of mystery.


✸✸At the federal election in 2013 the just founded AfD narrowly missed the 5% vote share required to make it into the Bundestag. Since then it has ditched free-market Euroscepticism for anti-Islam nationalism as its guiding ideology. Though it has fallen back from highs of around 15% in polls following the refugee crisis, its strategy of polarisation and provocation has allowed it to reach popularity ratings of around 9% today. If that holds, the AfD would win more than 60 of the Bundestag’s 600-odd seats at the election on September 24th.​

​ ​✸✸Candidate lists suggest that members of such a Bundestag group will be “very loud and mostly from the right wing of the party”, observes Melanie Amann, a journalist and expert on the party. It would probably be dominated by Alexander Gauland (pictured), the traditionalist whose vision of the AfD as a pure-protest outfitprevailed overmoreconciliatoryalternatives at its annual conference in April.

1) prevail over 英 [priˈveil ˈəuvə]   美 [prɪˈvel ˈovɚ]  战胜; 压倒;<正>打败;覆盖

Political and personal ambitions are starting to prevail over economic interests.


2) conciliatory 英 [kənˈsɪliətəri]   美 [kənˈsɪliətɔ:ri]  adj.调和的;安抚的;说服的;调解的

The next time he spoke he used a more conciliatory tone


✸✸The party’s record in state parliaments is another indicator. It now has seats in 13 of Germany’s 16 states. According to a study by the Otto Brenner Stiftung, a thinktank, AfD MPs are typically noisy andfractious, but legislatively active. In SaxonyAnhalt they are sovolatilethat the speaker has had a button installed enabling him toswitch offtheir microphones. The AfD’s legislators in Baden-Württembergfell outand split into two rival parliamentary groups, an illustration of the furious battles over ideology and power that rage between different wings. The researchers found that the party’s MPs submit motions at a relatively high rate, most often on matters like crime and migration.

1) fractious 英 [ˈfrækʃəs]   美 [ˈfrækʃəs]  adj.易怒的,急躁的

Nancy was in a fractious mood


2) volatile 英 [ˈvɒlətaɪl]   美 [ˈvɑ:lətl]  adj.易变的,不稳定的;(液体或油)易挥发的;爆炸性的;快活的,轻快的

There have been riots before and the situation is volatile


短语:volatile matter 英 [ˈvɔlətail ˈmætə]   美 [ˈvɑlətl ˈmætɚ]  挥发物

volatile content 英 [ˈvɔlətail ˈkɔntent]   美 [ˈvɑlətl ˈkɑnˌtɛnt]  挥发物含量

volatile market 英 [ˈvɔlətail ˈmɑ:kit]   美 [ˈvɑlətl ˈmɑrkɪt]  不稳定的行情

volatile memory 英 [ˈvɔlətail ˈmeməri]   美 [ˈvɑlətl ˈmɛməri]  非永久性存储器,易失存储器

3) switch off英 [switʃ ɔf]   美 [swɪtʃ ɔf]关闭;切断;(使)没兴趣;使停止谈话

She switched off the coffee-machine


4) fell out英 [fel aut]   美 [fɛl aʊt]争吵,发生

She fell out with her husband


✸✸Most mainstream members of the Bundestag will shun their new AfD colleagues. In some state parliaments some MPs even refuse to shake hands with the party’s representatives. In March the Bundestag moved to pre-emptively block Wilhelm von Gottberg, a 77-year-old AfD candidate, from assuming the honorary title of “father of the house” by changing the definition of the term from “oldest member” to “longest-serving member”. Whether being spurned by the establishment will hinder or help the party is debatable.​

✸✸Will the AfD change Germany once it is in the Bundestag? Fully 93% of Germans (and 64% of the party’s voters) say they have not noticed its impact in state parliaments. Yet its presence may require the next federal government to build broader coalitions of mainstream legislators to pass contentious laws. And ministers might word legislation on sensitive topics more loosely to avoid conflict, suggests Ms Amann. That Mrs Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) are now talking tough on security anddecking outtheir campaign with the national flag is an early hint of the AfD’s indirect influence.

1) deck out 英 [dek aut]   美 [dɛk aʊt]  妆饰;打扮;装扮

The cab was decked out with multi-coloured lights


​ ​✸✸It is not unthinkable that the AfD might one day enter government. (The equivalent of a CDU-AfD coalition may run Austria from October.) But to get to that point the AfD mustreconcileits big internal differences, marginalise its hardliners and find a balance betweenprovocationand respectability. Joining the Bundestag may make those tasks harder, not easier.

1) reconcile 英 [ˈrekənsaɪl]   美 [ˈrɛkənˌsaɪl]  vt.使和好,使和解;调停,排解(争端等);[宗]使(场所等)洁净;[船]使(木板)接缝平滑

It's difficult to reconcile the demands of my job and the desire to be a good father


2) rovocation 英 [ˌprɒvəˈkeɪʃn]   美 [ˌprɑ:vəˈkeɪʃn]  n.挑衅,挑拨;激怒,刺激;愤怒;愤怒的原因

He denies murder on the grounds of provocation


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