
英文 中文
The band booked a five-state tour... 乐队准备进行五州巡演
And I think I want to go. 我想一起去
I remember when we were together, she said 还记得我们当初在一起时
she never wanted to get married. 她说她永远不想结婚
What do you mean, together? 什么意思你们在一起
We dated for two months-- two months, 我们只交往了两个月就两个月
- when I was 19 years old. - You've been spending -当时我才十九岁-你每个礼拜
three nights a week 都有三个晚上
at rehearsal till 11:00 at night with guy Shh... 和这家伙排练到深夜十一点
and you think that I didn't deserve to know 而你觉得我不应该知道
that you had a history with him? 你和他的过去吗
Why didn't you go to her show tonight? 那你今晚为什么没去看她演出
- First of all, it was two hours away... - Yeah-- -首先去演出场地要两小时车程-没错
it's two hours away. 只是两小时车程
What the hell are you doing, Jack? 你到底在干什么杰克
What are you doing, Jack? 你在干什么杰克
Jack? 杰克
Yeah, I'm just making sure everything's 我就是最后检查一遍
in tip-top shape, Mrs. Peabody. 确保万无一失皮伯迪夫人
So, the filter-- 过滤器
it just wasn't on right-- thank you-- so I reset that. 之前没装好谢谢所以我重装了
Shouldn't have any more oil leaks. 应该不会再漏油了
You'll-you'll be good to go. 应该没问题了
- Oh, thank you, Jack. - You're welcome. -谢谢你杰克-不客气
I don't know why my husband loved that thing so much. 真搞不懂我丈夫生前为何那么喜欢这玩意
Something's always wrong with it. 总是出问题
Maybe I should just sell it. 我不如直接卖了吧
Oh... You watch your mouth, Mrs. Peabody. 可别这么说皮伯迪夫人
This is a Super Sport. 这可是超级跑车
You cannot sell a 1967 Chevelle Super Sport. 1967年版雪佛兰超级跑车可不能卖
All right. All right, I'll keep it. 好吧好吧我留着
Here you are. 给你
I'm sorry I can't offer you more, 很抱歉我只能给你这些
but since Hank passed 汉克去世后
- I have to be so careful... - Come on now, it's... -我花钱得小心点...-您太客气了
I appreciate it. 非常感谢
But if... You know, if you have friends 不过您要是有朋友
that need any work done or anything, 需要人帮忙干活什么的
just send 'em my way. I-I can do carpentry, 让他们联系我就行我会木工
dry walling, electric, you name it. 无浆砌墙电工什么都可以
- I'll send anyone and everyone I know your way. - Thank you. -只要是我认识的都会推荐给你-谢谢
I appreciate it, Mrs. Peabody. 非常感谢皮伯迪夫人
How did you come back from Vietnam so nice? 你从越南回来怎么状态这么好
Seems like most of the boys lose their damn minds over there. 好像大多数人去了之后都会受到精神创伤
Yeah, well... 这个嘛
I was just a mechanic. You know, maybe... 我只是个机修工也许...
maybe we had it a little easier over there. 也许我们经历得比较少
Wish I had a granddaughter for you. 真希望我有个孙女能介绍给你
Wait a second, now. 等一下
I know a girl I think you might like. 我知道一个女孩你可能会喜欢
My best friend's granddaughter. 是我好朋友的外孙女
Oh, Jack, she's the sweetest thing. 杰克她特别甜美可爱
I'm not... I'm not really one to be set up, Mrs. Peabody. 我还没做好成家的准备皮伯迪夫人
What are you doing Friday night? 你周五晚上有安排吗
You'll take her out? 能不能约她出去
Oh, it would make me so happy. 我会非常开心的
Good. 太好了
I'll call you to confirm. 晚点我再打给你确认一下
You'll thank me. 你会感谢我的
She's a total knockout. 她可是个大美女
- Kathryn, how's the wedding planning going? - Slowly. -凯瑟琳婚礼筹备如何了-进展缓慢
I want to serve Lobster Newberg, 我想用纽堡酱龙虾招待客人
but Edward is obsessed with beef Wellington. 但爱德华坚持要用惠灵顿牛排
I think because his parents served it at their wedding. 我想是因为他父母的婚礼上选用了这道菜
Oh, come on. That's kind of cute. 得了吧这挺可爱的啊
No, it is. 确实
He's cute. 他很可爱
Um, have you decided 对了你考虑好
if you're bringing anyone to the wedding? 是否带男伴来参加婚礼了吗
My planner keeps asking me. 婚礼策划人一直问我这事
I'm so sorry. Yeah, probably not. 我很抱歉应该不带人去了
But it's okay-- you can just put me at the table 不过没关系你可以把我安排在
with the spinster aunts and the reject cousins. 未出阁姑姑和光棍表亲那一桌
Please do not set me up. 拜托别给我介绍对象
Let me set you up. 我给你介绍个对象吧
I'm sorry, it's just that everybody wants to set me up 不好意思所有人都想给我介绍对象
for some reason-- 也不知道为什么
my mother and my grandmother 我妈我外婆
and my grandmother's friends, and I'm fine. 连我外婆的朋友都是但我现在挺好的
There's nothing wrong with me focusing on my career, you know? 我潜心事业也没什么不好的不是吗
- You mean the singing? - Yeah. -你指唱歌吗-是啊
I mean the singing. 指的就是唱歌
You do know that things are actually 你们知道目前我的事业
going pretty well for me right now, right? 发展得很好对吧
I sing at open mics every Friday and Saturday night 我每周五周六晚上都在镇上不同的酒吧
at different bars around town. Yeah. 现场演唱很棒吧
And I just recorded a demo. 而且我还刚录了样带
Yeah. My cousin who works for Elektra Records 不错吧我表哥在埃莱克特拉唱片公司工作
promised that he would have them listen to it. 他答应会让唱片公司的人听听我的样带
So, things are going well for me. 所以我的事业进展得不错
- You know? - Yeah. -不是吗-是啊
What? 怎么了
Rebecca, we are so happy 丽贝卡我们很高兴
things are going so well for you. 你的事业发展得很好
- Thank you. - We are. -谢谢-真的
I mean, you're the only one of us 你是我们当中唯一一个
doing anything even remotely exciting. 事业稍微有点激情的人
But becoming a successful singer? 但成为一名成功的歌手
The odds are like one in a million. 机会依然十分渺茫
It's like what Edward says about stocks. 就像爱德华对股票的说法一样
He's in finance. 他是搞金融的
Yeah, we know, Kathryn. 我们知道凯瑟琳
- It's just... it's too risky to just buy one thing. - Yeah. -孤注一掷风险太大了-对啊
You also have to diversify. 你还得有多手准备
You have a beautiful voice, Bec. 你嗓音很美小贝
And maybe you're gonna be the next Carole King. 也许你会成为下一个卡罗尔·金[著名女歌手]
But what if you're not? 但要是失败了呢
Don't you think that you should diversify, 你不觉得自己该准备条后路吗
just in case? 以防万一
Excuse me. 劳驾
Get a Bud, please, and a bourbon back. 一杯百威和波本威士忌谢谢
Come in. 请进
Wow, you look great. 你看起来美极了
I look like a mom playing dress-up. 我就像个盛装打扮的老妈子
Not like any mom I know. 哪有这么漂亮的老妈子
- Ben, there are a lot of people out there. - I know. -本外面的人好多-我知道
No, like, a lot of people. 不简直是人山人海
Like, more people than I've sung in front of in 15 years. 比我唱了十五年歌见到的观众加起来还多
I should be watching E.R. 我本该在看《急诊室故事》的
Sorry? 什么
I... Three months ago, 我...三个月前
if I was up past 9:00 on a Thursday night, 我周四晚上要是超过9点还没睡
it's 'cause I was watching E.R., and now 那肯定是在看《急诊室故事》可现在
I'm about to go out and perform in front of more people 我却要走上台当着比我十五年演唱生涯
than I have in 15 years, and I have kids. 见到的观众都多的人表演而我还有孩子
I have multiple kids, Ben. 我有好几个孩子本
- I have no business being on stage and... - Stop, stop. -我的事业根本不在舞台上...-冷静点
Take a breath. 深呼吸
Listen to me. 听我说
E.R. is a repeat tonight. 今晚的《急诊室故事》是重播
Shut up. 得了吧
You okay? 好点了吗
Oh, I think so. 好像是的
I think I am, yeah. 应该还撑得住
Sorry. 对不起
What the hell was that? 你这是什么意思
- Wh-What the hell are you doing? - Sorry. -你在搞什么鬼-对不起
Sorry, sorry, I thought... 抱歉我以为...
- What the hell were you thinking, Ben? - I... -你到底在想些什么本-我...
Is this why you asked me to join the band? 你要我重回乐队就是打这主意吗
- No. - 'Cause you... -不-因为你...
No, of course not. 当然不是
He was right. 他是对的
Of course he was right. 他当然是对的
- Rebecca, let's just forget it. - God, Ben, -丽贝卡别放在心上-天啊本
why did you have to do that? 你为什么要这么做
Yo, can I get one more of these? 能再给我来一杯吗
- Yeah, no problem. - Thanks. -没问题-谢了
Ten? Damn it. 十点了可恶
Hey, sweetheart. 宝贝
Find a job yet? 找到工作了吗
You know, uh... had two jobs today. 今天干了两单活
- Fixed Mrs. Peabody's car and I... - Yeah, I mean-I mean -修了皮伯迪夫人的车还...-我是指
a real job, with a salary. 真正的工作有工资那种
You know what, I'm-I'm making money 不用操心我会挣钱
and I'm paying you rent. 付给你房租的
Can't buy a pack of smokes with your rent. 你的房租连包烟都买不起
Let's all raise a glass to my unemployed 28-year-old son... 这杯敬我们28岁了还没份工作的儿子
who's probably gonna live in my attic till the end of time. 他这辈子或许都将在我的阁楼里度过了
Yeah, you know what, drink up. 'Cause God forbid 是啊干了吧因为上帝不会允许你
you go a night without finishing the entire bottle, huh? 没喝完一整瓶就睡觉的对吧
What'd you say to me? 你说什么
Nothing. 没什么
That's my boy. 这还差不多
Hey, you've reached Jack, Rebecca, Kevin, 这里是杰克丽贝卡凯文
Kate and Randall. Go ahead and leave us a message 凯特和兰德尔的家有事请留言
and we'll call you back. 我们会给你回电
Jack, are you home? 杰克你在家吗
Oh. I was hoping you would be there. 真希望你在家
I miss you. 我很想你
And I wish you were here. 真希望你在这儿
Or I wish I was there. 或者我在家也好
I love you. 我爱你
And I'll call you later, okay? 我过会儿再打给你好吗
Bye. 再见
She's a beauty, isn't she? 很漂亮对吗
She really is. 确实是
I mean, can't you just see it, Darryl? 你难道看不到吗达里尔
Pearson and McGee Auto Body Shop. 皮尔森和麦吉修车厂
How much money did you make today? 你今天赚了多少钱
I got a few bucks for mowing Ms. Lipman's lawn. 我给李普曼女士剪草坪挣了几块钱
- Yeah? - Yeah. -是吗-没错
And I'm still after that grocery store to pay me 然后给那家杂货店修排水沟的工钱
for fixing their gutters. 他们还没结给我
You? 你呢
Uh, I made five bucks fixing Mrs. Peabody's car. 我给皮伯迪夫人修车挣了五块钱
We're never gonna have enough. 我们这辈子也挣不够
God, I got to get out of that house. 见鬼我必须离开那个家
Got to get my mom out of that house. 我得把我妈从那里接出来
You know what? 你知道吗
Enough of this crap. 不想这些烦心事了
We're gonna make it, D. 我们能行的小达
We're good guys-- we deserve to make it. 我们是好人我们一定能行的
Hey, what about... 对了
what about that poker game that your cousin plays in? 你表哥不是玩过一个扑克游戏吗
No. It's too dangerous. 不行风险太大了
How do you know it's too dangerous? 风险大不大你怎么知道
It's a card game. 玩扑克牌而已
I'm telling you, the guys that run it, 我告诉你开赌局的那些人
- they're bad guys. - Yeah, well, -都不是什么好人-没错
you know what the bad guys never see coming? 你知道坏人永远料不到什么吗
- The good guys. - The good guys. -好人-好人
Find out when the next game is. 问问下次赌局是什么时候
Hey, excuse me. 打扰一下
My wife, she's in one of the other bands-- 我老婆她是一支乐队里的成员
do you know where I could go find her? 你知道我怎么能找到她吗
Got no idea, pal. 不清楚哥们儿
No? Okay. Good. 不知道吗好吧
"No idea, pal." "不清楚哥们儿"
Hey! Hold up, man. 不能进伙计
I'm going to find my wife. 我去找我老婆
Hey, Bec? 小贝
Bec? 小贝
Becca? 小贝
Hey, Rebecca? 丽贝卡
Becca? 小贝
- Bec... - Oh, Jack. Jack, Jack. -小贝-杰克杰克
- Hey, easy. - Hey, where's my wife? -冷静点-我老婆在哪
He's with us. It's all right. 我们认识没关系
I asked you a question. 回答我的问题
- Where's my wife? - I don't know. -我老婆在哪-我不知道
She was... she was just in the dressing room. 她...她刚才还在化妆间
- I'm going to go find her. - No, no, no, no. -我要去找她-等等等等
- Wait, wait, wait, wait, Jack, - Don't touch me. -等等杰克-别碰我
- Jack, buddy, buddy... - Don't touch me. -杰克伙计-别碰我
- Okay, you're drunk. - Don't touch me. -你醉了-别碰我
All right? All right? 好好
This is... this is a big night for us. 今晚...今晚对我们很重要
Oh, "For us"? "对你们"
Oh, come on, man, don't do this. 拜托伙计别这样
Look, I don't know what she told you, 听着我不知道她跟你说了什么
- but don't punish her because I crossed the line. - Hey, Bec? -别因为我的越界而惩罚她-小贝
What'd you say? 你说什么
Jack... 杰克
Hey, hey, man! 住手
Come on. 别这样
Jack? 杰克
Come on. 快住手
Jack! 杰克
Okay. Yeah, okay. 好吧好吧
Okay. 好的
Okay. It's okay. 好了
- Bec... - No. -小贝-别说话
What do you want to do here? 你想怎么处理
Want us to call the cops? 需要报警吗
No. 不用
All right, come on, pal, you're done. 好的走吧没你事了
- I'll be right out there. - No, you... -我一会儿出去-不你...
- stay, you stay. - I will be right there. -留下你留下吧-我马上出去


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