2019-05-18 writing

2019.5.18 Writing

1. Prewriting 的四个步骤

a.    审题:社会现象和社会人群

b.    Brainstorm

c.     Evaluation

d.    各种组织方式:ABC 折中分情况

关键是发展:a. 例证法

b. 让步

如何写主题句(四个部分):a.连接词 b. topic word c.分论点focus  d.判断词

2. 写主题句的注意事项

1)     直白,避免谚语和哲思

2)     包含topic words,换词正确

3)     主题句是概述总结,不是细节展开

4)     主题句是结果,不要写成过程

5)     不能有观点的重合或包含关系

6)     注意各种组织方式的连接词

7)     一个主题句只能有一个focus,即一段说一件事

8)     (只能是观点不能是事实)

3. P14页改错

a.    功能上能不能做为topic sentence

b.    语法错误

1.    1) 谚语不能做主题句,带隐含意义的词太多


2) Topic word错误,outdoor activities  sports and social activities

  Introduce sb. sth. 

3) 举例分析,过于细节

2.    1) 缺乏topic word,没有时间限定,改为a better materialized life today makes

2) 主句和从句颠倒

“which make our life easier than before”这个包含主题句信息的应该做为主句,


改为:Furthermore, the rapid development of technologies, which affects the world

in an incredible way, makes our life easier than before.


和题目easier and more comfortable 重合

3.    1) 不能先铺垫


  ‘risk’ 改为risks

4.    1)高工资的好坏







连接词错误:改为On the one hand, on the other hand 

语法错误:1)risk改为risks; 搭配不对,选择高工资的人得到高质量的生活而不是

高工资本身;删掉“also”,没有not only时不能搭配but also

2)peaceful life 改为a peaceful life; 

后半句改为‘but it is hard for people to become big potatoes’

5.    1)缺少topic word,改为much food today

quality 改为qualities 


  added 改为are added 

  Chemical substance 改为Chemicals 

6.    1)说出topic更好; 删掉because之后的内容,只保留结果

  ‘Terrible condition’太general,不要使用,改为challenges/difficulties/obstacles

2)连接词错误:’conversely’改为in addition

  ‘Hard-working’ 改为hard work

  ‘rare’ 不能搭配‘happiness’

4. 含有绝对词的题型

All, must, the best, the worst, only, always, any

2015.04.28 NA

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Allschool teachers should be required to take courses every five years to 

update their knowledge.


1)      让步式:例内(缺反:暗示下文)+例外+例外

2)      一边倒:例外+例外+例外

3)      分情况

ü First of all, for primary school teachers, they don’t need to update their knowledge that frequently.

ü Besides, for middle school teachers who have already kept up with the development of their field, they don’t need to take courses to update their knowledge.

ü Finally, for college teachers who do cutting edge research all day long, they don’t need such courses either.

练习:P17 3.

ü Admittedly, significant improvements for the quality of people’s lives have taken place.

ü However, some critical problems still persist in. Some lethal diseases like cancer cannot be addressed.

ü Besides, environment pollution is another key is science and technology should keep working on.

5. 议论文的本质

ü 一类社会现象发生在一类社会人群当中

ü 为什么会发生

ü 一定是因为这类社会现象满足或破坏了这类人群的什么需求

ü 所以,归根结底,议论文考察的是你是否了解人类到底有什么需求


6. 八心八箭

ü 从人群的经济行为,经济条件,和经济需求(money)

ü 从人群的时间安排去考虑(Time)

ü 从人群的性格发展需求去考虑(Mental:interest,pressure,sense of achievement)

ü 从社会现象对人群的健康影响去考虑(Physical---medical)

ü 从人群的能力发展需求去考虑(ability)

ü 从人群的人际关系发展需求去考虑(p-2-p relationship)

ü 从社会现象对人群周边的自然环境影响去考虑(environment)

ü 从社会环境对社会人群的影响去考虑

(social condition:education,technology,government)


P  T


练习:P16 2.

ü To start with, it is fairer for the government to invest more money on young children schooling, part of the compulsory education system.

ü Besides, the same amount of investment could have a wider coverage for children than for university education.

ü Granted, universities also deserve more fund from the administration --- Nevertheless, donations from alumni are instead their main financial source.










7. 写作结构

ü Introduction (1 paragraph)

-       General information

-       Make your thesis statement in the end

ü Body (3 paragraph)

-       Transition + TS 1 + supporting idea 1 + CS1

-       Transition + TS 2 + supporting idea 2 + CS2

-       Transition + TS 3 + supporting idea 3 + CS3

ü Conclusion (1 paragraph)

-       Restate your thesis in different words at the beginning

-       Step further


ü 最主要的是最后一句话:thesis statement,表明自己的立场和观点

ü 吸引读者,让读者对你的文章产生兴趣

ü 好的开头,对写好文章非常重要

ü 40 字左右,3~4句话


ü General information

-       铺垫,引出作用

-       使得主题句的直接表达不那么突兀

ü Thesis Statement

-       回答task,表明自己的倾向或观点

-       暗示下文


l 介绍背景(包含社会现象)+ 改写题目+ 作者观点





A much debated issue these days is whether citizens should take private health insurance or not. The cost of providing free medical care for both the wealthy and the poor is far too great for any government, and most people agree that if you can pay for insurance, you should. In this essay, I will argue that all who can afford it should buy their health insurance themselves, but free medical care must be made available for those too poor to do so.

With the sluggish economy and increasingly fierce competition, more people are concerned about college students’ employment. Thus, here arises a debate whether schools should offer students job preparation. From my perspective, schools should take such initiative, because job-related training is rewarding to students, schools, and potential employment.

l 介绍背景(包含社会现象)/改写题目+ 双方(反方)对立观点+作者观点

Many communities have been debating whether or not police officers should carry guns. In some situations, guns protect the police officer as well as the public. However, guns often result in injuries and death. In my opinion, no police officers should ever carry a gun.

Independence! Who doesn’t want independence? But the bigger question is how much of independence is being discussed here? Generally, when teenagers grow up, their need and habit of living change. Some would like their parents to be in control of the major decisions of their lives, while on the other hand, some would not like their parents to be involved in any sort of decision-making process of their lives. In my opinion, the young adults should always consult their parents as their guides. I will try to demonstrate my point in the following paragraphs.


ü Recent survey has suggested that…

ü The last decade has seen/witnessed a great change/boom in…

ü The perennial question about… has been rekindled.

ü Recently the topic/phenomenon that… has been brought into focus/public attention.


ü A hot-button issue these days is whether …

ü Here arises a debate whether…

ü When it comes to / As for the issue whether…, there are never short of discussions and arguments.

ü Some people claim that…, while others suggest that… As far as I am concerned, …

ü I run decidedly in favor of the latter opinion.


130414 ML = 120420 NA

Which of the following three factors contributes to an enjoyable vacation most?

1 Good food 2 Good location 3 Good friends

Going on an enjoyable vacation is always a pleasant thing, but people do have different views when talking about what makes a vacation enjoyable. Some people claim that tasty food and good locations are the most influential factors; however, I usually attribute the enjoyment of my vacations to good friends.


090530 ML

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children (aged from five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history.

extracurricular activities

Nowadays, an increasing number of parents are discussing the necessity to take courses in arts. Whether arts education is mandatory for students in addition to math, science and other courses has aroused a wide discussion. From my perspective, exploring art and music are just as important for a child’s development as studying the main subjects.











Some teenagers today say that they think that wives should earn money and that husbands should help with child care and other household tasks. Recent studies indicate that 13 percent of teenage boys would prefer a wife to stay at home while 96 percent of the teenage girls surveyed wanted to work outside of the home. However, couples who marry today may have grown up in very traditional households and therefore may find it difficult to accept wives of equal, not greater job ____ status.


My fourth-grade teacher, Miss Vela, was not a big woman. She was about five feet tall and was no longer young. Even though she did not look very strong, she never had trouble controlling all her students. She could quiet us down with just a stare. We always wanted to make her happy because we knew how much Miss Vela cared about us. She expected us to do the best we could, and we all tried our hardest. Therefore teachers play an crucial role in the society and should receive the same payment as the entertainment____.



ü 最主要的是第一句:Thesis statement 的改写

ü Short but necessary, 读者此时已经明白你的观点,留出时间proofreading, 或者进一步展开Body

ü 30 字左右

ü 不要出现新信息


1.    总结全文

2.    重述论点和理由

或者Step Further




To sum it up, it is very good idea to ask for parents guides, and is never a bad idea to give up a part of independence for a better future.

Among the three factors, I believe that good friends contribute much more to an enjoyable vacation than the other two. I do not care where to go or what to eat, but I do care about who is with.

From what have been discussed above, we may easily tell that the quality of students’ social activities is much more important and influential than that of meals, so schools should spend more money with more important respect.


From what have been discussed above/ From the analysis above

Taking all the ideas above into consideration, we may reach a conclusion that…

In conclusion/ In summary/ To sum up/ In a word

Based on the aforementioned statements and examples,

 it is significantly critical for sb. to do sth.



ü 一个小的细节,小的例子或者画面

ü 名人名言或者小段的引用

ü 逸闻趣事

ü 诙谐的评价


The most important thing to realize is that we all have many teachers in our lives. Where would we be without our parents, teachers, and our peers to guide us? What would we do without books, newspapers, and televisions to inform us? All of them are very valuable.

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