

Boris Berezovsky

The archetypal oligarch

A still unexplained end to a dramatic life

Mar 30th 2013 | MOSCOW |From the print edition


The Kremlin will need to find someone else to demonise

IN A Russian film, “The Oligarch”, the alter ego of Boris Berezovsky escapes death and returns to Moscow in a cavalcade of limousines with flashing lights, looking for more adventures. The life of the real Berezovsky, a renegade oligarch exiled to Britain, ended on March 23rd on a bathroom floor of his house in Ascot. He was said to be depressed, financially ruined—and desperate to return to Russia.

“There is nothing I want more than to return to Russia…I lost the meaning…I am 67-years-old and I don’t know what to do next,” he told a journalist from the Russian-language edition of Forbes, an American publication, a day earlier. According to the Kremlin, Mr Berezovsky had recently written a repentant letter to Vladimir Putin, whom he had helped to become president 13 years ago and who had kicked him out immediately afterwards.

The cause of his death is unclear. A bodyguard who discovered Mr Berezovsky said the bathroom door was locked from the inside. There was no sign of struggle or forced entry into the house, the police said. The post-mortem examination showed the cause of death was “consistent with hanging”. Apparently a scarf was found next to Mr Berezovsky’s body. Whatever the cause, this was a dramatic end to the dramatic life of one of the most colourful figures in modern Russian history.

It was a life that Mr Berezovsky had constructed himself, scheming, calculating and miscalculating. A mathematician by background, Mr Berezovsky specialised in the theory of decision-making and in optimisation, using maths to model how choices are made. He applied those models to his life, and even to the country, as though it were a chessboard on which he moved the main pieces. He fancied himself as the chief manipulator of Russian politics: not the country’s most prominent politician, but the puppet-master of the politicians. He cherished his image as the ultimate oligarch. He cultivated the myths about his influence and power and exploited them to obtain real power, money and influence. A man of demonic energy, he was ubiquitous.

As an archetypal oligarch, he provided rich material to writers and film-makers. By the time he left Russia in 2000, the line between the real man and the mythological character had become blurred. Mr Berezovsky did not protest, and even borrowed part of the name of his film character for his British passport. His image as a supreme fixer made it easy for the Kremlin to demonise him; and thus his death has deprived Russia’s leadership of its most useful enemy.

Mr Berezovsky epitomised the 1990s with all the opportunities, ruthlessness, colour and individualism of those years. He thrived on uncertainty and crisis, surviving several assassination attempts, and expanded his influence. He took advantage of the chaos that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union and the inadequacies of the market economy. Unlike other Russian oligarchs who wished to own their assets and be able to pass them on, Mr Berezovsky did not formally own much of what he controlled. He operated not through share registers, but through people he appointed as managers of his key enterprises.

Mr Berezovsky saw money not as a goal in itself, but as a by-product of his main activity: scheming and playing politics. The process was as pleasing to him as the result. Like an alchemist, he turned personal connections into money and money into influence. Having made his first fortune by selling cars, he got to know the future son-in-law of Boris Yeltsin, Russia’s first president after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and thus entered the circles of power. Mr Berezovsky paid for the publication of Yeltsin’s memoirs and regularly delivered the royalties from sales in other countries—whether real or not, nobody knew.

He persuaded Yeltsin and his family to hand him effective control over Channel One, Russia’s main television channel, promising to turn it to their service. He then convinced the Kremlin to sell him and his partners Sibneft, an oil company, at a knock-down price, in order to finance Channel One, which he used as a blunt and effective tool of propaganda. “I never saw the media as business, but as a powerful instrument in a political struggle,” he said in one television interview. He also deployed Channel One in his wars with business competitors.

In 1996 Mr Berezovsky got Russia’s seven oligarchs to rally behind Yeltsin, throwing their financial and media resources into his re-election. A few years later, Mr Berezovsky played a key role in choosing Yeltsin’s successor and used his money and television to propel Mr Putin to the presidency. He publicised his influence so openly that it was, perhaps, inevitable that his protégé would turn against him. Mr Berezovsky was persuaded that emigration would be wise. Having disposed of him, the Kremlin adopted his methods, including the use of television.

As an exile in London, Mr Berezovsky tried to seek revenge, but his belligerence only played into the Kremlin’s hands. His last gamble was a legal suit over a $5 billion claim against a former business partner, Roman Abramovich. A High Court judge in London found Mr Berezovsky “an unimpressive, and inherently unreliable, witness” and ruled against him. The verdict left him with multimillion dollar legal bills—and psychologically crushed.

It was not so much the loss of money that destroyed Mr Berezovsky, but the loss of the game of which he thought himself a master. Like the chess grandmaster Luzhin in Vladimir Nabokov’s “The Defence”, who abandons the game by jumping out of the bathroom window, Mr Berezovsky may have felt he had run out of moves.

From the print edition: Europe

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