
Statute n.


1. 英文释义

A law passed by a legislative body; specif., legislation enacted by any lawmaking body, such as a legislature, administrative board, or municipal court.

"[W]e are not justified in limiting the statutory law to those rules only which are promulgated by what we commonly call ‘legislatures.' Any positive enactment to which the state gives the force of  a law is a 'statute.' whether it has gone through the usual stages of legislative proceedings, or has been adopted in other modes of expressing the will of the people or other sovereign power of the state. In an absolute monarchy, and edict of the ruling sovereign is statutory law. Constitutions, being direct legislation by the people, must be included in the statutory law, and indeed they are examples of the highest form that the statute law can be assume. Generally speaking, treaties also are statutory law, because in this country, under the provision of the United States Constitution, treaties have not the force of the law until so declared by the representatives of the people." William M. Lile et al., Brief Making and the Use of Law Books 8(Roger W. Cooley & Charles Lesley Ames eds., 3d ed.1914).

2. 中文释义





act or  legislation is interchangeable as a synonym.  三者可互相替换


affirmative statute n. 确认性法律

"A law expressed in positive terms to require that something be done; one that directs the doing of an act. Cf. negative statute.


amending statute n. 修正性法律

remedial statute n. 救济法令

1) "Any statute other than a private bill; a law providing a means to enforce rights or redress injuries."

2) "A statute enacted to correct one or more defects, mistakes, or omissions."

=beneficial statute; curative statute; remedial law

codifying statute n. 编纂法规

"A law that purports to be exhaustive in restating the whole of the law on a particular topic, including prior case-law as well as legislative provisions." Cf. consolidating statute

consolidating statute n. 法律合并法、统一法规

“A law that collects the legislative provisions on a particular subject and embodies them in a single statute, often with minor amendments and drafting improvements."



"A consolidating statute is one which collects the statutory provisions relating to a particular topic, and embodies in a single Act of Parliament, making only minor amendments and improvements.

A codifying statute is one which purports to statute exhaustively the whole of the law on a particular subject( the common law as well as previous statutory provisions)"

declaratory statute n. 解释性法律

"A law enacted to clarify prior law be reconciling conflicting judicial decisions or by explaining the meaning of a prior statute."


directory statute n.  指导性法律、指示性法律

"A law that indicates only what should be done, with no provision for enforcement.


Cf. mandatory statute; permissive statute

disabling statute n.  剥夺资格法

"A law that limits or curbs certain rights."  限制或除去先前存在的权利之法规

=restraining statute    Cf. enabling statute

general statute  n.  普通成文法、一般制定法

"A law relating to an entire community or all persons generally."=public statute

organic statute n. 组织法

"A law that establishes an administrative agency or local government."


penal statute n. 刑法 =punitive statute, penal law, criminal statute

permanent statute n. 永久性法律= perpetual statute  Cf. temporary statute

prospective statute n.  无追溯力的法律、适用于将来的法律

quasi-statute n.  准法规

"An executive or administrative order, or a regulation promulgated by a governmental agency, that has the binding effect of legislation."

revival statute n. 恢复效力法

"A law that provides for the renewal of actions, of wills, and of the legal effect of documents."


special statute n.  特别法 =private act; private statute; special legislation

( 来源:Black's Law Dictionary,《元照英美法词典》)

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