



www.5-2-4.com www.zhou-wen-jun.com

Chief Designer:Zhou Wen Jun

Design Firm: Zhou Wen Jun Design Ltd;

524 Art & Design Ltd; 524 Architecture & Design Ltd; 524 Sci & Tech Ltd.

项目时间及地点:  Project Duration And Location:
2018.5-2018.10 北京市 长安街东南 建国门内大街 中粮广场
Beijing | Chang An Avenue | South East | Jian Guo Men Inner Street | Zhong Liang Plaza.

项目面积: Project Area:
China Innovative Capital (ZhongXinRongChuang) HQ, 1260 square meters.

标签, 关键字: Tags / Keywords:
周文君设计、资本集团、女性董事长、蒙德里安、抽象、黄金比例、办公空间设计、空间艺术、艺术空间 Zhou wen jun design, Capital group, Chairwoman, Mondrian, Abstract, GoldenRatio, Office space design, Space art, Art in space

设计灵感: Design Inspiration:



Chairwoman, the top decision maker at China Innovative Capital, is an outstanding female leader. Often, female decision makers or female investors are misunderstood as tough, cold, and masculine.

Zhou Wenjun and his design team, In order to eliminate this impression, decided to combine the image characteristics of the capital company and the unique temperament of the leader to create an office space more suitable for the chairwoman and the team she leads. In the special space of the chairwoman, Design team tried to use the means of design to highlight her characteristics: she has affinity and patience, and she is also good at communication and cooperation. The special customized design of the chairman's office focuses on creating an artistic, international, elegant and atmospheric office space that is both warm, comfortable and practical. The design of the reception hall, public space, meeting room and open office area pursues simplicity and lightness, which is suitable for the characteristics of the firm's stable and trustworthy style.

项目描述:Project Description:


Zhou Wen Jun led the design team to customize the chairwoman's office to echo the characteristics of female leaders. With light rose champagne as the main tone, the use of Mondrian abstract works of art logic, to the overall design. Clever use of design techniques, the abstract art and concrete space of smallpox, facade wall, hidden wall cabinet and so on, creative integration design together, forming a coherent space and overall effect; Flexible distribution of copper veneer, rich visual experience, and enhance the artistic ceiling modeling; The unique customized invisible wall cabinet integrates multiple functions such as water dispenser, power supply, bookcase and storage cabinet. The soft film ceiling of different scales is distributed at random and designed in key areas to strengthen lighting requirements. The lighting system can be divided into three lighting modes to meet the needs of different atmospheres and effects.


The concierge area consists of elegant white marble, fish-belly white marble white walls and pure white stone ground composed of simple and elegant space; The front desk is composed of marble and brass blocks shaped by golden section. In the public exhibition area, the elegant wood decorative surface metal plate is selected as the gallery wall. The magnetic adsorption of the wall is added in the design to show the investment layout of China Innovative Capital. The brand images of various fields and enterprises invested in can be displayed completely and intensively. Conference interior custom design cabinet, cup and certificate display cabinet hidden in the six through the high width of the glass whiteboard formed by the sliding cabinet door, variable cabinet is also able to write map wall, increase practicality while ensuring the concise atmosphere of the overall effect; The office of male President, tonal whole composed atmosphere; Each area of the office space is perforated by equally wide metallic lines of brass and champagne gold.

制作工艺、实现技术 (及材料): Production or implementation technology (and materials):

Diatomooze, Brass, Soft membranes,mallpox, Champagne gold stainlesssteel, Themarble, Marblewall, Marblefloortile, Real wood floor, Solid wood veneer, carpet, Magnetic display wall

作品IP/图片/照片版权: Copyrights of  Works Image / Photos:
周文君 ZhouWenJun、524studio.com、zhouwenjun.com
保留所有权利 All rights reserved.

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524设计机构官网: www.5-2-4.com  周文君设计公司官网:www.zhou-wen-jun.com

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