
In July2016, a knife attack in Japan killing 19 people sent shockwaves across thecountry.


This wasthe largest mass killing ever seen in Japan’s modern history.


In fact,over the last 60 years, japan’s violent crime rate has steadily declined, andtoday, the country has one of the lowest homicide rates in the world.


So whyis it that japan is so safe?


Well,many attribute the low rate of crime to the low rate of gun ownership.


Accordingto separate reports by the University of Chicago and the United Nations, justone in 175 households in japan own firearms, compared to the United States,where it is one in three.


This islargely because japan makes purchasing a gun extremely difficult.


Mostfirearms are illegal, as the country’s 1958 weapons control law states that “Noperson shall possess firearms or swords” and even exceptions to this law areheavily regulated.


Accordingto the Atlantic, buying a gun in japan requires a rigorous background check, screeningsfor mental illness and sobriety, as well as an all-day class ending in awritten exam.


What ismore, gun owners must provide law enforcement with the exact location of theirweapon and ammunition, both of which must be locked and stored separately.


Gunowners are even required to retake the class every three years, and hand overtheir weapon to police for annual exams.


Othercredit japan’s safety to a highly efficient criminal justice system.


Policeextract confessions from 95 percent of those arrested, and according to theirown data, solve 98 percent of homicide cases.


Theconviction rate is also reportedly very high at 99 percent as juries do notexist. But japan’s criminal justice system is not perfect.


Courthousesare understaffed and judges are reportedly promoted according to the speed bywhich they process cases.


Thispressure to convict provides the illusion that every crime is investigated andsolved, but many allege that the system does not paint an accurate picture ofviolent crime rates in japan.


This isall against the backdrop of japan’s uniquely non-violent culture, whichstrongly emphasizes honor and politeness, and considers anger and aggressionshameful, even childish.


Someexperts link this to the aftermath of world war two, when japanconstitutionally and philosophically rejected violence after being victim totwo nuclear attacks.


Soonafter, the crime rate began to steadily drop, and today Japanese men commitroughly a tenth of the homicides than they did in the mid 20thcentury.


Thereare a slew of other reasons why the Japanese are, for the most part, abiding bythe law.


Someexperts point to the country’s low rates of poverty, unemployment and drug use.


But it’slikely that not one but a combination of these factors that make japan one ofthe safest countries in the world.


Butwhile japan is safe, it is also home to one of the largest criminalorganizations in the world: the Yakuza.


Find outjust how powerful the Yakuza really is by watching this video.


Withmore than 50000 members spread over 21 independently run cartels, the Yakuza isone of the most powerful mafia like groups in the world, their largest and mostwell-known syndicate is yamaguchi-gumi. In 2014, this faction to gain 6.6billion dollars.





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