

一. 文件和目录类

1.1 File exist 文件已经存在

[root@oldboy ~]# mkdir   /data   /wenjian
[root@oldboy ~]# mkdir   /data   /wenjian  
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/data’: File existsmkdir: cannot create directory ‘/wenjian’: File exists

无法 创建 目录 因为这个目录已经存在

1.2 No such file or directory 没有这个文件或目录(这个东西不存在)


[root@oldboy ~]# mkdir  /oldgirl
[root@oldboy ~]# cd oldgirl-bash: cd: oldboy: No such file or directory

mkdir命令本身问题:mkdir 命令默认只能创建1层目录 创建多层报错


[root@oldboy ~]# mkdir  /data/oldboy/wenjian/
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/data/oldboy/wenjian/’: No such file or directory



[root@oldboy ~]# ls /oldboy/oldboy.txt
[root@oldboy ~]# touch /oldboy/wenjian/alex/oldboy.txt
touch: cannot touch ‘/oldboy/wenjian/alex/oldboy.txt’
: No such file or directory



2、目录不存在 先创建目录在创建文件/

1.3 command not found 命令找不到(没有这个命令)

[root@oldboy ~]# mkdiy-bash: mkdiy: command not found



1.4 invalid option 无效的参数(不可用的参数)

[root@oldboy ~]# touch -p /oldboy/oldboy.txt
touch: invalid option -- 'p'Try 'touch --help' for more information.

1.5 overwrite 覆盖

cp 复制如果已经存在这个文件会提示是否覆盖

[root@oldboy ~]# cp  /oldboy/oldboy.txt   /tmp/cp: overwrite ‘/tmp/oldboy.txt’?

1.6 remove regular empty file 是否删除普通文件(空的)?

[root@oldboy ~]# rm   /oldboy/oldboy.txt
rm: remove regular empty file ‘/oldboy/oldboy.txt’?

1.7 is a directory xxx是一个目录

rm 默认无法删除目录

解决:加上-r 或-rf

[root@oldboy ~]# rm /data/
rm: cannot remove ‘/data/’: Is a directory

vi命令中 使用vi编辑目录也会报错

"/oldboy"E502: "/oldboy" is a directoryPress ENTER or type command to continue

1.8 descend into directory 是否进入目录

[root@oldboy ~]# rm -r /data/rm: descend into directory ‘/data/’? yrm: remove regular empty file ‘/data/oldboy01.txt’? nrm: remove regular empty file ‘/data/oldboy02.txt’? nrm: remove regular empty file ‘/data/oldboy03.txt’? nrm: remove regular empty file ‘/data/oldboy04.txt’? nrm: remove regular empty file ‘/data/oldboy05.txt’? nrm: remove regular empty file ‘/data/oldboy06.txt’? nrm: remove regular empty file ‘/data/oldboy07.txt’? nrm: remove regular empty file ‘/data/oldboy08.txt’? nrm: remove regular empty file ‘/data/oldboy09.txt’? nrm: remove regular empty file ‘/data/oldboy10.txt’? nrm: remove directory ‘/data/’? n

1.9 Invalid level 无效的层数,层数必须大于0


[root@oldboy ~]# tree  -L -F 2 / tree: Invalid level, must be greater than 0.

1.10 Can't open file for writing 无法打开这个文件

vi中 如果目录不存在就会提示

"/oldbyo/oldboy.txt""/oldbyo/oldboy.txt" E212: Can't open file for writingPress ENTER or type command to continue

1.11 No write since last change

E37: No write since last change (add ! to override) 粘包赖(你修改了内容就无法使用:q退出 需要使用:q!

1.12 xx column window is too narrow 窗口只有xx列太窄了,无法完全显示

这是w的坑 空间太小施展不开.

[root@oldboy-lnb ~]# ww: 39 column window is too narrow

二. 网络连接类

2.1 远程连接错误 Connection Failed 连接失败


[c:\~]$ Connecting to not connect to '' (port 233): Connection failed.Type `help' to learn how to use Xshell prompt.


[c:\~]$ telnet 233 Connecting to not connect to '' (port 233): Connection failed. #233端口没有开启Type `help' to learn how to use Xshell prompt.


[c:\~]$ telnet 22Connecting to established. #端口开启To escape to local shell, press 'Ctrl+Alt+]'.SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4Protocol mismatch.Connection closed by foreign host.Disconnected from remote host( at 12:22:54.Type `help' to learn how to use Xshell prompt.[c:\~]$

2.2 yum安装软件故障提示 Could not resolve host无法解析主机

Could not resolve host无法解析主机


http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos/7.6.1810/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] curl#6 - "Could not resolve host: mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn; Unknown error"Trying other mirror.

2.3 yum安装软件提示:Nothing to do (没事做)



Package tree-1.6.0-10.el7.x86_64 already installed and latest versiontree软件包已经安装并且是最新版本Package 2:vim-enhanced-7.4.160-5.el7.x86_64 already installed and latest versionPackage 1:bash-completion-2.1-6.el7.noarch already installed and latest versionNothing to do


[root@oldboy-lnb ~]# yum install treea -yLoaded plugins: fastestmirrorLoading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirror.lzu.edu.cn * extras: mirrors.nwsuaf.edu.cn * updates: mirrors.nwsuaf.edu.cnbase                                                                                              | 3.6 kB  00:00:00     extras                                                                                            | 3.4 kB  00:00:00     updates                                                                                           | 3.4 kB  00:00:00     No package treea available. #没有找到叫treea的软件包Error: Nothing to do

2.4 Name or service not known 域名无法识别(无法上网)




[root@oldboy ~]# ping baidu.com ping: baidu.com: Name or service not known  域名无法识别(无法将域名---->ip地址)

三. 修改系统基础配置类

3.1 重启网卡报错 device not present

[root@oldboy ~]# systemctl restart network Job for network.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status network.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.


Apr 01 15:31:05 oldboyusd.1 network[7816]: Bringing up interface etho:  ERROR     : [/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth] Device  does not seem to be present, delaying initialization.Apr 01 15:31:05 oldboyusd.1 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth[8019]: Device  does not seem to be present, delaying initializatio

3.2 修改主机名过程中,命令行中主机名没有变化

1# hostname命令修改主机名(临时 重启服务器之后失效)

[root@oldboy ~]# hostnameoldboy
[root@oldboy ~]# hostname oldboy-lnb

2# 修改文件内容(写合同 永久 重启服务器之后生效)

vim /etc/hostname  oldboyedu59-lnb

3# 检查

[root@oldboy ~]# hostnameoldboy-lnb
[root@oldboy ~]# cat /etc/hostname oldboy-lnb



[root@oldboy-lnb ~]#
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