英语文本 - 技术词汇

1 专业词汇

loosely coupled, decoupled

integrate - extensive library integrations

effective auto configuration

downside - 不利的地方 Config Server

service registry and discovery

unified program model and rapid application development capabilities

reroute API request to the service instances

standalone applications - monolithic

soft skills

Presentation skills

Communication skills

Collaboration skills

Management skills

2 Tell me about yourself

I've been leading one of the fastest growing eCommerce platform projects, have extensive experience migrate old tech projects.

I have been contributing myself on web applications design and development. As you might know through my resume, I led the developing of eCommerceplatform for a small business from scratch to serve thousands of B2B users andmore B2C users,

I led the efforts on migrating monolithic Lenovo Hybris eCommerce site to Spring stack microservices based site,

then evolved to Dubbo Service Oriented distributed system platform to save millions $ cost and standardized ,

now the platform down and still have highreliable and high scalable platform to sell laptops, servers etc. to schools, governments,hospitals, retail companies, small business and personal users, not to mention thatwe built the standard process for research and design, develop, deploy andmaintain software for eCommerce team, and a lot of efficient developers grow up,which could develop features to cover functions/features

I have extensive applications development skills and experience, from design to develop, from test to CICD stuff

I want that time to be put to good use in a position that is challenging, a position where I will be kept busy,

and for a company like yours that has a reputation for innovation and achievement.

Excellent understanding of JAVA 8 capabilities, lambda, extensive experience with spring modules, including IOC, MVC(Rest), SpringBoot along with other core components like ...

3 After you tell me about yourself, you need to highlight

I have full system development lifecycle experience, had shown success on leading in different projects, and also ability to quickly and thoroughly learn and apply new technologies

I am interested in the role because I see a lot of low-hanging fruit where I could come in here and make a big impact quickly;

My specialty is building processes from the ground up. So I would be playing to my strengths

4 why do you want to leave your current role?

I have enjoyed working for my employer and they haven been very supportive.

I learned a tremendous amount in the position and the company was very supportive, I feel I have reached my full potential for my current role

and I am now looking for a new challenge where my skills and qualities will be put to good use.

I am actively looking for ways to improve myself, and I will put the extra effort to leads myself to higher achievements

I wanna keep moving forward. I want to work for a company where you will have more opportunities, the opportunities to work on new

and exciting projects and tasks with different team members.

5 tough question

turn everything into positive.

You believe in their mission and value.

I am actively looking for ways to improve myself, and I will put the extra effort to leads myself to higher achievements

I want to take the best practices of an established corporation and apply those learnings to the new project

youself, company, and match each other, the role would benefit both the company and myself

6 Salary question

I am very open into negotiation, but my top priority is finding the right fit, so once we find that, I'm happy to discuss salary

I am grateful for the offer, thank you so much for investing the time and the resources throughout the process to meet with me to chat with me,

I really love getting to know you guys, I did a little bit of research, is slightly below that,

is there anyway that we could possibly make up the difference?

8 好问题

what do you like most for your position and work for the company? which part of company culture you like most?

what exactly are the tasks and responsibilities that I'll be doing on a day to day basis?

QUESTION TO ASK NUMBER 1. How do you see the company evolving over the next five years?

QUESTION TO ASK NUMBER 2. What could I do in this role to help you achieve your vision?

QUESTION TO ASK NUMBER 3. What’s the culture like within the company?

can you explain the job in your own words ?

how do you measure success in this role?

what have been the biggest challenge in this role?

why did you join the company and is this experience what you expected ?

How has your role evolved and how has the company evolved during your time here ?

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