






奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统呼吁向奥运会展示最好的美国(3)_英语演讲 - 可可英语

In our Olympians, we recognize that no one accomplishes greatness alone.  奥运会让我们认识到,没有人单打独斗能成就伟大。

Even solo athletes have a coach beside them and a country behind them.  每个运动员身旁都有教练,还有他们身后的祖国。

In a season of intense politics, let's cherish this opportunity to come together around one flag.  在激烈的政治季,让我们围绕奥运大旗珍惜这个机会。

In a time of challenge around the world, let's appreciate the peaceful competition and sportsmanship we'll see,  在全世界面临挑战的时候,我们赞赏和平竞赛与即将看到的体育精神,

the hugs and high-fives and the empathy and understanding between rivals who know we share a common humanity.  知道我们有共同的人性,对手会互相拥抱、击掌、同情和理解。

Let's honor the courage it takes, not only to cross the finish line first, but merely to stand in the starting blocks.  我们敬重一往无前的勇气,不仅是第一个冲过终点者,而是所有站上起跑线的人。

And let's see in ourselves the example they set - proving that no matter where you're from, with determination and discipline, there's nothing you can't achieve. 我们要以他们为榜样,无论你来自哪里,坚定意志加刻苦训练,就能成就自己。

That idea - that you can succeed no matter where you're from - is especially true this year.  这个思路就是,无论你来自哪里都能成功,今年尤其如此。

We'll cheer on athletes on the first-ever Olympic Refugee Team: Ten competitors from the Congo, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Syria who personify endurance. 我们将鼓励首次奥运难民运动队:10名来自处于动荡的刚果、埃塞俄比亚、南苏丹及叙利亚的竞争对手。

To all of our Olympic and Paralympic athletes wearing the red, white, and blue - know that your country couldn't be prouder of you.  对所有身着红、白、蓝服装店奥运会和残奥会的运动员,知道你的国家不能以你为荣。

We admire all the work you've done to get to Rio and everything you'll do there.  我们欣赏你们去里约所做的一切努力,而且能做好每一件事。

Thank you for showing the world the best of America.  谢谢你们给世界上最好的美国。

And know that when you get up on that podium, we'll be singing the National Anthem - and maybe even shedding a tear - right alongside you. 并且知道当你站在领奖台上时,我们会唱国歌,甚至可能就在你身边流下热泪。

Now go bring home the gold! 现在去拿回金牌!



in our olympians we recognize that no one accomplishes greatness alone


in our olympics we recognize that no one accomplishes greatness alone



even solo athletes have a coach beside them and a country behind them


even so athletes have a coach besides them and a country behind them





in a season of intense politics lets cherish this opportunity to come together around one flag


in a senson of intense politics lets cherish this opportunity to come together around one flag




in a time of challenge around the world lets appreciate the peaceful competition and sportsmanship well see


in a time of challenge around the world lets appreciate the peaceful competition and sportsmanship well see



the hugs and high-fives and the empathy and understanding between rivals who know we share a common humanity


the hugs and high-fives and the empathy and understaning between rivals who know we share a common humanity


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