
The boy who lived(幸存的男孩)



Mr Dursley blinked and stared at the cat.It stared back.(Dursley先生盯着猫眨眨眼,猫也盯回来看着Duesley先生)

It just gave him a stern look.(猫严峻的瞪着Dursley先生)

Its eyes fixed unblinkingly on the far corner of Private Drive(第一节发生的地点,她眼睛一眨不眨地盯着这条街的远处)

He looked up suddenly at the cat,which was still staring at him from the other end of the street.(邓布利多猛的抬头才发现,在路的尽头有只猫一直盯着他看)

She jerked her head back at the Dursleys’ dark living room(她回头看了看Dudsley家客厅的窗户)

She thrower a sharp,sideways glance at Dumbledore,as though hoping he was going to leave her something.(她的犀利的目光瞥向邓布利多,希望邓布利多能告诉自己点什么)

Professor McGongall shot a sharp look at Dumbledore.(教授McGongall犀利的看着Dumbledore)

She fixed Dumbledore with such a piercing stare as she did now.(她就那样盯着邓布利多,想要一个确定的答案)

She eyed his cloak suddenly as though she though she thought he might be hiding Harry underneath it.(她瞅了瞅邓布利多的袍子,好像哈利就藏在那下面)


Was he imagining things?(是幻觉吗?)

How very wrong he was!(他大错特错或错的离谱)


Mr Dursley:He was a big,beefy man with hardly any neck.(Dursley先生是一个大块头,几乎没有脖子的人,能想象出来场景,但翻译的可能不生动)


Mrs Dursley:She was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck.(Dursley夫人一头金发,高高瘦瘦,脖子是一般人的两倍长)


Albus Dumbledore:He was tall,thin and very old ,judging by the silver of his hair and beard,which were both long enough to tuck into(秋衣塞进秋裤,秋裤塞进袜子)his belt.He was wearing long robes,a purple cloak which swept the ground and high-heeled,bucked boots.His blue eyes were light,bright and sparkling behind half-moon spectacles and his nose was very long and crooked,as though it had been broken at least twice.


Professor McGongall:He was smiling at a rather severe-looking woman who was wearing  square glasses exactly the shape of the markings the cat had had around its eyes.She,too,was wearing a cloak, an emerald one.Her black hair was drawn into a tight bun.She looked distinctly ruffled.


Hagrid:He looked too big to allowed,and so wild-long tangled of bushy black hair and beard his most of his face,he had hands the size of dustbin and his feet in their leather boots were like baby dolphins


Harry:Inside,just visible,was a baby boy,fast asleep.Under a tuft of jet-black hair over his forehead they could see a curiously shaped cut,like a bolt of lightning.



Mr Dursley hummed as he picked out his most boring tie and Mrs Dursley gossiped away happily as she wrestled a screaming Dudley into his high chair.(Dursley先生哼着小调从柜子里拿出一条单调的领带,Dursley夫人则一边跟Dursley说这别人的闲话一边把儿子Dudley塞进婴儿高脚椅,这句话都不用翻译,整个场景就出现在脑子里)

He got into his car and backed out of numder four’s drive.(他上车然后倒着车驶出四号车道)

AMr Dursley drove around the corner and up the road.(Dursley先生转个弯将车驶进大路,车从家门前那条路出来,拐个弯进入大路)

He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.(他的手指有节奏的敲击着方向盘)

Mr Dursley stopped dead.Fear flooded him.(Dursley先生僵在那,害怕充斥着他)

He dashed back across the road,hurried up to his office,snapped at his secretary not to disturb him,seized his telephone and had almost finish dialing his home number when he changed his mind.(他快速穿过马路返回,急匆匆上去办公室,警告?秘书不要打扰他,拿起电话打算打给家里,可就在他马上完成拨号的时候改变了主意)

He yawned and turn over.(他打着哈欠翻了个身)

He flicked it open,held it up in the air and clicked it.(上海滩男人点烟的即视感有木有)


Professor McGongall pulled out a lace handkerchief and dabbed at her eyes beneath her spectacles.

Professor McGongall jumping to her feet and pointing at number four.(她记得跳起来指着Dursley家)

She sitting back down on the wall(趔趄着后退,半倚着墙)

It grew steadily louder as they looked up and down the street for some sign of headlight.(声音越来越响,他们上下打量着远处打过来的灯光)


sitting astride the moterbike 跨着骑(Hagrid的出场)

bend forward over the blacker(弯腰向前倾着身子看)

He take out a large spotted handkerchief and bury his face in it.(掏出一个波点的手绢,把脸埋在里边)

step over the low garden wall and walk to the front door(迈过花园的矮墙,向门前走去

Wipping his streaming eyes on his jacket sleeve,Hagrid swung (还记得从后边跨上自行车摩托车的动作吗?)himself on to the motorbike and kicked the engine into life.

He turned on his heels and with a swish of his cloak he was gone.(想想穿着长袍踩着风火轮起飞的哪吒,邓布利多要稳重一些)


描述一个家庭:Mr and Mrs Dursley ,of number four,Privet Drive.(住在Privet Drive街区的Dursley四口之家)

They were perfectly normal.(perfectly表示非常,很生动精准)

good-for-nothing (一无是处,我觉得也可以翻译为窝囊)

shudder to think sth (和 bleed to death 有异曲同工之妙)

threw his cereal at the walls.(threw at这里指恶意的扔向)

on/in/at the corner

in the corner 指的是内部空间的角落,There is a chair in the corner of the room;on the corner 指的是在拐角上,There is a cup on the corner of the table;at the corner指的是在角边,The bank is at the corner of the street.

It was until midnight before the cat moved at all.(这只猫直到夜深才离开)

sounding half-exasperated,half-admiring(尊敬又带点愤怒的语气)

You flatter me(你这是在奉承我)

How in the name of heaven did Harry survive?以上帝的名义,哈利怎么幸免于难了呢?

think better of (改变主意)

The never of him(形容衣服、物品等与一个人及其不搭)

say in squeaky voice(短促而尖锐的声音)rattled (慌乱的)flinch(因害怕而退缩去)gasped(因害怕喘气)heavily(重重地说)coldly(冷冷地说)sniffly(生气地说,嗤之以鼻,蔑视)trembly(颤抖地说,或颤抖的声音voice trembled)nod glumly(抑郁、沉痛、若有所思的缓慢点头) flatered sb(结巴)(It’s-it’s true,faltered Professor McGongall)faintly(失望却无力,弱弱地说)swallowed and say(咽了咽口水说到)say grudgingly(不情愿地说)say reliefly (如释重负地说)S-s-sorry,sobbed Hagrid(海格抽泣着说,抱歉) pat sb gingerly(轻抚,带有安慰的感情) lay gently(轻轻的放,带有爱怜)in a very muffled voice(以一种非常低沉的语调) he murmured (低声咕哝)say in hushed voices(寂静的,小声的说)blush(脸红~so much) he grunted(他咕哝道,有点不耐烦,心不在焉)


His face splits into a wide smile(反正笑的很开心)

Trying to pull himself together,he let himself into the house.(他理了理思绪,走进屋子,就像你一直想着这是怎么回事边走路是一个道理,但不知道怎么翻译合适,附上上下文,自行理解)


stand rooted to the spot(呆在那里一动不动,走在路上被喜欢的人表白的瞬间)


chuck and mutter(暗笑轻生发笑,偷笑着嘀咕)


let out a howl like a wounded dog.(像受伤的狗一样发出咆哮声,我觉得这形容为狗不合适)

rumbling sound(轰隆隆的响声)

Dumbledore gave a great sniff(深深吸一口气)

look over the top of his half-moon glasses.

turn one’s head (声名等让一个人不知道自己是谁)

get a rip on oneself(控制自己)对别人说

tuck sth inside(把什么塞进,信等)


prod and pinch(又掐又拧)

at this very moment (此时此刻)

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