中英-Jack Welch, the Commercial genius


Jack Welch, who upended the business world in the 1980s and 1990s by transforming General Electric Co. from a stolid maker of light bulbs and washing machines into the most valuable US public company, has died at 84, GE said.


Known as “Neutron Jack” for cutting thousands of jobs, Welch bought and sold scores of businesses, expanded the industrial giant into financial services and produced steadily rising profits. His success led other CEOs to begin using financial wizardry to improve earnings and wow Wall Street.


In Welch’s 20 years as chief executive, GE’s market value grew from US12 billion to US410 billion, making him one of the most iconic corporate leaders of his era.


“When the book about business leaders in this century is written, Jack Welch will be near the very top,” said Thomas Cooke, professor at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. “What he did as the leader of GE was remarkable.”


US President Donald Trump tweeted: “There was no corporate leader like “neutron” Jack,” adding his warmest sympathies “to his wonderful wife & family!”


But Welch’s innovations, which included ruthless personnel management, cost-cutting and offshoring, also set the stage for problems that would hit the company years after he left.


John F. Welch, Jr., followed Reginald Jones as CEO in April 1981 and served in that role until he retired in September 2001, choosing Jeff Immelt as his successor.

小约翰韦尔奇跟随Reginald Jones在1981年4月出任CEO,并于2001年9月退休,选择Jeff Immelt作为他的继任者。

Two of Welch’s other top disciples – and Immelt rivals – left GE to head other major companies, helping spread Welch’s gospel: Jim McNerney at Boeing Co. and Bob Nardelli at Chrysler and Home Depot Inc.

两位韦尔奇的顶级门徒——Immelt的竞争者——离开通用电气去了其他大公司,开始传播韦尔奇的哲学:波音的Jim McNerney和在克莱斯勒和家得宝的Bob Nardelli。

“Today is a sad day for the entire GE family,” current GE chairman and CEO Larry Culp said in a statement. “Jack was larger than life and the heart of GE for half a century. He reshaped the face of our company and the business world.”

“今天对于通用电气这个大家庭来说是个悲伤的日期,“现任通用电气的董事长兼首席执行官Larry Culp在一份声明中说。“半个世纪以来,杰克比通用电气的声明和核心更重要,他重塑了我们公司的面貌和商业世界。”

The outsized financing business Welch built nearly toppled GE during the 2008 financial crisis, requiring a bailout from legendary investor Warren Buffett. Immelt sold most of GE Capital and GE now trades at a fraction of its peak value.


The stock closed at US11.21 on Monday, up 3 percent. It peaked at US57.68 in August 2000, according to Eikon data from Refinitiv.


Welch acquired new businesses and did not hesitate to use layoffs and outsourcing to streamline them, sometimes leaving shattered, embittered communities behind.


He faced criticism – particularly after he retired from GE – for his cavalier attitude about offshoring and shutting US plants, a theme that has grown more potent since Trump’s election.


The US industrial belt is dotted with communities devastated by GE’s downsizing. At its peak, for instance, GE employed 30,000 at a sprawling integrated industrial plant in Schenectady, New York, that now employs fewer than 3,000.


Both Welch’s style of management and the strategy he pursued to expand GE have since fallen from favor. CEOs who order mass layoffs now get attacked in tweets from the Oval Office, and Wall Street has lost its appetite for conglomerates.


Welch also made GE a training ground for business leaders and advocated aggressively ousting poor performers. In a 2001 New Yorker interview, he said, “If they’re in the bottom 10, they get zero raises, zero stock options, they don’t get a bit of bonus, they get zero.”


Thomas F. O’Boyle, author of the 1998 book, At Any Cost: Jack Welch, General Electric, and the Pursuit of Profit, was an early critic of Welch’s tenure.

托马斯·O·鲍伊尔(Thomas F. O’Boyle)是1998年《不惜一切代价:杰克·韦尔奇,通用电气和追求利润》一书的作者,他是韦尔奇任期的早期批评者。

In an interview on Monday, O’Boyle said: “You have to look at the totality of what occurred based on the strategy Welch initiated: the de-emphasizing of manufacturing, offshoring as many jobs as possible, and emphasizing financial services in GE Capital for earnings growth.”


O’Boyle noted that 80 percent of the some 1,000 acquisitions under Welch were in financial services. “And that strategy had terrible, terrible consequences for General Electric in the long run.”


Diminished conglomerate 企业集团减少

In 1980, the year before Welch became CEO, GE recorded revenues of US26.8 billion; in 2000, the year before he left, they were nearly US130 billion. In 2001, GE was one of the largest and most valuable companies in the world, up from America’s tenth-largest by market cap in 1981.


Yet today, GE has sold most of the divisions Welch added, and many fault him for much of GE’s recent decline.


“He was lauded in business schools, and many CEOs considered him a role model, but few today would praise his tactics,” said Erik Gordon, assistant professor at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. “He left a bloated, hollow mess to his successors. GE went from being a titan of industry to a dismembered wreck.”

“他曾被商业学校的人赞美,许多CEO把他视作榜样,但是今天很少人会赞扬他的那些策略了,“密歇根大学罗斯商学院助理教授Erik Gordon说,“他走之后给他的接班人留下了臃肿的空洞的烂摊子。GE从一个行业巨人变成了残缺的沉船。”

The company spun off its insurance business into Genworth Financial Inc. in 2004, for example, but kept a large batch of money-losing policies written during Welch’s tenure. Those forced GE in 2018 to take a US6.2 billion charge and set aside US15 billion in reserves.

该公司把他的保险业务剥离后成立了Genworth Financial公司。例如,在2004年,在韦尔奇任职期间保留了一大笔亏本政策。这些都迫使通用电气在2018年承担了62亿美元的费用,并拨出了150亿美元的储备金。

In 2015, activist investor Nelson Pelz’s Trian Partners bought a US$2.5 billion stake in GE and pushed for further focus on core industrial businesses, prompting Immelt to sell most of the remaining parts of GE Capital.

2015年,激进投资者纳尔逊·佩尔兹(Nelson Pelz)的Trian Partners购买了GE 25亿美元的股份,并推动进一步专注于核心工业业务,促使伊梅尔特出售了GE Capital其余大部分股份。

Engineer by training 培训出来的工程师

Born in 1935, Welch earned his B.S. degree in chemical engineering at the University of Massachusetts, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chemical engineering at the University of Illinois in 1960.


That same year, Welch joined GE as a chemical engineer at its plastics division in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. He was elected the company’s youngest vice president in 1972 and became vice chairman in 1979.


While his GE career is mostly seen as an upward trajectory, it included an early setback. In 1963, the Pittsfield plastics factory had an explosion that tore off the roof, and Welch was nearly fired. He later touted the experience as part of what created his management approach, noting that a manager at the time talked him through what he could have done better.


Books by Welch include Winning, from 2005. He co-wrote a column with his wife Suzy Welch for Reuters and other media.

韦尔奇的著作包括2005年的《赢》。他与妻子Suzy Welch共同为路透社和其他媒体撰写了专栏。

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others,” Welch wrote in Winning. Reuters



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