

But soon enough I was heading down ivy-drapedVia Giulia, my arm around Eunice Park’s fragrant, boyish frame. Shewas seemingly in good spirits, promising me a kiss, then chastising my poorItalian. She was shyness and giggles, freckles in the moonlight and drunken,immature cries of “Shut up, Lenny!” and “You’re such an idiot!” I noticed shehad released her hair from the bun’s captivity and that it was dark and endlessand thick as twine. She was twenty-four years old.

My apartment could accommodate no more than a cheaptwin-size mattress and a fully opened suitcase, brimming with books. (“MyText-major friends at Elderbird used to call those things ‘doorstops,’ ” shetold me.) We kissed, lazily, like it was nothing, then roughly, like we meantit. There were some problems. Eunice Park wouldn’t take off her bra (“I haveabsolutely no chest”), and I was too drunk and scared to develop an erection.But I didn’t want intercourse anyway. The next morning, she was kind enough tohelp me repack my suitcase, which refused to close without her help. “That’snot how you do it,” she said, when she saw me brushing my teeth. She made mestick out my tongue and roughly scraped its purple surface with the toothbrush.“There,” she said. “Better.”

During the taxi ride to the airport I felt the triplepangs of being happy and lonely and needy all at once. She had made me wash mylips and chin thoroughly to obliterate every trace of her, but Eunice Park’salkaline tang remained on the tip of my nose. I made great sniffing motions inthe air, trying to capture her essence, thinking already of how I would baither toNew York,make her my life, my life eternal. I touched my expertly brushed teeth andpetted the flurry of gray hairs sticking out from beneath my shirt collar,which she had thoroughly examined in the morning’s weak early light. “Cute,”she had said. And then, with a child’s sense of wonder, “You’re old, Len.”

June 1: From the GlobalTeens account of Eunice Park.

Euni-Tard Abroad to Grillbitch.

Hi, Precious Panda!

So, guess what? I met the cutest guy inRome. He is exactly my type, tall, kind ofGerman-looking, very preppie, but not an asshole. Giovanna set me up withhim—he’s inRomeworking for LandO’LakesGMFordCredit! So I go to meet him in the Piazza Navona(remember Image Class? Navona’s the one with all the Tritons) and he’s sittingthere having a cappuccino and streaming “Chronicles of Narnia”! Remember westreamed that in Catholic? So adorable. His name is Ben, which is pretty gay,but he wasso niceand so

smart. He took me to look at some Caravaggios and then he kind of like touched

my butt a little and then we went to one of Giovanna’s parties and made out.

There were all these Italian girls in Onionskin jeans staring at us, like I was

stealing one of their white guys or something. I fucking hate that. If they

mention my “almond eyes” one more time, I swear. Anyway,I need your advicebecausehe called yesterday and asked if I wanted to go up toLuccawith him next week and I was playinghard to get and said no. But I’m going to call him and say yes tomorrow!What should I do?Help!!!

P.S. I met this old, gross guy at a party yesterday and

we got really drunk and I sort of let him go down on me. There was another even

older guy, this sculptor, trying to get in my pants, so I figured, you know,

the lesser evil. Ugh, I’m turning into you!!!!! The first old guy took me to

dinner at this restaurant, da Tonino, which was like O.K. He was nice, kind of

dorky, although he thinks he’s so Media cause he works in biotech or something.

And he had the grossest feet, bunions and this gigantic heel spur that sticks

out like he’s got a thumb glued to his foot. I know, I’m thinking like my dad.

Anyway, he brushes his teeth all wrong, so I had toSHOW A GROWN MAN HOW TO USE A TOOTHBRUSH!!!!!What is wrong with my life, Precious Panda?









附注:在昨天的聚会上我遇见了一个又丑又恶心的老男人,我们喝的烂醉。我好像还让他帮我做了口交。还有一个更丑的人,雕刻家,想占我便宜,所以我就看出哪个是不太龌龊的。哎,我现在变得跟你似的!!!第一个又丑又老的男人带我去一家叫da Tonino(听上去像ok) 的餐厅吃饭。他人很好,有点笨,但他还觉得自己很潮,因为他在一家生物科技之类的公司工作。他的脚是我见过最恶心的脚,有拇囊炎和根骨骨刺综合症,突出去的那块好像是脚上粘了什么东西,我知道,我说话的语气跟我爸一样。不过,他刷牙的方式完全错误,所以我得给这个成年人展示如何正确刷牙。我的人生到底怎么了,宝贝熊猫?

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