英语学习笔记 richer and poorer states

✸✸COUNTRIES find it easier toget richonce their neighbors already are. East Asia’s growth pattern has for decades been likened to a skein of geese, from Japan at the vanguard to laggards such as Myanmarat the rear. The same pattern can often be seen within big countries. Over the past decade, for example, China’s poorer provinces have grown faster than their wealthier peers. India is different.Far fromconverging, its states are getting ever more unequal. A recentshake-upin the tax system might even make matters worse.

1) get rich 英 [ɡet ritʃ]   美 [ɡɛt rɪtʃ]  富起来;发财,发家致富;露大肥

I doubt I'll ever get rich, but I get job satisfaction.


2) at the rear 英 [æt ðə riə]   美 [æt ði rɪr]  adj. 在 ... 之后部(在 ... 的背后)

Students are requested to park at the rear of the Department.


3) far from 英 [fɑ: frɔm]   美 [fɑr frʌm]  远离;远非,不但不…

Britain's concern to protect national sovereignty is far from new.


4) shake up 英 [ʃeik ʌp]   美 [ʃek ʌp]  彻底调整,重组,改革(组织、机构、行业等); 使震动;使激动;使心烦意乱

The government wanted to reform the institutions, to shake up the country


✸✸Bar a few Mumbai penthouses and Bangalore startup offices, all parts of India are relatively poor by global standards.Taken together, its 1.3bn people make up roughly the third and fourth decile of the world’s population, with an income per person (adjusted for purchasing power) of $6,600 dollars. But that average conceals a vast gap. In Kerala, a southern state, the average resident has an annual income per person of $9,300, higher than Ukraine, and near the global median. With just $2,000 or so, an Indian in Bihar, a landlocked state of 120m people, is closer to a citizen of Mali or Chad, in the bottom decile globally.

1) taken together 英 [ˈteɪkən təˈɡeðə]   美 [ˈtekən təˈɡɛðɚ]  一并考虑

They are pictured with the same young fan, so they also were taken together at the sametime.


​ ​✸✸The gap has been widening. In 1990, point out Praveen Chakravarty and Vivek Dehejia of the IDFC Institute, a think-tank, India’s three richest large states had incomes just 50% higher than the three poorest—roughly the same divergence as in America or the EU today, and more equal than in China. Now the trio is three times richer .​

​ ​✸✸In some rich parts of the world, income gaps between regions have in recent decades been widening. But India’s experience still puzzles economists. Poor regionsbenefit fromtechnology developed in richer ones—from trains to mobile phones. Workers in poorer places accept lower wages, so firms build new factories there.

1) benefit from 英 [ˈbenifit frɔm]   美 [ˈbɛnəfɪt frʌm]  受益;通过…获益;得力;受用

All the cells and tissues in the body benefit from the increased intake of oxygen.


✸✸Thecatch-upprocessought tobe all the faster if barriers to the movement of goods or people are lower. Regions within China have converged rapidly, partly owing to the market, as factories move production inland where wages are cheaper, and partly to government attempts to lift poorer regions by investing heavily in their infrastructure.

​1) catch up 英 [kætʃ ʌp]   美 [kætʃ ʌp]  追上;吹起;打断;把…缠住

I stopped and waited for her to catch up


​2) ought to 英 [ˈɔ:t tə]   美 [ɔt tu]  v.理应;应当,应该;宜

I think I ought to get back to work.


短语:ought to have 英 [ɔ:t tu: hæv]   美 [ɔt tu hæv]  本该

✸✸One theory blames the states’ divergence on their isolation even in the Indian domestic market,as a result oflousy infrastructure,red tapeand cultural barriers. Movingstufffrom state to state can be as tiresome as exporting. Internal migration that would generate catch-up growth isstymiedby cultural and linguistic barriers: poor northern states are Hindi-speaking, unlike the richer south. Cuisines differ enough for internal migrants to grumble. It is harder to have access to benefits and state subsidies outside your home state.

​1) as a result of 英 [æz ei riˈzʌlt ɔv]   美 [æz e rɪˈzʌlt ʌv]  因;由于…的结果;起因;经

As a result of this conflict he lost both his home and his means of livelihood.


​2) red tape 英 [red teip]   美 [rɛd tep]  n.官样文章 官僚习气

The little money that was available was tied up in bureaucratic red tape.


​3) stuff 英 [stʌf]   美 [stʌf]  n.材料,原料,资料;〈俚〉钱,现金;填充物;素材资料 vt.塞满;填塞;让吃饱 vi.吃得过多

I'd like some coffee, and I don't object to the powdered stuff if it's all you've got


​短语:stuff up 英 [stʌf ʌp]   美 [stʌf ʌp]  用…堵上

stuff and nonsense 不经之谈​

stuff down 英 [stʌf daun]   美 [stʌf daʊn]  把…塞入​

stuff with 英 [stʌf wið]   美 [stʌf wɪð]  使塞满;吃;灌输某种思想​

4) stymied 英 ['staɪmi:d]   美 ['staɪmi:d]  n.<美>被侵袭的 v.妨碍,阻挠( stymie的过去式和过去分词 )​

Relief efforts have been stymied in recent weeks by armed gunmen.



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