

  Preposition Use


  1. 让我来帮你完成工作吧。

  × Let me help you to do your work.

  √ Let me help you with your work.

  2. 我建议你去休个长假。

  × I recommend you to take a long vacation.

  √ I recommend that you take a long vacation.

  3. 过来。

  × Come to here.

  √ Come here.

  4. 太阳从东方升起。

  × The sun rises from the East.

  √ The sun rises in the East.

  5. 小偷是从窗户爬进来的。

  × The thief got in from the window.

  √ The thief got in through the window.

  6. 让我们从第10页开始。

  × Let's begin from page 10.

  √ Let's begin at(on) page 10.

  7. 我耐心有限。

  × There is a limit in my patience.

  √ There is a limit to my patience.

  8. 请在白线内等待。

  × Please wait inside the white line.

  √ Please wait behind the white line.

  9. 你家房子买了火险吗?

  × Is your house insured for fire?

  √ Is your house insured against fire?

  10. 我没地方住。

  × I have no house to live.

  √ I have no house to live in.

  11. 脸好脏!照照镜子。

  × What a dirty face! Look at the mirror.

  √ What a dirty face! Look in the mirror.

  12. 这是我房间门钥匙。

  × This is the key of my room.

  √ This is the key to my room.

  13. 我准备去上一个为期两年的英语课程。

  × I am going to take a two-year course of English.

  √ I am going to take a two-year course in English.

  14. 末班车11点开,现在已经快11点了,赶紧的!

  × The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's about eleven now, Hurry!

  √ The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's nearly (almost) eleven now,


  15. 把手从电线末端挪开。

  × Leave your hand from the end of the wire.

  √ Let go of the end of the wire.

  16. 靠右走。

  × Keep the right.

  √ Keep to the right.

  17. 不关你的事。

  × It is not of only your business.

  √ It is none of your business.

  Conjunction Use


  1. 和我不一样,她对英语很精通。

  × Different from me, she is proficient in English.

  √ Unlike me, she is proficient in English.

  2. 莫妮卡,借我点钱吧,比方说500美元。

  × Lend me some money, for instance 500 dollars, Monika.

  √ Lend me some money, say 500 dollars, Monika.

  3. 去年夏天我本想去欧洲,但费用太高于是放弃了。

  × I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave

up to go.

  √ I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave

up the idea.

  4. 我就是这样做的。

  × This is the way how I did it.

  √ This is how I did it. or This is the way I did it.

  5. 我来这儿的路上遇到了交通事故,所以迟到了。

  × There was a traffic accident on my way here. It is why I was late.

  √ There was a traffic accident on my way here. That is why I was late.

  6. 他们不理解我的想法。

  × hey didn't understand my mind.

  √ They didn't understand what I was thinking.

  7. 无论是他们还是我都不对这个错误负责。

  × Neither they nor I are to blame for this mistake.

  √ Neither they nor I am to blame for this mistake.

  Adverb Use


  1. 去哪儿都行。

  × Anywhere will do.

  √ Any place will do.

  2. 会议定在今天下午3点召开。

  × The general meeting is scheduled to be held this afternoon at three.

  √ The general meeting is scheduled to be held at three this afternoon.

  3. 昨天早上在费尔大街,她偶遇了她的男朋友。

  × She ran into her boyfriend yesterday morning in Fair Avenue.

  √ She ran into her boyfriend in Fair Avenue yesterday morning.

  4. 不要对我抱太多期望。

  × Don't expect me too much.

  √ Don't expect too much from (of) me.

  5. 给我点钱吧,如果你有的话。

  × Give me money, if you have.

  √ Give me money, if you have any.

  6. 他待我十分友好。

  × He treated me very friendly.

  √ He treated me in a friendly way.

  Verb Use


  1. 你就是在这点上弄错了。

  × This is where you mistake.

  √ This is where you are mistaken.

  2. 我哥哥一直在忙着准备期终考试。

  × My brother has been busy in preparing for his final examination.

  √ My brother has been busy preparing for his final examination.


  3. 劳拉用了半天时间复习功课。

  × Laura has spent half a day to revise her lessons.

  √ Laura has spent a half day revising her lessons.

  4. 我习惯了开灯看电视。

  × I am used to watch television with the light on.

  √ I am used to watching television with the light on.

  5. 饭后,母亲提议去散步。

  × After dinner, my mother suggested to go for a walk.

  √ After dinner, my mother suggested going for a walk.

  6. 政府正在考虑在伦敦新建一个机场的可能性。

  × The government is considering the possibility to build a new airport in


  √ The government is considering the possibility of building a new airport

in London.

  7. 他的新书将大卖。

  × His new book will be sold well.

  √ His new book will sell well.

  8. 我有很多活要干。

  × I have a lot of work to be done.

  √ I have a lot of work to do.

  9. 孩子们当时处境非常危险,一个杀气腾腾的疯子正挥着刀在幼儿园里乱跑。

  × The children were very dangerous as the knife-wielding madman was running

amok in the kindergarten.

  √ The children were in great danger as the knife-wielding madman was

running amok in the kindergarten.

  Word Choice


  1. 你的外套破了。

  × Your coat is broken.

  √ Your coat is torn.

  2. 总之苏珊没犯错。

  × Susan didn't make a fault anyway.

  √ Susan didn't make a mistake anyway.

  3. 能借你电话用下吗?

  × May I borrow your phone?

  √ May I use your phone?

  4. 他有所好转。

  × He becomes better.

  √ He got better.

  5. 外面天还亮。

  × It was still bright outside.

  √ It was still light outside.

  6. 在美国一般学生都不穿校服。

  × Common students in U.S. don't wear a uniform.

  √ The average students in U.S. don't wear a uniform.

  7. 这道色拉是谁做的?

  × Who cooked this salad?

  √ Who made this salad?

  8. 让我给你把把脉。

  × Let me examine your pulse.

  √ Let me feel your pulse.

  9. 我把帽子忘在屋里了。

  × I forget my hat in the house.

  √ I left my hat in the house.

  10. 你上过大学吗?

  × Did you attend college?

  √ Did you go to college?

  11. 他的体温降下来了。

  × His temperature went down.

  √ His temperature came down.

  12. 今天的报纸上有他写的关于香港的文章。

  × Today's newspapers has his articles on HongKong.

  √ Today's newspapers carries his articles on HongKong.

  13. 开窗睡你会感冒的。

  × You'll have a cold if you sleep with your window open.

  √ You'll catch a cold if you sleep with your window open.

  14. 我去医院探望了她生病的母亲。

  × I visited her ill mother in the hospital.

  √ I visited her sick mother in the hospital.

  15. 她是第一名。

  × She was first prize.

  √ She took first prize.

  16. 他失去意识很长时间了。

  × He lost consciousness for a long time.

  √ He was unconscious for a long time.

  17. 他创造了世界纪录。

  × He made a world record.

  √ He set a world record.

  18. 她婚姻幸福。

  × Her marriage was happy.

  √ Her married life was happy.

  19. 今年夏天我要去自己的出生地看看,这是10年来的第一次。

  × I'll visit my native place for the first time in ten years this


  √ I'll visit my birth place for the first time in ten years this


  20. 这个座位有人吗?

  × Is this seat empty?

  √ Is this seat taken?

  21. 我看他面熟。

  × I know his face.

  √ I know him by sight.

  22. 我的手表不走了,我得拿去检查下。

  × My watch doesn't move at all. I must get it checked up.

  √ My watch isn't running, I must get it checked up.

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