
W6D1 Renewable energy-Clean energy’s dirty secret


The renewables revolution is** wrecking** the world’s electricity markets. Here’s what to do

[ wreck] vt. 破坏;使失事;拆毁

Eg. No one can wreck the friendship between us.

It is no longer far-fetched to think that the world is entering an era of clean, unlimited and cheap power. About time, too.

[ It is no longer far-fetched to] ...已不再是天方夜谭

Eg. It is no longer far-fetched to think that machine replaces people to work.

Yet everywhere the pressure to decarbonise power supply has brought the state creeping back into markets.

[creep] v. 爬行;慢慢地移动

Eg. interest rates have been creeping up in the past few weeks.

The other two are inherent to the nature of wind and solar: their intermittency and their very low running costs.

[inherent] adj. 固有的;内在的;与生俱来的

Eg. The desire for freedom is inherent in us all.

First, the splurge of public subsidy, of about $800bn since 2008, has distorted the market.

[splurge] vi. 卖弄;挥霍;n. 炫耀;挥霍;vt. 挥霍;夸耀

Eg. I’d splurged about £2,500 on clothes.

It came about for noble reasons—to counter climate change and** prime the pump** for new, costly technologies, including wind turbines and solar panels.

[prime the pump] 主泵

Eg. …. primed the pump through Keynesian demand management. 通过凯恩斯主义的需求管理论大力刺激经济

The result was a glut of power-generating capacity that has slashed the revenues utilities earn from wholesale power markets and hence deterred investment.

[a glut of]过剩的,大量的

Eg. We’ve got a glut of oil in the market and demand is slowing.

The corollary is that the electricity system is being re-regulated as investment goes chiefly to areas that benefit from public support.


Eg. the huge increases in unemployment were the corollary of expenditure cuts.


Photovoltaic cells/ Solar cell太阳能电池

wind turbines风力发动机

peripheral adj. 非本质的;非主要的, 次要的, 外围的,周围的, 边缘的

fossil fuels化石燃料

account for对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因


pylons n. 架线塔;桥塔(pylon的复数)


privatised and liberalized 私有化和自由化


subsidy n. 津贴;补助金;补贴

intermittency 间歇现象;间歇性

stagnating / stall停滞

slashed the revenues 削减收入

curtailing wind farms 减少风电场

alleviate intermittency减轻间歇性

negligible adj. 可忽略的, 无足轻重的

zero marginal running costs adj. 零边际运行成本

penetration n. 穿透;穿透能力;穿透深度;渗透;侵入

in saturated markets在饱和的市场

capacity payments支付能力

high-voltage grids 高压电网



英文名称:BP AmocoBP(正式英文全称:BP p.l.c.)

前称:British Petroleum(英国石油),简称:BP,后BP简称成为正式名称,是世界最大私营石油公司之一(即国际石油七姊妹之一),也是世界前十大私营企业集团之一。


stranded assets

Stranded assets are “assets that have suffered from unanticipated or premature write-downs, devaluations or conversion to liabilities”. Stranded assets can be caused by a variety of factors and are a phenomenon inherent in the ‘creative destruction’ of economic growth, transformation and innovation, as such they pose risks to individuals and firms and may have systemic implications. Coal and other hydrocarbon resources may have the potential to become stranded.


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