【外刊精读】Day 25- Ivankanomics and the Art of Being Cheap单词梳理

1.it transpires that


- something has happened or is true, it is known or has been shown to be true 公开,透露,为人所知

e.g. It transpired that the gang had had a contact inside the bank.

- to happen 发生

e.g.You're meeting him tomorrow? Let me know what transpires.

- when plants or leaves transpire, water passes out from their surface 蒸发,蒸腾

2. part with

to give something to somebody else, especially something that you would prefer to keep 放弃,交出

e.g. Make sure you read the contract before parting with any money.

3. step into the role

to continue a job or the work that sb else has started. (step into one's shoes)


4. woe


- woes: the troubles and problems that somebody has 麻烦,问题,困难

e.g. Thanks for listening to my woes.

financial woes

- great unhappiness

= misery 悲惨,痛苦

e.g.a tale of woe

5. dwindle consumer interest


- to become gradually less or smaller 减小,变小,缩小

e.g. dwindling audiences 越来越少的观众

Support for the party has dwindled away to nothing.逐渐化为乌有

Membership of the club has dwindled from 70 to 20.

6. In the wake of

coming after or following somebody/something 随……之后

e.g. There have been demonstrations on the streets in the wake of the recent bomb attack.

A group of reporters followed in her wake.

The storm left a trail of destruction in its wake.

7. injunction barring Ivanka Trump goods



- an official order given by a court which demands that something must or must not be done 强制令,禁止令

e.g. The court granted an injunction against the defendants.      

to seek/obtain an injunction

- a warning or an order from somebody in authority 警告,指令,命令


except for; unless there is/are 除了,除非

e.g. Barring accidents, we should arrive on time.

8. surge


- to move quickly and with force in a particular direction 涌动,汹涌

e.g. The gates opened and the crowd surged forward.

Flood waters surged into their homes.

- to fill somebody with a strong feeling 使强烈地感到


e.g. Relief surged through her. 她顿觉宽慰

- to suddenly increase in value 上升,飞涨

e.g. Share prices surged. 股价暴涨


- a sudden increase of a strong feeling 感情的突发

= rush

e.g. She felt a sudden surge of anger.

- a sudden increase in the amount or number of something; a large amount of something 数量急剧上升

e.g. a surge in consumer spending

We are having trouble keeping up with the recent surge in demand.

- a sudden, strong forward or upward movement 奔涌

e.g. A surge of people poured through the gates.

a tidal surge 涨潮

9. purge


- to remove people from an organization, often violently, because their opinions or activities are unacceptable to the people in power 清除,清洗

e.g. His first act as leader was to purge the party of extremists.

- to make yourself/somebody/something pure, healthy or clean by getting rid of bad thoughts or feelings 净化心灵

e.g. We need to purge our sport of racism.

Nothing could purge the guilt from her mind.


- the act of removing people, often violently, from an organization because their views are unacceptable to the people who have power 清洗,清除

e.g. A purge of the party was ordered.

10. It’s all a question of aspiration.


11. imbue


- to fill somebody/something with strong feelings, opinions or values 灌输,激发,充满

= infuse

e.g. Her voice was imbued with an unusual seriousness.

He was imbued with a desire for social justice.满怀对社会正义的渴望

12. chic


- the quality of being fashionable and elegant 时髦的,优雅的

= stylish

e.g. a perfectly dressed woman with an air of chic that was unmistakably French

a chic new restaurant 雅致

13. elevate you among your peers


14. folk


- people in general 人们

e.g. ordinary working-class folk 普通劳苦大众

I'd like a job working with old folk or kids. 老人

the folks back home(=from the place where you come from) 父老乡亲

- folks:a friendly way of addressing more than one person 各位,大伙儿

e.g. Well, folks, what are we going to do today?

- folks: the members of your family, especially your parents 家属,亲人,尤指父母

e.g. How are your folks? 你父母好吗

- people from a particular country or region, or who have a particular way of life 普通百姓

e.g.country folk 乡下人 townsfolk 城里人 farming folk 农民

- music in the traditional style of a country or community

= folk music


- traditional and typical of the ordinary people of a country or community 传统民间的,民俗的

e.g. folk art 民间艺术 a folk museum 民俗博物馆

- based on the beliefs of ordinary people 流传民间的,普通百姓的

e.g. Garlic is widely used in Chinese folk medicine.

folk wisdom 民间智慧

15. outstrip


- to become larger, more important, etc. than somebody/something 超过,胜过

e.g. Demand is outstripping supply. 需过于求

- to be faster, better or more successful than somebody you are competing against 超过,超越(对手)

= surpass

e.g.Their latest computer outstrips all its rivals.

- to run faster than somebody in a race so that you pass them 跑得快,超越

e.g. She soon outstripped the slower runners.

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