186: Gone with the wind - I

The whole life of Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton can be divided by various historical periods, this article mainly from the upper half of this book.

The character from this part is brave. When she was a teenage girl, her dream was to marry Ashley, although it was broken by a barbecue even if she was warned in advance by her father. She has courage to soothe her heart with another hope when seeing the fact that her dear Ashley was so attentive to Melanie and saw Melanie brought the look of interest to his eyes; She has courage to slap Ashley across the face with all the strength she had when finally she accepted he had never crossed the borders of friendliness with her, even if there was desolation in her heart; She has courage to say what she think, which for many people never has the courage or lack I breeding to say that; She has courage to remain on the banquet after she heard Honey and Melanie's conversation about her for she knew to run away would only give them more ammunition.

Through this Scarlett, we clearly see that love isn't enough to make a successful marriage when two people are as different as they are and like must marry like or there'll be no happiness. Anybody couldn't give all of him to anyone so those who are alike could go on in any part of peace in a marriage. As for Rhett Butler, he and Scarlett is the same kind of person, that is why we see this pair can hold easy conversations, for no one of them conceal these true feelings, never concerned what they said is out of morality and loyalty. Both of them hole that: the only difficulty was that by being just and truthful and tender and unselfish, one missed most of joys of life, and certainly many beaux. And life was too short to miss such pleasant things.

In this part, Melanie is easy for us to notice her skill of compliment. She always see the best in everyone and remarked kindly upon it. There was no servant so stupid that she didn't find some redeeming trait of loyalty and kind-hearted ness, no girl so ugly and disagreeable that she couldn't discover grace of form or nobility of charter in her, and no man so worthless or so boring that she did not view him in the light of his possibilities rather than his actualities. Because of these qualities that came sincerely and spontaneously from a generous heart, everyone flocked about her, for who can resist the charm of one who discovers in others admirable qualities undreamed of even by himself?

Well, those who are eager to be pleasant can use this skill, but be careful not to lose who are during the social connection.

The following are paragraphs I am fond of the writing and connotation.

1.Within two weeks Scarlett had become a wife, and within two months more she was a widow. She was soon released from the bonds she had assumed with so much haste and so little thought, but she was never again to know the careless freedom of her unmarried days. Widowhood had crowded closely on the heels of marriage but, to her dismay, motherhood soon followed.

2.Time and events were telescope, jumbled together like a nightmare that had no reality or reason.And her visit lengthened as the weeks slipped by.

3.A hard little pain had started in her heart and was travelling slowly up toward her throat where it would become a lump and the lump would soon become tears.

4.Life was a hopeless affair and certainly not worth living.

5.When she thought of the dull times of the past year, with the days going by one very much like another, life seemed to have quickened to an incredible speed.

6.War and marriage and childbirth had passed over her without touching any deep chord within her and she was unchanged.

7.This she knew would be a straw that would break the backs of Pittypat andMelanie.

8.Slow money on the upbuilding, fast money in the crack-up.

9."Candy and flowers, dear," Ellen had said time and again, "and perhaps a book of poetry or an album or a small bottle of Florida water are the only things a lady may accept from a gentleman. Never, never any expensive gift, even from your fiance. And never gift of jewelry or wearing apparel, not even gloves or handkerchiefs. Should you accept such gifts, men would know you were no lady and would try to take liberties."

10.The side window of the newspaper office opened and a hand was extended,  earring a sheaf of long narrow galley proofs, smeared with fresh ink and thick with names closely printed.

11.Her heart sank with bitter disappointment. So this was something beautiful, something spectacular! And then anger flared. This moment was her moment with Ashley, hers alone. And yet, though Melanie was absent, her pale shadow by between them. How could he bring up her name in their moment of farewell? How could he ask such a thing of her?

12.Never pass up new experiences, they enrich the mind.

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