学习词根---Unit 7.6 总结篇


1. a   2. d   3. c   4. h   5. f   6. g   7. b   8. e

VIS comes from Latin verb meaning "see." Vision is what enables us to see, visual images are visible to our eyes, and a visitor is someone who comes to see something. The same verb actually gives us another root, vid-, as in Julius Caesar's famous statement about his military exploits, "Veni, vidi, vici"()"I came, I saw, I comquered"), and such common English words as video.

vista. (1) A distant view. (2) An extensive mental view, as over a stretch of time.

vis-à-vis. /ˈvēz-ə-ˈvē/  In relation to or compared with.

visionary. (1) A person with foresight and imagination. (2) A dreamer whose ideas are often impractical.

envisage. To have a mental picture of; visualize.

SPECT comes from the Latin verb specere, meaning "to look at," and produces several familiar English words. Spectacles can be glasses that you look through; but a spectacle can also be a remarkable sight--in Roman times, perhaps a spectacular chariot race or a spectacularly bloody battle between gladiators(角斗士) and wild beasts, mounted for the pleasure of its spectators(观众).

aspect. (1) A part of something. (2) A certain way in which something appears or may be regarded.

prospect. (1) The possibility that something will happen in the future. (2) An opportunity for something to happen.

perspective. (1) Point of view; the angle, direction, or standpoint from which a person looks at something. (2) The art of technique of painting or drawing a scene so that object in it seem to have depth and distance.

prospectus. A printed statement that describes something (such as a new business or a stock offering) and is sent out to people who may be interested in buying or investing.

VOC comes from the Latin words meaning "voice" and "speak." So a vocal ensemble is a singing group. A vocation was originally a "calling" from God to do religious work as a priest, monk, or nun, though today most people use the word just to mean a career. And a vocabulary is a set of words for speaking.

equivocate. (1) To use ambiguous language, especially in order to deceive. (2) To avoid giving a direct answer.

irrevocable. Impossible to call back or retract.

advocate. To speak in favor of.

vociferous. Making noisy or emphatic outcries.

PHON is a Greek root meaning "sound,""voice," or "speech." It's probably most familiar in the form of the English suffix -phone, in words that begin with a Greek or Latin root as well. Thus, the tele- in telephone means "far," the micro- in microphone means "small," the xylo- in xylophone means "wood," and so on.

phonics. A method of teaching beginners to read and pronounce words by learning the characteristic sounds of letters, letter groups, and especially syllables.

phonetic. Relating to or representing the sounds of the spoken language.

polyphonic. Referring to a style of music in which two or more melodies are sung or played against each other in harmony.

cacophony. Harsh or unpleasant sound.

CUR, from the Latin verb curare, means basically "care for." Our verb cure comes from this root, as do manicure("care of the hands") and pedicure ("care of the feet.").

curative. Having to do with curing diseases.

curator. Someone in charge of something where things are on exhibit, such as collection, a museum, or a zoo.

procure. To get possession of; obtain.

sinecure. A job or position requiring little work but usually providing some income.

PERI, in both Latin and Greek, means "around." A period is often a span of time that keeps coming around regularly, day after day or year after year. With a periscope, you can see around corners. Peristalsis is the process that moves food around the intestines; without it, digestion would grind to a halt.

perimeter. The boundary of distance around a body or figure.

periodontal. Concerning or affecting the tissues around the teeth.

peripatetic. (1) Having to do with talking. (2) Moving or traveling from place to place.

peripheral. (1) Having to do with the outer edges, especially of the field of vision. (2) Secondary or supplemental.

SENS comes from the Latin nous sensus, meaning "feeling" or "sense." Sense itself obviously comes straight from the Latin. A sensation is something you sense. And if you're sensitive, you feel or sense things sharply, maybe even too sharply.

sensor. A device that detects a physical quantity (such as a movement or a beam of light) and responds by transmitting a signal.

desensitize. To cause (someone or something) to react less to or be less affected by something.

extrasensory. Not acting or occurring through any of the known senses.

sensuous. (1) Highly pleasing to the senses. (2) Relating to the senses.

SOPH come from the Greek words meaning "wise" and "wisdom." In English the root sometimes appears in words where the wisdom is of the "wise guy" variety, but in words such as philosophy we see it used more respectfully.

sophistry.(诡辩) Cleverly deceptive reasoning or argument.

sophisticated. (1) Having a thorough knowledge of the ways of society. (2) Highly complex or developed.

sophomoric. Overly impressed with one's own knowledge, but in fact undereducated and immature.

theosophy. A set of teachings about God and the world based on mystical insight, especially teachings founded on a blend of Buddihist and Hindu beliefs.

Achilles' heel.(阿喀琉斯之踵,致命弱点) A vulnerable point.

arcadia. A region or setting of rural pleasure and peacefulness.

Cassandra. A person who predicts misfortune or disaster.

cyclopean. Huge or massive.

draconian. Extremely severe or cruel.

myrmidon. A loyal follower, especially one who executes orders unquestioningly.

nemesis. A powerful, frightening opponent or rival who is usually victorious.

Trojan horse. Someone or something that works from within to weaken or defeat.


Choose the correct synonym and the correct antonym:

1. peripheral      a. central   b. logical   c. sincere   d. secondary

2. curative      a. humane   b. unhealthful   c. sensible   d. healing

3. irrevocable      a. final   b. undoable   c. unbelievable   d. vocal

4. perimeter      a. essence   b. edge   c. center   d. spurt

5. nemesis      a. ally   b. no one   c. enemy    d. bacteria

6. sophomoric      a. silly   b. wise   c. cacophonous   d. collegiate

7. Achilles' heel      a. paradise   b. heroism   c. strong point   d. vulnerability

8. peripatetic      a. stay-at-home   b. exact   c. wandering   d. imprecise

9. vociferous      a. speechless   b. steely   c. sweet-sounding   d. loud

10. visionary      a. idealist   b. cinematographer   c. conservative   d. writer

11. sophisticated      a. rejected   b. advanced   c. worldly-wise   d. innocent

12. equivocate      a. equalize   b. dither   c. decide   d. enjoy

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