

OC的原理主要是通过runtime 获取类的属性,在运行时获取Model的字段名集合,遍历该集合,拿Key去JSON中取值并完成赋值。而且Swift 的属性默认并不是动态属性,我们能在运行时获取一个Model实例的所有字段、字段值,但却无法给它赋值。事实上,我们拿到的value是原值的一个只读拷贝,即使获取到这个拷贝的地址写入新值,也是无效的。
OC的转换方式虽然在OC中完全适用,但是缺点也很严重,一方面只能只能继承 NSObject ,并不支持Struct;还有一个更严重的问题,optional 的属性不能正确解析,反正坑还是挺多的。



  1. 保持JSON语义,直接解析JSON,但通过封装使调用方式更优雅、更安全;
  2. 预定义Model类,将JSON反序列化为类实例,再使用这些实例。

先讨论第一种方式,其实我在16年前用Swift的时候主要是用第一种方式,最初是原始的解析方式,茫茫多的guard,很傻的方法。 然后我就开始用大名鼎鼎的SwiftyJSON,它本质上仍然是根据JSON结构去取值,使用起来顺手、清晰。但是他有一个根本性的问题,如果key拼写错误,或者其他的拼写错误就会很崩溃。

第二种方式应该是最优化的,最合理的方式。每一个Model都会通过一个Mappable协议来表明JSON字典映射关系,然后实现JSON和对象的转换。当然还有一个黑魔法 HandyJSON ,通过分析Swift数据结构在内存中的布局,自动分析出映射关系,进一步降低开发者使用的成本。
下面来介绍ObjectMapper 的用法,实现思路,以及源码分析。

ObjectMapper 介绍

ObjectMapper 是一个使用 Swift 编写的用于 model 对象(类和结构体)和 JSON 之间转换的框架。

  • 将JSON映射到对象
  • 将对象映射到JSON
  • 嵌套对象(独立,在数组或字典中)
  • 映射期间的自定义转换
  • 结构支持
  • 不可改变的支持
  • Int
  • Bool
  • Double
  • Float
  • String
  • RawRepresentable (Enums)
  • Array<Any>
  • Dictionary<String, Any>
  • Object<T: Mappable>
  • Array<T: Mappable>
  • Array<Array<T: Mappable>>
  • Set<T: Mappable>
  • Dictionary<String, T: Mappable>
  • Dictionary<String, Array<T: Mappable>>
  • Optionals of all the above
  • Implicitly Unwrapped Optionals of the above



mutation func mapping(map: Map)

init?(map: Map)

ObjectMapper使用 <-运算符来定义每个成员变量如何映射到JSON和从JSON映射。

class User: Mappable {
    var username: String?
    var age: Int?
    var weight: Double!
    var array: [Any]?
    var dictionary: [String : Any] = [:]
    var bestFriend: User?                       // Nested User object
    var friends: [User]?                        // Array of Users
    var birthday: Date?

    required init?(map: Map) {


    // Mappable
    func mapping(map: Map) {
        username    <- map["username"]
        age         <- map["age"]
        weight      <- map["weight"]
        array       <- map["arr"]
        dictionary  <- map["dict"]
        bestFriend  <- map["best_friend"]
        friends     <- map["friends"]
        birthday    <- (map["birthday"], DateTransform())

struct Temperature: Mappable {
    var celsius: Double?
    var fahrenheit: Double?

    init?(map: Map) {


    mutating func mapping(map: Map) {
        celsius     <- map["celsius"]
        fahrenheit  <- map["fahrenheit"]


let JSONString = "{\"weight\": 180}"
let user = User(JSONString: JSONString)
user?.age = 10
user?.username = "ash"
user?.birthday = Date()
user?.weight = 180

if let jsonStr = user?.toJSONString(prettyPrint: true) {


let user = Mapper<User>().map(JSONString: JSONString)

let JSONString = Mapper().toJSONString(user, prettyPrint: true)


    "distance" : {
        "text" : "102",
        "value" : 31


func mapping(map: Map) {
    distance <- map["distance.value"]


class People: Mappable {
   var birthday: NSDate?
   required init?(_ map: Map) {
   func mapping(map: Map) {
       birthday <- (map["birthday"], DateTransform())
   let JSON = "\"birthday\":1458117795332"
   let result = Mapper<People>().map(JSON)



public protocol TransformType {
    typealias Object
    typealias JSON
    func transformFromJSON(value: AnyObject?) -> Object?
    func transformToJSON(value: Object?) -> JSON?

let transform = TransformOf<Int, String>(fromJSON: { (value: String?) -> Int? in 
}, toJSON: { (value: Int?) -> String? in 
  // transform value from Int? to String?
  if let value = value {
      return String(value)
  return nil

func mapping(map: Map) {
  id <- (map["id"], transform)


class User: Mappable {
    var name: String?
    required init?(_ map: Map) {
    func mapping(_ map: Map) {
        name <- map["name"]

class Result<T: Mappable>: Mappable {
    var result: T?
    required init?(_ map: Map) {
    func mapping(map: Map) {
        result <- map["result"]

let JSON = "{\"result\": {\"name\": \"anenn\"}}"
let result = Mapper<Result<User>>().map(JSON)





  1. Core 部分
  2. Operators 部分
  3. Transforms 部分

其实 coreOperators 也可以归为一类,但是拆开来看更加容易理解,还是拆开来吧。
因为源代码比较多,这篇文章先介绍 Core 部分,了解这部分基本上的实现思路就已经很明确了,然后在最后会介绍一下 Sourcery 的自动代码生成,不然 mapping 方法中的代码写的让人很绝望。


Mappable相关的协议有StaticMappableImmutableMappable,我们先将 StaticMappableImmutableMappable 这两种协议的处理逻辑放一放,直接关注最重要的 Mappable 协议的实现,了解了 Mappable 另外两个很好理解。

/// BaseMappable should not be implemented directly. Mappable or StaticMappable should be used instead
public protocol BaseMappable {
    /// This function is where all variable mappings should occur. It is executed by Mapper during the mapping (serialization and deserialization) process.
    mutating func mapping(map: Map)

public protocol Mappable: BaseMappable {
    /// This function can be used to validate JSON prior to mapping. Return nil to cancel mapping at this point
    init?(map: Map)

public extension BaseMappable {
    /// Initializes object from a JSON String
    public init?(JSONString: String, context: MapContext? = nil) {
        if let obj: Self = Mapper(context: context).map(JSONString: JSONString) {
            self = obj
        } else {
            return nil
    /// Initializes object from a JSON Dictionary
    public init?(JSON: [String: Any], context: MapContext? = nil) {
        if let obj: Self = Mapper(context: context).map(JSON: JSON) {
            self = obj
        } else {
            return nil
    /// Returns the JSON Dictionary for the object
    public func toJSON() -> [String: Any] {
        return Mapper().toJSON(self)
    /// Returns the JSON String for the object
    public func toJSONString(prettyPrint: Bool = false) -> String? {
        return Mapper().toJSONString(self, prettyPrint: prettyPrint)

BaseMappable为实现 MappableModel 提供了四种实例方法,有两个是初始化方法,当然你也可以自己新建一个 Mapper 来初始化;还有两个是 ModelJSON 的方法。


继续看 Mapper 的代码,Mapper中核心代码为下面的方法

    /// Maps a JSON dictionary to an object that conforms to Mappable
    public func map(JSON: [String: Any]) -> N? {
        let map = Map(mappingType: .fromJSON, JSON: JSON, context: context, shouldIncludeNilValues: shouldIncludeNilValues)
        if let klass = N.self as? StaticMappable.Type { // Check if object is StaticMappable
            if var object = klass.objectForMapping(map: map) as? N {
                object.mapping(map: map)
                return object
        } else if let klass = N.self as? Mappable.Type { // Check if object is Mappable
            if var object = klass.init(map: map) as? N {
                object.mapping(map: map)
                return object
        } else if let klass = N.self as? ImmutableMappable.Type { // Check if object is ImmutableMappable
            do {
                return try klass.init(map: map) as? N
            } catch let error {
                #if DEBUG
                let exception: NSException
                if let mapError = error as? MapError {
                    exception = NSException(name: .init(rawValue: "MapError"), reason: mapError.description, userInfo: nil)
                } else {
                    exception = NSException(name: .init(rawValue: "ImmutableMappableError"), reason: error.localizedDescription, userInfo: nil)
        } else {
            // Ensure BaseMappable is not implemented directly
            assert(false, "BaseMappable should not be implemented directly. Please implement Mappable, StaticMappable or ImmutableMappable")
        return nil

根据N的协议类型走不同的协议方法,最终得到 object
让我们用 Mappable 来举例,先回到之前协议中的方法

mutation func mapping(map: Map)

init?(map: Map)

这样对着看就很好理解了,init?(map: Map) 没有 return nil 的时候,就会调用 func mapping(map: Map) 方法来指定映射关系,那这个映射关系有什么作用呢,后面会慢慢介绍。

extension Mapper {
    // MARK: Functions that create JSON from objects    
    ///Maps an object that conforms to Mappable to a JSON dictionary <String, Any>
    public func toJSON(_ object: N) -> [String: Any] {
        var mutableObject = object
        let map = Map(mappingType: .toJSON, JSON: [:], context: context, shouldIncludeNilValues: shouldIncludeNilValues)
        mutableObject.mapping(map: map)
        return map.JSON
    ///Maps an array of Objects to an array of JSON dictionaries [[String: Any]]
    public func toJSONArray(_ array: [N]) -> [[String: Any]] {
        return array.map {
            // convert every element in array to JSON dictionary equivalent
    ///Maps a dictionary of Objects that conform to Mappable to a JSON dictionary of dictionaries.
    public func toJSONDictionary(_ dictionary: [String: N]) -> [String: [String: Any]] {
        return dictionary.map { (arg: (key: String, value: N)) in
            // convert every value in dictionary to its JSON dictionary equivalent
            return (arg.key, self.toJSON(arg.value))
    ///Maps a dictionary of Objects that conform to Mappable to a JSON dictionary of dictionaries.
    public func toJSONDictionaryOfArrays(_ dictionary: [String: [N]]) -> [String: [[String: Any]]] {
        return dictionary.map { (arg: (key: String, value: [N])) in
            // convert every value (array) in dictionary to its JSON dictionary equivalent
            return (arg.key, self.toJSONArray(arg.value))
    /// Maps an Object to a JSON string with option of pretty formatting
    public func toJSONString(_ object: N, prettyPrint: Bool = false) -> String? {
        let JSONDict = toJSON(object)
        return Mapper.toJSONString(JSONDict as Any, prettyPrint: prettyPrint)

    /// Maps an array of Objects to a JSON string with option of pretty formatting  
    public func toJSONString(_ array: [N], prettyPrint: Bool = false) -> String? {
        let JSONDict = toJSONArray(array)
        return Mapper.toJSONString(JSONDict as Any, prettyPrint: prettyPrint)
    /// Converts an Object to a JSON string with option of pretty formatting
    public static func toJSONString(_ JSONObject: Any, prettyPrint: Bool) -> String? {
        let options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions = prettyPrint ? .prettyPrinted : []
        if let JSON = Mapper.toJSONData(JSONObject, options: options) {
            return String(data: JSON, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
        return nil
    /// Converts an Object to JSON data with options
    public static func toJSONData(_ JSONObject: Any, options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions) -> Data? {
        if JSONSerialization.isValidJSONObject(JSONObject) {
            let JSONData: Data?
            do {
                JSONData = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: JSONObject, options: options)
            } catch let error {
                JSONData = nil
            return JSONData
        return nil

Mapper 还有一些 toJSON 的方法,这边的方法也很好理解,具体的实现都是在 Map 的一些方法,要知道这些方法具体实现就需要继续往下看。


Map 中有两个核心的方法,先看自定义下标的方法,分析一下最重要的那个自定义下标的方法

/// Sets the current mapper value and key.
/// The Key paramater can be a period separated string (ex. "distance.value") to access sub objects.
public subscript(key: String) -> Map {
    // save key and value associated to it
    return self.subscript(key: key)

public subscript(key: String, delimiter delimiter: String) -> Map {
    return self.subscript(key: key, delimiter: delimiter)

public subscript(key: String, nested nested: Bool) -> Map {
    return self.subscript(key: key, nested: nested)

public subscript(key: String, nested nested: Bool, delimiter delimiter: String) -> Map {
    return self.subscript(key: key, nested: nested, delimiter: delimiter)

public subscript(key: String, ignoreNil ignoreNil: Bool) -> Map {
    return self.subscript(key: key, ignoreNil: ignoreNil)

public subscript(key: String, delimiter delimiter: String, ignoreNil ignoreNil: Bool) -> Map {
    return self.subscript(key: key, delimiter: delimiter, ignoreNil: ignoreNil)

public subscript(key: String, nested nested: Bool, ignoreNil ignoreNil: Bool) -> Map {
    return self.subscript(key: key, nested: nested, ignoreNil: ignoreNil)

public subscript(key: String, nested nested: Bool?, delimiter delimiter: String, ignoreNil ignoreNil: Bool) -> Map {
    return self.subscript(key: key, nested: nested, delimiter: delimiter, ignoreNil: ignoreNil)

private func `subscript`(key: String, nested: Bool? = nil, delimiter: String = ".", ignoreNil: Bool = false) -> Map {
    // save key and value associated to it
    currentKey = key
    keyIsNested = nested ?? key.contains(delimiter)
    nestedKeyDelimiter = delimiter
    if mappingType == .fromJSON {
        // check if a value exists for the current key
        // do this pre-check for performance reasons
        if keyIsNested {
            // break down the components of the key that are separated by delimiter
            (isKeyPresent, currentValue) = valueFor(ArraySlice(key.components(separatedBy: delimiter)), dictionary: JSON)
        } else {
            let object = JSON[key]
            let isNSNull = object is NSNull
            isKeyPresent = isNSNull ? true : object != nil
            currentValue = isNSNull ? nil : object
        // update isKeyPresent if ignoreNil is true
        if ignoreNil && currentValue == nil {
            isKeyPresent = false
    return self


/// Fetch value from JSON dictionary, loop through keyPathComponents until we reach the desired object
private func valueFor(_ keyPathComponents: ArraySlice<String>, dictionary: [String: Any]) -> (Bool, Any?) {
    // Implement it as a tail recursive function.
    if keyPathComponents.isEmpty {
        return (false, nil)
    if let keyPath = keyPathComponents.first {
        let isTail = keyPathComponents.count == 1
        let object = dictionary[keyPath]
        if object is NSNull {
            return (isTail, nil)
        } else if keyPathComponents.count > 1, let dict = object as? [String: Any] {
            let tail = keyPathComponents.dropFirst()
            return valueFor(tail, dictionary: dict)
        } else if keyPathComponents.count > 1, let array = object as? [Any] {
            let tail = keyPathComponents.dropFirst()
            return valueFor(tail, array: array)
        } else {
            return (isTail && object != nil, object)
    return (false, nil)

/// Fetch value from JSON Array, loop through keyPathComponents them until we reach the desired object
private func valueFor(_ keyPathComponents: ArraySlice<String>, array: [Any]) -> (Bool, Any?) {
    // Implement it as a tail recursive function.
    if keyPathComponents.isEmpty {
        return (false, nil)
    //Try to convert keypath to Int as index
    if let keyPath = keyPathComponents.first,
        let index = Int(keyPath) , index >= 0 && index < array.count {
        let isTail = keyPathComponents.count == 1
        let object = array[index]
        if object is NSNull {
            return (isTail, nil)
        } else if keyPathComponents.count > 1, let array = object as? [Any]  {
            let tail = keyPathComponents.dropFirst()
            return valueFor(tail, array: array)
        } else if  keyPathComponents.count > 1, let dict = object as? [String: Any] {
            let tail = keyPathComponents.dropFirst()
            return valueFor(tail, dictionary: dict)
        } else {
            return (isTail, object)
    return (false, nil)

看到这里其实 Core 部分的代码基本上就看完了,还有一些toJSON的方法,其他的类同的方法,那些对于理解 ObjectMapper 没有影响。



简单介绍一些 Sourcery 这个自动生成代码的工具。
Sourcery 是一个 Swift 代码生成的开源命令行工具,它 (通过 SourceKitten 使用 Apple 的 SourceKit 框架,来分析你的源码中的各种声明和标注,然后套用你预先定义的 Stencil 模板 (一种语法和 Mustache 很相似的 Swift 模板语言) 进行代码生成。我们下面会先看一个使用 SourceKitten 最简单的例子,来说明如何使用这个工具。然后再针对我们的字典转换问题进行实现。

安装 SourceKitten 非常简单,brew install sourcery 即可。不过,如果你想要在实际项目中使用这个工具的话,我建议直接从发布页面下载二进制文件,放到 Xcode 项目目录中,然后添加 Run Script 的 Build Phase 来在每次编译的时候自动生成。

之前说过了 mapping 函数实现起来过于臃肿耗时,你可以用插件来生成 mapping 函数
但是Xcode 8之后不让用插件了,除非用野路子重签名的方式安装插件,而且安装了还不一定能用,反正那个很坑,还要复制一个Xcode用来打包上传,本弱鸡电脑根本没那么多空间。
两个方法我都试过了, 个人觉得 SourceKitten 更加适合,那个插件的确实不好用,还有一种方式,可以在网站上自动生成,然后复制进来。
接下来就可以尝试以下书写模板代码了。可以参照 Sourcery 文档 关于单个 TypeVariable 的部分的内容来实现。另外,可以考虑使用 --watch 模式来在文件改变时自动生成代码,来实时观察结果。


protocol AutoMappable {}

struct Person {
    var firstName: String
    var lastName: String
    var birthDate: Date
    var friend: [String]
    var lalala: Dictionary<String, Any>
    var age: Int {
        return Calendar.current.dateComponents([.year],
                                               from: birthDate,
                                               to: Date()).year ?? -1
extension Person: AutoMappable {}


import ObjectMapper

{% for type in types.implementing.AutoMappable|struct %}
// MARK: {{ type.name }} Mappable
extension {{type.name}}: Mappable {

    init?(map: Map) {
        return nil
    mutating func mapping(map: Map) {
    {% for variable in type.storedVariables %} 
        {% if variable.isArray %}
            {{variable.name}} <- map["{{variable.name}}.0.value"]
        {% elif variable.isDictionary %}
            {{variable.name}} <- map["{{variable.name}}.value"]
        {% else %}
            {{variable.name}} <- map["{{variable.name}}"]
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


import ObjectMapper

// MARK: Person Mappable
extension Person: Mappable {

    init?(map: Map) {
        return nil
    mutating func mapping(map: Map) {
            firstName <- map["firstName"]
            lastName  <- map["lastName"]
            birthDate <- map["birthDate"]
            friend    <- map["friend.0.value"]
            lalala    <- map["lalala.value"]

后面会继续介绍 ObjectMapper 其他源码的实现思路。


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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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  • 发现 关注 消息 iOS 第三方库、插件、知名博客总结 作者大灰狼的小绵羊哥哥关注 2017.06.26 09:4...
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  • 在我故乡里,春夏季最常见的也就是那黄黄的油菜花,高低起伏的群山环绕着我的小镇,那山上布满了密密麻麻的油菜花,...
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  • 2014年1月1日,长江公司为其200名管理人员每人授予100份现金股票增值权,这些人员从2014年1月1日起必须...
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