2019.4 每日一词


Most of parents, however well-meaning, are constantly complained.



The policy was well-intended, but the result turned out to be opposite.

(参考翻译:The policy was well-meaning, but somehow it backfired. 或者 The policy, however well-intended, turned out the opposite of what was expected.)



The project is designed for students who are more sports-minded than academiclly-minded.


The crime-ridden country is not a good place to live.


1)翻译下面的句子: 这家债台高筑的公司开始把目光聚焦到海外业务。

This debt-ridden company began to focus on overseas business.

(参考翻译:The debt-ridden firm is starting to shift its focus to overseas operations. )


Wechat is a society-oriented application, where you can connect with your friends,families and colleagues.


society-oriented 社会性的,society做名词社交,是上流社会的意思,不知主打社交这个用oriented怎么写

The government has been promoting technology-oriented education, education systems such as STEM education become popular.


抖音是以年轻人为主的短视频应用程序,它声称有 2.5 亿每日活跃用户。

Douyin is a young-oriented short video application, which claims to have 250 million daily active users.


(参考翻译:Douyin is a youth-oriented short video app, claiming to boast more than 250m daily active users. )

proximity  区位优势要利用好


Many residents buy properties for their proximity to more public resources.


More and more children are no longer in close proximity to their parents.



Tianjing's economy seems has not enjoyed the benefits of its proximity to Beijing.

seems to have

does not seem to have

(参考翻译:Despite its proximity to Beijing, the capital city, Tianjin does not seem to have benefited much economically from it. 或 It seems (that) Tianjin's economy has not benefited enormously from its close proximity to Beijing, the capital city.)


With hindsight, I should have spent more time with my grandma.



With hindsight, I should have been more patience for her.

(参考翻译:With hindsight, I should have been a bit more patient with her. ) 



The event vividly illustrates the wide gulf between the rich and the poor in education resource.



The gulf between the rich and the poor is widening constantly in first-tier and second-tier cites.


(参考翻译:There is a growing/widening gulf between first-tier cities and second-tier cities.) 

Many people are running out of resilience, they complain that they have spent so much time on work, companies force them to work six days peer week 12 hours per day.



The locals showed greate resilience in the earthquake.

(参考翻译:Local residents showed remarkable resilience during the earthquake. 或 Local inhabitants demonstrated amazing resilience in the face of the earthquake.)


英英释义:a person who makes slow progress and falls behind others

例句:This cut-off contest is not for losers and laggards.

2. 为什么选这个词?

“laggard”是可数名词,意思是“落后者”,从动词 lag(落后)衍生而来。这个词是《经济学人》的常客,可以指一个人、一家公司、一支球队、一个国家。来看几个例句。


This cut-off contest is not for losers and laggards.


The Chinese national football team has long been a laggard, an embarrassment to many Chinese.

来看看《经济学人》文章中用到的几处 laggard:

a) Britain’s economy has gone from a leader to a laggard internationally, as GDP growth has slowed sharply.

想表达“从领头羊变成了落后者”就可以直接用“go from a leader to a laggard”这一表达。

b) Indeed, half a millennium ago Europe might justly have been considered a laggard.

c) On its current path, the country will remain a growth laggard.

这句中,注意 growth 虽然是名词,但也可以用来修饰 laggard。这个用法在有的字典中查不到,不过在地道英文中还是可以看到的。我们在阅读中可以多注意积累类似的名词作修饰语的用法。

China was a laggard 40 years ago, but it will maybe become a leader 40 years later, because the great will of developing economy.



The country's economy has long been a laggard, but it is catching up now.

(参考翻译:Once a laggard, the economy of this country is starting to catch up. 或 Long a laggard, this country's economy is beginning to pick up.)

Evidence shows that sports can help delay the onset of getting older.


Since the onset of the finacial crisis, more and more people lost their jobs.


经济危机爆发后,投资面貌发生了巨大变化。 Since the onset of the economic crisis, the investment situation has changed gteate.

(参考翻译:The investment landscape has been changed tremendously since the onset of the financial crisis.)

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