
1. spur job creation 增加就业机会  本来指刺激啦,现在用来形容增加,用的棒棒哒
2.develop in top gear 高速发展  高速就不要一直用rapidly/quickly 像这样的短语很有意思,高速的齿轮旋转
3.shrink trade deficits  缩小贸易逆差 缩小,这里指缩水哈哈,很形象呢
4.highly intertwined economic interests  高度相关的经济利益  交织的就是相关啊,剪不断理还乱。我做政府工作报告时也看到滴。
5.grant access to sb 让…进入 不要老是说have/get access to 用一下grant立刻不一样
6.pose the question  提出问题 提出问题不能总是说raise趴,摆出问题也很酷
7.wrap up  圆满完成  突然觉得好厉害,完成顶多会说个conclusion  造个句 our compaign has wrapped up我们的任务成功完成
8.get into its stride  走上正轨 找到了节奏,就是走上正轨。造个句:After several months' preparation,my work finally got into its stride.
9.alight on something  发现了  还在为发现用find而发愁吗?不用着急一个帮你解决,高逼格。
10.put huge demands on 提出了极高的要求  还在用request之类单一的动词吗,学会词组更吃香
11.be available for practice use  投入实际使用 只会用put into practice?救星来啦
12.under the aegis of 在…的支持下 还用with the report of这么low的句型吗?造个句子 Under the aegis of my parents,I commenced on my startups.
13.birds of a feather 同一类的 物以类聚的意思  同一只鸟的羽毛
14.Eyes will be on the  值得关注 还在用focus on 吗?外国的文字很形象啊,眼睛在哪里就是关注哦。
15.It is crunch time to 关键时刻 不要总是用key time啦,摇摇欲坠的时候就是关键时刻,不让他倒下来呀
16.keep …to a minimum尽量减少  不要只用reduce啦,像上文的shrink还有这里的短语,都很棒啦
17.bring …to life  生动有趣  把…带到生活中,就像是从书中走出来一样。不要用interesting啦,很污哦
18.less of a laggard 不那么落后啦 laggard这个词就很棒,体现出水平啦还可以用动词形式laggard behind
18.overstate their novelty of their ideas 夸大了观点的新颖性 overstate的应用哦
19.exhibit great effects  表现出…效应  球球了,不要用show 了好吗,太low啦,陈列表现,现成的
20.excluding rivals from profiting from your assets 防止盈利,防止exclude sb from doing sth多好的短语啊,还用prevent嘛?
21.grouse抱怨  还用complain吗,好像是gre里面的,背过了就要用,成为积极词汇哈
22.hardly different from 与…如出一辙 不要用 the same 啦,这个用了个反的,而且还用到了副词哦
23.associated with 与…有关的 其实吧,related to 也不错啦,这个也很棒 造个句 The spillover effect associated with the investment can account for…
24. The gap has widen in everything from wages to profits.差距加大  比如说学渣和学霸的差距拉大,反正是用于两种极端滴
25.reap great rewards  收获丰厚的回报  很形象啊,种下了什么就有什么用reap比较好了,比gain好吧
26.be attributed to doing/n 归结于  造个句:Her success can be attributed to persistent efforts and unswerving determination.
27 have little incentive to do 没有…动力做某事    incentive 用的很棒啊 造个句 have little incentive to work
28. in part 一方面  造个句:Her success is great because in part she devoted herself to the study and in part because she grasped excellent strategies.
29.oversell its case  夸大其词 oversell棒,活学活用 please dont oversell your case about your ability.
30.in the space of three pages  在三页的篇幅里  一般也不会想到用篇幅这种词组吧,不过经济学人很精妙啊
31.The book has deeply practical streaks 这本书有很强的实用性。 have… streak  有…的特性  造个句 she has strong diligent streak
32.top-notch 一流水平 不要总是用 first啦
33.The reader is left with sobering thought. 发人深省
34.Technologies are often billed as transformative.  宣传    to advertise or describe sb/sth.in a particular way 把…宣传为 根据有道词典
35 The scale of its ambition are increasing 越来越野心勃勃  用scale规模来表示程度的加深太棒了,可以引申,造个句子 The scale of fear is increasing.
36  People want to survive the advent of artificial intelligence  在人工智能出现后,人们还想要存活  the advent of …的出现  造个句:The advent of computers remarkably facilitates people's life.
37.turn sth into a resource to be harnessed  把…转化为可利用的资源 这个句型很有用,造个句He turned the interview as a opportunity to be seized.
38 The path to sth is blocked by three formidable barriers.  …的道路面临三大难以逾越的障碍  肥肠好惹 造个句:His path to graduate is blocked by three formidable barriers/obstacles:money,relationship,power
39.efforts are under way to…  正在努力…spare no efforts to do sth不遗余力做某事也可以啦,不过这个被动句很地道
40.Learning process are more advanced in … …身上学习进度更快more advanced in sb/sth很棒哦,造个句 Remarkable progress are more advanced in those people who master the skills.
41.with extraordinary ease 游刃有余  造个句 可以接上句,Remarkable progress are more advanced in those people who master the skills,meanwhile they can grapple with academic questions with extraordinary ease.
42 The third obstacle comprises the barriers to commercial-isolation.组成了障碍 造个句 Her laziness comprises the barriers to success.
43.A host of concerns will arise产生种种担忧
44 grapple with questions  解决问题不要总是用handle solve了,用这个高大上,而且也背过,回到上文把handle改了,记得是固定搭配哦
45.Keep the details close to its chest  对细节守口如瓶  造个句He has achieved remarkable progress,but he keeps skills close to his chest and never shares.
46 spot problems instantly  立刻发现问题  发现问题不要用find 了,用spot
47  sth一般不指人 is a good candidate for 某种方法method  适合干某事  造个句  The chinese students is a good candidate for the way of cramming students.
48  rely on rice as a staple  以米饭为主食  take/recognize…as a staple  …为主要 造个句 He recognized the rote memorization(死记硬背) as  a staple in learning,that is why he flunk.
49.ubiquitous 无处不在的
50. the spirit of love and generosity infuses your family gatherings.  沉浸在sth infuses sth 造个句 The feeling of happiness and satisfaction infuses your heart.
51 The economy is rocking  经济一片欢腾  太棒了,用rocking摇滚
52 synchronized global growth 全球增长同步  同步
53 worldwide passion for sth 对…的热情  造个句 my passion for english is endless
54 kid ourselves  欺骗自己  please dont kid yourselves that you are the top-notch
55  get sloppy about 对…马虎 主要是sloppy变成积极词汇
56 worst blunders 最坏的错误  错误不要用mistakes 啦,用blunders就可以喽
57 in my boom years/periods在繁荣黄金的年代时期  总感觉可以回忆小时候用呢
58 splurge on sth  挥霍/splurge名词 造个句 I will splurge on purchases You behavior is a splurge.
59 shift our centre to 把中心/重心转移 shift sth to  造个句 You should shift your centre from rote memorization to exploring the question law.(题目规律)
60 budget goes on 主要是go on的用法造个句 My time goes on entertainment and sleep
61.Tech cuts both ways 科技是把双刃剑  应用于其他的有双面性的事物Globalization cuts both ways.
62 equipment that will soon become obsolete 很快会过时
63 outpace  超越 China outpaces America in population and workforce.
64 It is a tough call.这是一个艰难的决定  固定搭配 tough call
65 grind to a halt 逐渐停下来 ,停止 造个句 Without the use of lifts, our life will grind to a halt.
65.The lift is to the vertical what the car is to the horizontal. 电梯在垂直空间里扮演的角色与汽车在水平空间里扮演的角色相当。
65 defining means of  关键的 和上文的crunch是一样的,造个句 defining challenge posed is摆在面前的关键性问题
66.sth echoes sth …与…的想法不谋而合  造个句子 His way of learning echoes  her practice.
67. withthrown in for good measure(经典句型)另外,额外 造个句子:I am a voracious reader,and read everything from biography and novels,with some science-fiction books thrown in for good measure.
68.form basis for 为…奠定基础 和 lay a solid foundation for差不多
68.fall prey to  深受其害 非常好的短语 造个句子 I fell prey to staying up late.深受熬夜之害
69. the presumption that …is plain wrong.…的猜测是完全错误的 造个句子:The presumption that age is relevant to maturity is plain wrong 年龄与成熟有关的猜测是完全错误的。
70There is justified fear that…有理由担心 造个句:There is justified fear that the implications of what live streaming host do will be serious due to the unordered platform.
71.stifle /foster innovation 扼杀/促进创新
72.have the heft to compete  有竞争的实力 造个句:She has the heft to compete with others in english speech thanks to her agile minds.
73. get unfettered access to do sth 自由地/不限制地做某事 造个句:I hope that I can get unfettered access to the snacks.
74.let sth run its course 让其自由发展 造个句 We should let the talent run its course
75.become less vibrant  缺乏活力我滴妈,活力这么棒。不要用energetic啦,vibrant太牛了
76.cripple one's ability/economies  of scale  削弱经济效益
77.deprive sb of sth 剥夺造个句Parents dont have the right to deprive their children of seeking for freedom

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