


例一Forbes released the 2013 Global 2000 list, and CNOOC Limited ranked 111.

应该是被动语态was ranked。例如:the only Canadian woman to be ranked in the top 50 of the women's world rankings.[3](…进入世界妇女排行榜前50名的惟一的加拿大妇女。)

Agassi was at that time ranked sixth in the world.[4]


CNOOC Limited announced that it had purchased Indonesian oil assets from Spanish oil giant Repsol-YPE. CNOOC said it has agreed to pay US$580 million for part of the working interests in five oil and gas fields of Repsol-YPE.

不知为何要翻成间接引语。既然是间接引语,指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词都要做相应变化。例如:He said,“I haven't heard from my parents these days.”

——>He said that he hadn't heard from his parents those days.[5]

因此,上面应该改成过去完成时,或者去掉CNOOC said。


China National Offshore Oil Corporation (“CNOOC。”) and Texaco China B.V., a subsidiary of Chevron Texaco (“ChevronTexaco”), had entered into an agreement for the unitization development ofBZ25-1/25-1Soil field in the Bohai Bay, which realized the integrated development across the oil field structure of self-financed area and corporation area.

中文不够严谨,刚签了开发协议,就“实现了”开发。英文这样写恐怕就有问题。先看agreement的定义:An agreement is a formal decision about future action that is made by two or more countries, groups, or people.[6]请注意是about future action。其次,看看英文媒体的例句:

The agreement states that Saleh will transfer power and leave office within 30 days.[7]

The agreement will allow the Lockerbie families to begin receiving millions of dollars each from Libya.[8]因此,realized应改成would realize。


CNOOC Limited (the"Company") announced that the joint development project of Xihu Natural Gas in the East China Sea had been inaugurated. Current partners,CNOOC Limited and Sinopec, have formed a joint management committee and established the East China Sea Xihu Oil and Gas Operating Company to oversee the overall development of the region. CNOOC Limited was the operator.

这里最后一句用了一个LINKING OR STATE OF BEING VERB的过去式,由于这个动词用于描述状态,除非被描述的状态已经改变,否则,要慎用过去式。网上有本电子书叫《专门为中国人写的英语语法》,有一段专门描述了这种情形:


He was a good boy.



She was such a nice girl.




例一:China Offshore Oil Nanhuanghai Corporation was renamed as China Offshore Oil Donghai Corporation.

这个as是多余的。例:Tel Aviv's Kings Square was renamed Yitzhak Rabin Square[9].(特拉维夫的国王广场更名为伊扎克·拉宾广场。)

Myddleton Way was renamed Allende Avenue[10].

Theshipwassold,paintedand renamed the 'SuezStar'[11].(这艘轮船被出售后油漆一新,并改名为“苏伊士之星”号。)

例二:Standard & Poor's and Moody's continue to rate the company with credit ratings of AA- and Aa3,the highest for a Chinese corporation.

with是多余的。例:He is generally rated the country's No. 3 industrialist[12].(他被大家普遍看成该国的第3大实业家。)在网上还找到了一条标准普尔的评级新闻:

S&P still happy to rate Australia AAA[13]


CNOOC Limited received the Platts Strategic Vision Award of Deal of the Year.

Strategic vision Award是大奖项的名字,里面分成了Energy Company of the Year,CEO of the Year,Deal of the Year等若干个单项奖,类似诺贝尔奖分成物理奖、化学奖等,表达方法为Nobel Prize in Physiological or Medicine。因此这里也应该写成Strategic Vision Award in Deal of the Year。


In June 1982 the Nanhai East Oil Corporation was founded in Guangzhou and the Nanhai West Oil Corporation was founded in Zhanjiang with its base at the Nanhai Oil Exploration Headquarters of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry.

with its base at这是自己想象的,应该是on the basis of。

例五:successfully entered the international capital market through the public listing of its oil and gas assets in New York and Hong Kong stock markets.

首先,如果用New York Stock Exchange而不是stock market的话,介词肯定用on,不是in。例如:...a basket of blue chip stocks listed on the American Exchange[14].(…在美国证券交易所上市的一组绩优股。)

Companies may want to get their stock listed on a stock exchange[15].

问题是这里用的是market,到底是in the market还是on the market?有个English Language Learners StackExchange网站是这样解释的:

You can also be in the market if you are willing to buy something. Compare:

Company X is on the market for a takeover.

Company X is in the market for a takeover.

The first sentence means someone can buy them- the second indicates they want to buy!

If something is for sale, it is on the market.

Our product has been on the market for two months now.

There is a lot of software on the market.

I want to move to another town; I put my house on the market[16].

由上面的解释看来,上市公司是出售股票,应该用on the stock market.


Since 2011,CNOOC has set for new leap frog development under the guidance of the sixth leader group. The Company steadily holds to the scientific concept of development and accelerates the improving in the economic development mode, while fully undertaking the responsibilities of a corporate citizen.

set作及物动词时才有设立、建立的意思,V-T If you set a date, price, goal, or level, you decide what it will be[17].(决定;确定)。例如:

The conference chairman has set a deadline of noon tomorrow.(会议主席设定明天中午为最后期限。)[18]

A date will be set for a future meeting.(将为未来的会议确定一个日期。)[18]

因此set for是个错误的搭配,除非be set for。中文“提出。。。宏伟蓝图”已属于动宾搭配不当。英文set for...development也不对,应该去掉for,development后面加goal。

例七:The representatives participating in the meeting discussed on the Provisional Regulations for the work of CNOOC Delegating a Board of Supervisors, and proposed modification suggestions.

discuss是及物动词,其定义是V-T If people discuss something,they talk about it, often in order to reach a decision.(讨论)[18]。例如:

I will be discussing the situation with colleagues tomorrow.[18](我将于明天和同事们讨论这个情况。)

The council discussed the proposed law on taxes.[18](委员会讨论了所提的税法议案。)


China National Chemical Construction Company (CNCCC) merged into and became a subsidiary of CNOOC.


Three bureaus have merged into two.[19](三个局合并成两个局。)

If agreed, the six regional Careers Wales companies would merge into a single national Careers Wales.[20]


First, the company will focus on major tasks so as to accomplish its annual production target. The company has set its net production target at 422-435 million BOE in 2014.


As per assessment,the total cotton production would stand at 13.5395 million bales against the target of 15.1 million bales set by the government.[21]

Aug 4(Reuters) -Australia's Roc Oil Co Ltd (ROC.AX: Cotation) ROC.L on Tuesday said it was unlikely to achieve its 2009 production target of 11,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), hurt by closure of a well and a planned downtime.[22]

例十:The LNG receiving stations supplied gas for Guangdong, Fujian and Shanghai safely and stably.


to supply gas to communities[23](向社区供应煤气)

West-East Gas Pipeline Project to supply gas to Shanghai in 2005[24]

RIL-BP to supply gas to Andhra power projects[25]


The company sped up the entrance in the vehicle and ship gas filling market.

应该是into。N-SING If you make an entrance into a particular activity or system, you succeed in becoming involved in it.[26](进入)。例:

The acquisition helped BCCI make its initial entrance into the U.S. market.[26](这次接管帮助国际信贷银行首次进入了美国市场。)

[4]Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.Pearson Education Limited, 2011. ldoceonline.com. Web. 10 November 2014.



[7]CNN:Qatar bails out of Yemen pact, citing procrastination'

http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/meast/05/12/yemen.unrest.qatar/index.html (accessed

November 12, 2014)

[8]CNN:France 'stops blocking Libya deal

'http://edition.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/africa/09/11/libya.france/index.html (accessed

November 12, 2014)


[10] Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.Pearson Education Limited, 2011. ldoceonline.com. Web. 10 November 2014.

[11]Cambridge dictionaries online.Cambridge University Press, 2014.

dictionary.cambridge.org.Web. 12 November 2014.




[15]WIKIpedia. “Stock market”,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stock_market (accessed

November 12, 2014)

[16] English Language Learners Stack Exchange,”On the market or In the market?”,http://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/17733/on-the-market-or-in-the-market(accessed November 12, 2014)




[20]BBC:Debate on the careers services

.http://news.bbc.co.uk/democracylive/hi/wales/newsid_9216000/9216254.stm (accessed November 12, 2014)

[21] THE EXPRESS TRIBUNE.http://tribune.com.pk/story/776722/cotton-production-target-may-be-missed/ (accessed November 12, 2014)

[22] Thomson Reuters.http://fr.reuters.com/article/idUKBNG48332720090804 (accessed November 12, 2014)


[24] Alexander’s Gas & Oil Connections.

http://www.gasandoil.com/news/2003/10/cns34020 (accessed November 12, 2014)

[25] business-standard.com http://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/ril-bp-to-supply-gas-to-andhra-power-projects-112082100046_1.html (accessed November 12, 2014)


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