


        final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

        DataSet<RecordDto> csvInput = env.readCsvFile(csvFilePath)
                .pojoType(RecordDto.class, "playerName", "country", "year", "game", "gold", "silver", "bronze", "total");

        csvInput.map(new MapFunction<RecordDto, RecordDto>() {
            public RecordDto map(RecordDto value) throws Exception {
                LOGGER.info("execute map:{}",value);
                return value;



     * Creates a CSV reader to read a comma separated value (CSV) file. The reader has options to
     * define parameters and field types and will eventually produce the DataSet that corresponds to
     * the read and parsed CSV input.
     * @param filePath The path of the CSV file.
     * @return A CsvReader that can be used to configure the CSV input.
    public CsvReader readCsvFile(String filePath) {
        return new CsvReader(filePath, this);
  • 这里根据filePath创建了CsvReader



    public CsvReader(String filePath, ExecutionEnvironment executionContext) {
        this(new Path(Preconditions.checkNotNull(filePath, "The file path may not be null.")), executionContext);

    public CsvReader(Path filePath, ExecutionEnvironment executionContext) {
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(filePath, "The file path may not be null.");
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(executionContext, "The execution context may not be null.");

        this.path = filePath;
        this.executionContext = executionContext;

     * Configures the reader to read the CSV data and parse it to the given type. The all fields of the type
     * must be public or able to set value. The type information for the fields is obtained from the type class.
     * @param pojoType The class of the target POJO.
     * @param pojoFields The fields of the POJO which are mapped to CSV fields.
     * @return The DataSet representing the parsed CSV data.
    public <T> DataSource<T> pojoType(Class<T> pojoType, String... pojoFields) {
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(pojoType, "The POJO type class must not be null.");
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(pojoFields, "POJO fields must be specified (not null) if output type is a POJO.");

        final TypeInformation<T> ti = TypeExtractor.createTypeInfo(pojoType);
        if (!(ti instanceof PojoTypeInfo)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "The specified class is not a POJO. The type class must meet the POJO requirements. Found: " + ti);
        final PojoTypeInfo<T> pti = (PojoTypeInfo<T>) ti;

        CsvInputFormat<T> inputFormat = new PojoCsvInputFormat<T>(path, this.lineDelimiter, this.fieldDelimiter, pti, pojoFields, this.includedMask);


        return new DataSource<T>(executionContext, inputFormat, pti, Utils.getCallLocationName());
  • CsvReader提供了pojoType方法,用于将csv的数据映射为java类型,同时转换为flink的DataSource;创建DataSource的时候,这里提供了PojoCsvInputFormat以及PojoTypeInfo



 * The Task represents one execution of a parallel subtask on a TaskManager.
 * A Task wraps a Flink operator (which may be a user function) and
 * runs it, providing all services necessary for example to consume input data,
 * produce its results (intermediate result partitions) and communicate
 * with the JobManager.
 * <p>The Flink operators (implemented as subclasses of
 * {@link AbstractInvokable} have only data readers, -writers, and certain event callbacks.
 * The task connects those to the network stack and actor messages, and tracks the state
 * of the execution and handles exceptions.
 * <p>Tasks have no knowledge about how they relate to other tasks, or whether they
 * are the first attempt to execute the task, or a repeated attempt. All of that
 * is only known to the JobManager. All the task knows are its own runnable code,
 * the task's configuration, and the IDs of the intermediate results to consume and
 * produce (if any).
 * <p>Each Task is run by one dedicated thread.
public class Task implements Runnable, TaskActions, CheckpointListener {

     * The core work method that bootstraps the task and executes its code.
    public void run() {
            // now load and instantiate the task's invokable code
            invokable = loadAndInstantiateInvokable(userCodeClassLoader, nameOfInvokableClass, env);

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            //  actual task core work
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------

            // we must make strictly sure that the invokable is accessible to the cancel() call
            // by the time we switched to running.
            this.invokable = invokable;

            // switch to the RUNNING state, if that fails, we have been canceled/failed in the meantime
            if (!transitionState(ExecutionState.DEPLOYING, ExecutionState.RUNNING)) {
                throw new CancelTaskException();

            // notify everyone that we switched to running
            notifyObservers(ExecutionState.RUNNING, null);
            taskManagerActions.updateTaskExecutionState(new TaskExecutionState(jobId, executionId, ExecutionState.RUNNING));

            // make sure the user code classloader is accessible thread-locally

            // run the invokable

  • Task的run方法会调用invokable.invoke(),这里的invokable为DataSourceTask



    public void invoke() throws Exception {
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Initialize
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------

        LOG.debug(getLogString("Start registering input and output"));

        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("The initialization of the DataSource's outputs caused an error: " +
                    ex.getMessage(), ex);

        LOG.debug(getLogString("Finished registering input and output"));

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Invoke
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        LOG.debug(getLogString("Starting data source operator"));

        RuntimeContext ctx = createRuntimeContext();

        final Counter numRecordsOut;
            Counter tmpNumRecordsOut;
            try {
                OperatorIOMetricGroup ioMetricGroup = ((OperatorMetricGroup) ctx.getMetricGroup()).getIOMetricGroup();
                if (this.config.getNumberOfChainedStubs() == 0) {
                tmpNumRecordsOut = ioMetricGroup.getNumRecordsOutCounter();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.warn("An exception occurred during the metrics setup.", e);
                tmpNumRecordsOut = new SimpleCounter();
            numRecordsOut = tmpNumRecordsOut;
        Counter completedSplitsCounter = ctx.getMetricGroup().counter("numSplitsProcessed");

        if (RichInputFormat.class.isAssignableFrom(this.format.getClass())) {
            ((RichInputFormat) this.format).setRuntimeContext(ctx);
            LOG.debug(getLogString("Rich Source detected. Initializing runtime context."));
            ((RichInputFormat) this.format).openInputFormat();
            LOG.debug(getLogString("Rich Source detected. Opening the InputFormat."));

        ExecutionConfig executionConfig = getExecutionConfig();

        boolean objectReuseEnabled = executionConfig.isObjectReuseEnabled();

        LOG.debug("DataSourceTask object reuse: " + (objectReuseEnabled ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED") + ".");
        final TypeSerializer<OT> serializer = this.serializerFactory.getSerializer();
        try {
            // start all chained tasks
            BatchTask.openChainedTasks(this.chainedTasks, this);
            // get input splits to read
            final Iterator<InputSplit> splitIterator = getInputSplits();
            // for each assigned input split
            while (!this.taskCanceled && splitIterator.hasNext())
                // get start and end
                final InputSplit split = splitIterator.next();

                LOG.debug(getLogString("Opening input split " + split.toString()));
                final InputFormat<OT, InputSplit> format = this.format;
                // open input format
                LOG.debug(getLogString("Starting to read input from split " + split.toString()));
                try {
                    final Collector<OT> output = new CountingCollector<>(this.output, numRecordsOut);

                    if (objectReuseEnabled) {
                        OT reuse = serializer.createInstance();

                        // as long as there is data to read
                        while (!this.taskCanceled && !format.reachedEnd()) {

                            OT returned;
                            if ((returned = format.nextRecord(reuse)) != null) {
                    } else {
                        // as long as there is data to read
                        while (!this.taskCanceled && !format.reachedEnd()) {
                            OT returned;
                            if ((returned = format.nextRecord(serializer.createInstance())) != null) {

                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && !this.taskCanceled) {
                        LOG.debug(getLogString("Closing input split " + split.toString()));
                } finally {
                    // close. We close here such that a regular close throwing an exception marks a task as failed.
            } // end for all input splits

            // close the collector. if it is a chaining task collector, it will close its chained tasks

            // close all chained tasks letting them report failure
            BatchTask.closeChainedTasks(this.chainedTasks, this);

        catch (Exception ex) {
            // close the input, but do not report any exceptions, since we already have another root cause
            try {
            } catch (Throwable ignored) {}


            ex = ExceptionInChainedStubException.exceptionUnwrap(ex);

            if (ex instanceof CancelTaskException) {
                // forward canceling exception
                throw ex;
            else if (!this.taskCanceled) {
                // drop exception, if the task was canceled
                BatchTask.logAndThrowException(ex, this);
        } finally {
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Closing
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (this.format != null && RichInputFormat.class.isAssignableFrom(this.format.getClass())) {
                ((RichInputFormat) this.format).closeInputFormat();
                LOG.debug(getLogString("Rich Source detected. Closing the InputFormat."));

        if (!this.taskCanceled) {
            LOG.debug(getLogString("Finished data source operator"));
        else {
            LOG.debug(getLogString("Data source operator cancelled"));
  • DataSourceTask的invoke方法这里只要不是taskCanceled及format.reachedEnd(),都会调用format.nextRecord(serializer.createInstance())来拉取数据,然后执行output.collect(returned)
  • 这里的format为CsvInputFormat(PojoCsvInputFormat),不过nextRecord以及reachedEnd方法它是调用的父类DelimitedInputFormat
  • PojoCsvInputFormat继承了抽象类CsvInputFormat,而CsvInputFormat继承了抽象类GenericCsvInputFormat,GenericCsvInputFormat则继承了抽象类DelimitedInputFormat



     * The default read buffer size = 1MB.
    private static final int DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024;

    private transient byte[] readBuffer;

    private int bufferSize = -1;

    private void initBuffers() {
        this.bufferSize = this.bufferSize <= 0 ? DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE : this.bufferSize;

        if (this.bufferSize <= this.delimiter.length) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer size must be greater than length of delimiter.");

        if (this.readBuffer == null || this.readBuffer.length != this.bufferSize) {
            this.readBuffer = new byte[this.bufferSize];
        if (this.wrapBuffer == null || this.wrapBuffer.length < 256) {
            this.wrapBuffer = new byte[256];

        this.readPos = 0;
        this.limit = 0;
        this.overLimit = false;
        this.end = false;

     * Checks whether the current split is at its end.
     * @return True, if the split is at its end, false otherwise.
    public boolean reachedEnd() {
        return this.end;
    public OT nextRecord(OT record) throws IOException {
        if (readLine()) {
            return readRecord(record, this.currBuffer, this.currOffset, this.currLen);
        } else {
            this.end = true;
            return null;

     * Fills the read buffer with bytes read from the file starting from an offset.
    private boolean fillBuffer(int offset) throws IOException {
        int maxReadLength = this.readBuffer.length - offset;
        // special case for reading the whole split.
        if (this.splitLength == FileInputFormat.READ_WHOLE_SPLIT_FLAG) {
            int read = this.stream.read(this.readBuffer, offset, maxReadLength);
            if (read == -1) {
                this.stream = null;
                return false;
            } else {
                this.readPos = offset;
                this.limit = read;
                return true;
        // else ..
        int toRead;
        if (this.splitLength > 0) {
            // if we have more data, read that
            toRead = this.splitLength > maxReadLength ? maxReadLength : (int) this.splitLength;
        else {
            // if we have exhausted our split, we need to complete the current record, or read one
            // more across the next split.
            // the reason is that the next split will skip over the beginning until it finds the first
            // delimiter, discarding it as an incomplete chunk of data that belongs to the last record in the
            // previous split.
            toRead = maxReadLength;
            this.overLimit = true;

        int read = this.stream.read(this.readBuffer, offset, toRead);

        if (read == -1) {
            this.stream = null;
            return false;
        } else {
            this.splitLength -= read;
            this.readPos = offset; // position from where to start reading
            this.limit = read + offset; // number of valid bytes in the read buffer
            return true;
  • DelimitedInputFormat首先调用readLine()读取数据到currBuffer,如果有数据,则调用子类CsvInputFormat实现的readRecord方法,这里传递了currBuffer、currOffset、currLen
  • DelimitedInputFormat的readLine()方法里头会调用fillBuffer方法,fillBuffer方法会根据splitLength(DelimitedInputFormat.getStatistics方法里头FileInputSplit的length)及maxReadLength来确定toRead,之后从offset开始到toRead从文件读取数据到readBuffer中,然后设置currBuffer、currOffset、currLen
  • readBuffer在init的时候会设置bufferSize,bufferSize初始化的时候为-1,在getStatistics方法里头被设置为4 * 1024,而DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE是1024*1024



    public OUT readRecord(OUT reuse, byte[] bytes, int offset, int numBytes) throws IOException {
         * Fix to support windows line endings in CSVInputFiles with standard delimiter setup = \n
        // Found window's end line, so find carriage return before the newline
        if (this.lineDelimiterIsLinebreak && numBytes > 0 && bytes[offset + numBytes - 1] == '\r') {
            //reduce the number of bytes so that the Carriage return is not taken as data

        if (commentPrefix != null && commentPrefix.length <= numBytes) {
            //check record for comments
            boolean isComment = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < commentPrefix.length; i++) {
                if (commentPrefix[i] != bytes[offset + i]) {
                    isComment = false;
            if (isComment) {
                return null;

        if (parseRecord(parsedValues, bytes, offset, numBytes)) {
            return fillRecord(reuse, parsedValues);
        } else {
            return null;
  • CsvInputFormat的readRecord方法负责读取原始数据,之后通过parseRecord方法解析原始数据填充到parsedValues(Object[]),之后调用子类的fillRecord方法(这里是PojoCsvInputFormat)将parsedValues填充到reuse对象(该对象是DataSourceTask在调用format.nextRecord时传入的serializer.createInstance())



 * Input format that reads csv into POJOs.
 * @param <OUT> resulting POJO type
public class PojoCsvInputFormat<OUT> extends CsvInputFormat<OUT> {


    public void open(FileInputSplit split) throws IOException {

        pojoFields = new Field[pojoFieldNames.length];

        Map<String, Field> allFields = new HashMap<String, Field>();

        findAllFields(pojoTypeClass, allFields);

        for (int i = 0; i < pojoFieldNames.length; i++) {
            pojoFields[i] = allFields.get(pojoFieldNames[i]);

            if (pojoFields[i] != null) {
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("There is no field called \"" + pojoFieldNames[i] + "\" in " + pojoTypeClass.getName());

    public OUT fillRecord(OUT reuse, Object[] parsedValues) {
        for (int i = 0; i < parsedValues.length; i++) {
            try {
                pojoFields[i].set(reuse, parsedValues[i]);
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Parsed value could not be set in POJO field \"" + pojoFieldNames[i] + "\"", e);
        return reuse;

  • PojoCsvInputFormat的open方法用于在executor的executePlan的时候调用,提前使用反射获取所需的Field
  • fillRecord方法这里仅仅是使用反射将parsedValues设置到pojo中
  • 如果反射设置不成功则抛出IllegalAccessException异常



public class CountingCollector<OUT> implements Collector<OUT> {
    private final Collector<OUT> collector;
    private final Counter numRecordsOut;

    public CountingCollector(Collector<OUT> collector, Counter numRecordsOut) {
        this.collector = collector;
        this.numRecordsOut = numRecordsOut;

    public void collect(OUT record) {

    public void close() {
  • 这里的collector为org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.chaining.ChainedMapDriver



    public void collect(IT record) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new ExceptionInChainedStubException(this.taskName, ex);
  • 这里会先调用mapper的map方法,执行map逻辑,然后调用outputCollector.collect将结果发送出去
  • 这里的outputCollector为CountingCollector,它里头包装的collector为org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.shipping.OutputCollector



     * Collects a record and emits it to all writers.
    public void collect(T record)  {
        if (record != null) {
            try {
                for (RecordWriter<SerializationDelegate<T>> writer : writers) {
            catch (IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Emitting the record caused an I/O exception: " + e.getMessage(), e);
            catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Emitting the record was interrupted: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        else {
            throw new NullPointerException("The system does not support records that are null."
                                + "Null values are only supported as fields inside other objects.");
  • 这里调用RecordWriter的emit方法来发射数据



    public void emit(T record) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        for (int targetChannel : channelSelector.selectChannels(record, numChannels)) {
            sendToTarget(record, targetChannel);
  • 这里通过channelSelector.selectChannels返回要发送的targetChannel,这里的channelSelector为OutputEmitter



    public final int[] selectChannels(SerializationDelegate<T> record, int numberOfChannels) {
        switch (strategy) {
        case FORWARD:
            return forward();
        case PARTITION_RANDOM:
            return robin(numberOfChannels);
        case PARTITION_HASH:
            return hashPartitionDefault(record.getInstance(), numberOfChannels);
        case BROADCAST:
            return broadcast(numberOfChannels);
        case PARTITION_CUSTOM:
            return customPartition(record.getInstance(), numberOfChannels);
        case PARTITION_RANGE:
            return rangePartition(record.getInstance(), numberOfChannels);
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported distribution strategy: " + strategy.name());

    private int[] forward() {
        return this.channels;
  • 这里的strategy为FORWARD


  • CsvReader创建的inputFormat为PojoCsvInputFormat,它主要的方法是fillRecord,利用反射填充数据,而数据的读取则是在DelimitedInputFormat的readLine方法中,它会调用fillBuffer方法,而fillBuffer方法会根据splitLength(DelimitedInputFormat.getStatistics方法里头FileInputSplit的length)及maxReadLength来确定toRead,之后从offset开始到toRead从文件读取数据到readBuffer中
  • DataSourceTask在invoke方法里头会不断循环调用format.nextRecord,然后挨个调用output.collect方法(包装了org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.shipping.OutputCollector的CountingCollector),直到taskCanceled或者format.reachedEnd()
  • output.collect方法,这里的output为CountingCollector,它代理的collector为ChainedMapDriver;ChainedMapDriver会对读取的数据进行map操作,最后将map的结果传递给代理了OutputCollector的CountingCollector,OutputCollector使用RecordWriter来发射数据


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