知识点52 :P字母开头的单词 propensity-punctilious

A propensidty to something or a propensity for something is a natural tendency to behave in a particular way
Pens/pend -> 1. Weight(pound) 2. Cost 3. Hang 向前偏重
impend 即将发生 [挂在心里]
will happen; will occur; impending war/disaster(即将发生的战争/灾难) |imminent 即将来临的 adj|
append:附加 [ap 加强]
appendix (附录)
suspend:暂停 [挂下方]

  1. If you suspend something, you delay it or stop it from happening for a while or until a dicision is made about it [暂停]
  2. If someone is suspended, they are prevented from holding a particular job or position for a fixed length of time or until a decision is made about them [使停职]
  3. If something is suspended from a high place, it is hanging from that place [hang/悬挂]
    If you are pensive, you are thinking deeply about something, especially something that worries you slightly
  4. If you are given something, usually money, in recompense, you are given it as a reward or because you have suffered [奖赏,补偿]
  5. If you recompense someone for their efforts or their loss, you given them something, usually money, as a payment or reward [报酬,赔偿]
    ponder:思考[e 变成了 o ,反复掂量weight]
    If you ponder something, you think about it carefully [仔细思考]
    ponderous:沉重的[胖得要死, ous 充满重量]
    Ponderous writing or speech is a very serious, uses more words than necessary, and is dull [文章,话语 冗长沉闷 表不满]
    preponderant:优势)[weight 最前面的重量, 含金量排第一的]
    greater in weight, force, influence, etc[在重量,力量,影响等上 占优势]
    proscribe [scribe -> 写 ; 前方写明, 明令禁止]
    If something is proscribed by people in authority, the existence or the use of that thing is forbidden [正式宣布被禁止]
    nondescript 无法描述, 莫可名状的, 不伦不类
    prescribe:规定 [预先写好的]
  6. If a doctor prescribes medicine or treatment for you, he or she tells you what medicine or treatment to have [开 药,处方]
  7. If a person or set of laws or rules prescribes an action or duty, they state that is must be carried out [规定]
    If an armed force interdicts something or someone, they stop them and prevent them from moving. If they interdict a route, they block it or cut it off[阻断,封锁]
    prohibit:禁止 [exhibit 展览 禁止展览 inhibit:抑制]
    If a law or someone in authority prohibits something, they forbid it or make it illegal [禁止]
    taboo:禁忌 [tattoo 纹身]
    A taboo against a subject or activity is a social custom to avoid doing that activity or talking about that subject, because people find them embarrassing or offensive [禁忌]
  8. To ban something means to state officially that is must not be done, slown, or used [官方 明令禁止]
  9. A ban is an official ruling that something must not be done, shown, or used [官方禁令]
  10. If you are banned from doing something, you are officially prevented from doing it [禁止]
    pseudonym [假名,笔名pseudoscience:伪科学 PS的 pseudo假的
    nym/nom -> name
    A pseudonym is a name that someone, usually a writer, uses instead of his or her real name
    pseudomyopia:假性近视 [myopia]
    not genuine; prenteded [假的]
    anonymous:匿名 [a 一个 no 没 nym名字 ous的]
  11. If you remain anonymous when you do something, you do not let people know that you were the person who did it [匿名的]
  12. Something that is anonymous does not reveal who you are [不记名的]
    nominate:提名 [nom 名单 in 在里面 内部有个名单]
  13. If someone is nominated for a job or position, their name is formally suggested as a candidate for it[为工作,职位 提名]
  14. If you dominate someone to a job or position, you formally choose them to hold that job or position [任命]
  15. If someone or something such as an actor or a film is nominated for an award, someone formally suggests that they should be given that award [被提名 某奖项]
    denominate:称呼 [ de 向下, 定下名字 命名]
    to give a specific name to; designate 给… 命名
    ignominy:耻辱 [ig not 不 nom /名誉 ]
    Ignominy is shame or public disgrace [耻辱,公开羞辱]
    pugnacious [pugn -> fight pun -> punish 惩罚 打架打的多]
    Someone who is pugnacious is always ready to argue or start a fight [好斗的]
    repugnant:令人反感的 [反过来打自己人]
  16. If you think that something is horrible and disgusting, you can say that it is repugnant [让人反感,厌恶的]
    impugn:抨击 [加强 打击一个人]
    If you impugn something such as someone’s motives or integrity, you imply that they are not entirely honest or honourable [指责,质疑]
    impunity:有罪不罚的现象 [不惩罚, 免罪]
    If you sat that someone does something with impunity, you dispprove of the fact that they are not punished for doing something bad [不受惩罚表不满]
    puissance [power]
    clout:影响力 [ cloud 只手遮天]
  17. If you clout someone, you hit them [打]
  18. A person or institution that has clout has influence and power [影响力]

punctilious 一丝不苟 [punc -> 刺 pin -> 针 puncture 刺破]
Someone who is punctilious is very careful to behave correctly [拘谨的]
If you are circumspect, you are cautious in what you do and say and do not take risks [说话做事] 谨慎小心的

  1. If you are discreet, you are polite and careful in what you do or say, because you want to avoid embarrassing or offending someone [ 言行]谨慎的
  2. If you are discreet about something you are doing, you do not tell other people about it, in order to avoid being embarrassing or to gain an advantage [谨慎保密的]
  3. If you describe something as discreet, you approve of it because it is small in size or degree, or not easily noticed [小巧的,不显眼的 表赞许]
    Someone who is prudent is sensible and careful [谨慎的]
    compunction:内疚 [一起刺 千夫所指 心上被针扎了一样]
    If you say that someone has no compunction about doing something, you mean that they do it without feeling ashamed or guilty [悔恨表不满]
    pungent:刺鼻的 [punc -> pung 刺激辛辣的]
    Something that is pungent has a strong, sharp smell or taste which is often so strong that it is unpleasant [刺鼻的,刺激味觉嗅觉的]
    expunge:抹去 [拔除刺]
    If you expunge something, you get rid of it completely, because it causes problems or bad feelings [抹去,清除]
    poignant:辛酸的[point 尖的]
    Something that is poignant affects you deeply and makes you feel sadness or regret [辛酸的]
    expurgate:删去 [ex – purify - gate]
    If someone expurgates a piece of writing, they remove parts of it before it is published because they think those parts will offend or shock people [内容尺度而删减]
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