德研社社长带你读《Think in Bets》1.2:结果导向的危害

再开始这一章节之前,社长我再给大家带一个福利,对顶级职业牌手Daniel Negreanu 一个经典视频做了一个听译(社长翻译很辛苦的,勿忘打赏,哈哈),希望大家喜欢!


Take a moment to imagine your best decision in the last year. Now take a moment to imagine your worst decision.


I’m willing to bet that your best decision preceded a good result and the worst decision preceded a bad result.


But, as I found out from my own experiences in poker, resulting is a routine thinking pattern that bedevils all of us. Drawing an overly tight relationship between results and decision quality affects our decisions every day, potentially with far-reaching, catastrophic consequences.


When I consult with executives, I sometimes start with this exercise. I ask group members to come to our first meeting with a brief description of their best and worst decisions of the previous year. I have yet to come across someone who doesn’t identify their best and worst results rather than their best and worst decisions.




In a consulting meeting with a group of CEOs and business owners, one member of the group identified firing the president of his company as his worst decision. He explained, “Since we fired him, the search for a replacement has been awful. We’ve had two different people on the job. Sales are falling. The company’s not doing well. We haven’t had anybody come in who actually turns out to be as good as he was.”


That sounds like a disastrous result, but I was curious to probe into why the CEO thought the decision to fire his president was so bad (other than that it didn’t work out).


He explained the decision process and the basis of the conclusion to fire the president. “We looked at our direct competitors and comparable companies, and concluded we weren’t performing up to their level. We thought we could perform and grow at that level and that it was probably a leadership issue.”


I asked whether the process included working with the president to understand his skill gaps and what he could be doing better. The company had, indeed, worked with him to identify his skill gaps. The CEO hired an executive coach to work with him on improving his leadership skills, the chief weakness identified.


In addition, after executive coaching failed to produce improved performance, the company considered splitting the president’s responsibilities, having him focus on his strengths and moving other responsibilities to another executive. They rejected that idea, concluding that the president’s morale would suffer, employees would likely perceive it as a vote of no confidence, and it would put extra financial pressure on the company to split a position they believed one person could fill.


Finally, the CEO provided some background about the company’s experience making high-level outside hires and its understanding of the available talent. It sounded like the CEO had a reasonable basis for believing they would find someone better.


I asked the assembled group, “Who thinks this was a bad decision?” Not surprisingly, everybody agreed the company had gone through a thoughtful process and made a decision that was reasonable given what they knew at the time.


It sounded like a bad result, not a bad decision. The imperfect relationship between results and decision quality devastated the CEO and adversely affected subsequent decisions regarding the company. The CEO had identified the decision as a mistake solely because it didn’t work out. He obviously felt a lot of anguish and regret because of the decision. He stated very clearly that he thought he should have known that the decision to fire the president would turn out badly. His decision-making behavior going forward reflected the belief that he made a mistake. He was not only resulting but also succumbing to its companion, hindsight bias. Hindsight bias is the tendency, after an outcome is known, to see the outcome as having been inevitable.


Those beliefs develop from an overly tight connection between outcomes and decisions. That is typical of how we evaluate our past decisions. Like the army of critics of Pete Carroll’s decision to pass on the last play of the Super Bowl, the CEO had been guilty of resulting, ignoring his (and his company’s) careful analysis and focusing only on the poor outcome. The decision didn’t work out, and he treated that result as if it were an inevitable consequence rather than a probabilistic one.


In the exercise I do of identifying your best and worst decisions, I never seem to come across anyone who identifies a bad decision where they got lucky with the result, or a well-reasoned decision that didn’t pan out. We link results with decisions even though it is easy to point out indisputable examples where the relationship between decisions and results isn’t so perfectly correlated.


Yet this is exactly what happened to that CEO. He changed his behavior based on the quality of the result rather than the quality of the decision-making process.




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