iOS AVAudioEngine

要先了解iOS 音频API具体有哪一些,看这篇文章。
Audio API Overview

之后的项目会用到混音的功能,老师要求又不能用第三方的库,因此选择了 AVAudioEngine。 Audio Unit 框架过于底层,而且我也不需要自己写音频单元,所以就略去了。

介绍AVAudioEngine之前我们来看一下相应的媒体架构,从iOS7 到iOS8 的变化。

About AVFoundation iOS7

About AVFoundation iOS8


  • Objective-C的音频API接口,具有低延迟(low-latency)和实时(real-time)的音频功能
  • 特点和功能:
    1.读写所有Core Audio支持的格式音频文件
    2.播放和录音使用 (files) 和音频缓冲区 (buffers)
    3.动态配置音频处理模块 (audio processing blocks)
    4.可以进行音频挖掘处理 (tap processing)
    6.音乐设备数字接口MIDI 回放和控制,通过乐器的采样器

翻译了一下WWDC2014的PPT,总而言之,AVAudioEngine API的基本概念是建立一个音频的节点图,从源节点 (播放器和麦克风) 以及过处理 (overprocessing) 节点 (混音器和效果器) 到目标节点 (硬件输出)。每一个节点都具有一定数量的输入和输出总线,同时这些总线也有良好定义的数据格式。这种结构使得它非常的灵活和强大。而且它集成了音频单元 (audio unit)。下面就分别来讲,希望对你有帮助。

  • The Engine AVAudioEngine
    1.管理所有的音频节点(audio nodes) 2.连接所有的音频节点使其运作形成链条(active chains) 3.动态的获取(attach)和配置所有音频的节点。 4.开启和停止API
  • Nodes AVAudioNode
    Nodes 就是音频块(blocks) 1.Source Nodes: Player, Microphone 2.Processing Nodes: Mixer, Audio Unit Effect 3.Destination: Speaker, Headphones

AVAudioNode提供了3种implicit nodes:
1.AVAudioInputNode: system input, cannot be created
2.AVAudioOutputNode: system output, cannot be created
3.AVAudioMixerNode: mixes multiple inputs to a single output
而且总线都会有相应的输出形式 (audio format)

  • Node Connections -Establishing Active Chains
    建立活动的链接:Source Node → Destination Node = Active Chain
    Establishes and active render thread

    Establishes and active render thread
  • Engine Setup
     // 1. Create engine (example only, needs to be strong   reference)
     AVAudioEngine *engine = [[AVAudioEngine alloc] init];
     // 2. Create a player node
     AVAudioPlayerNode *player = [[AVAudioPlayerNode alloc] init];
     // 3. Attach node to the engine
     [engine attachNode:player];
     // 4. Connect player node to engine's main mixer
     AVAudioMixerNode *mixer = engine.mainMixerNode;
     [engine connect:player to:mixer format:[mixer outputFormatForBus:0]];
     // 5. Start engine
     NSError *error;
     if (![engine startAndReturnError:&error]) {
          // handle error

至此我们完成了Engine的初始化和nodes的链接,下面就来看 Files, Buffers, and Formats

Files, Buffers, and Formats
  • Audio Files AVAudioFile
    1.读写所有Core Audio 支持的音频格式 2.在读取的时候自动解码,在写入录音的时候自动编码 3.File 包括 file format 和 a processing format ,现在下面的两个都用AVAudioFormat来取代。1.fileFormat:on-disk format 2.processingFormat:uncompressed,in-memory format
  • Audio Formats AVAudioFormat
    1.提供数字音频采样的格式描述 2.提供sample rate, channel count, interleaving等 3.通过AudioStreamBasicDescription进行包装
  • Audio Buffers AVAudioPCMBuffer
  • Player Nodes AVAudioPlayerNode

1.将音频文件映射到活动链(active render thread)。
(1) 决定时候立即播放,或者推迟播放(future time)
AVAudioTime 规定在future time推迟某段时间播放
(2) Files:决定完成回调file或者是file的某一段
(3) Buffers:1.多个buffer完成独立回调 2.looping buffer

  • Creating Files and Buffers AVAudioFile AVAudioPCMBuffer
     NSURL *url = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForAuxiliaryExecutable:@"Your.mp3"];
     // Create AVAudioFile
     AVAudioFile *file = [[AVAudioFile alloc] initForReading:url error:nil];
     // Create AVAudioPCMBuffer
     AVAudioFormat *format = file.processingFormat;
     AVAudioFrameCount capacity = (AVAudioFrameCount)file.length;
     AVAudioPCMBuffer *buffer = [[AVAudioPCMBuffer alloc] initWithPCMFormat:format frameCapacity:capacity];
     // Read AVAudioFile -> AVAudioPCMBuffer
     [file readIntoBuffer:buffer error:nil];
  • Scheduling Files and Buffers
     //Immediate File Playback
     [playerNode scheduleFile:audioFile atTime:nil completionHandler:nil];
     [playerNode play];

     //Future Buffer Playback
     [playerNode scheduleBuffer:audioBuffer completionHandler:nil];
     [playerNode play];

     // Play audio file 5 seconds from now
     double sampleRate = buffer.format.sampleRate;
     double sampleTime = sampleRate * 5.0;
     AVAudioTime *futureTime = [AVAudioTime timeWithSampleTime:sampleTime atRate:sampleRate];

     [playerNode scheduleBuffer:audioBuffer atTime:futureTime options:0 completionHandler:nil];
     [playerNode play];

Scheduling Options
1.串行播放(Scheduling multiple buffers queues them serially)

[playerNode scheduleBuffer:buffer1 atTime:nil options:0 completionHandler:nil];
[playerNode play];
[playerNode scheduleBuffer:buffer2 atTime:nil options:0 completionHandler:nil];

2.中断播放(Schedule with interruption option to change this behavior)

[playerNode scheduleBuffer:buffer2 atTime:nil options:AVAudioPlayerNodeBufferInterrupts completionHandler:nil];



  • Audio Mixing AVAudioMixerNode
    AVAudioMixing Protocol
  • Mixer Input Bus Settings AVAudioMixing protocol
//Common mixing protocol properties
player.volume = 0.5;
//Stereo mixing protocol properties
player.pan = -1.0;



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