
一、advocate  [ˈædvəkeɪt]

(v)  (advocating,advocated,advocates)

1. to publicly support a particular way of doing something


[+ for]

•Those who advocate for doctor-assisted suicide say the terminally ill should not have to suffer. 主张可以在医生协助下结束生命的人说,晚期病人不应当受罪。

(n-count) 1. 拥护者;提倡者An advocate of a particular action or plan is someone who recommends it publicly.

He was a strong advocate of free market policies and a multi-party system.


2. 辩护律师An advocate is a lawyer who speaks in favour of someone or defends them in a court of law.

3. (为某一类人)谋利益者An advocate for a particular group is a person who works for the interests of that group.

...advocates for the homeless...


二、burst [bɜːst]

(v)  (burst--burst--burst)

1. break open裂开 [I,T]if something bursts, or if you burst it, it breaks open or apart suddenly and violently so that its contents come out

(使)破裂;(使)爆裂;(使)胀破; (使)爆炸

•Thepipeshadburstand the house was under two feet of water. 水管爆裂,房子被水淹了两英尺。

2. be bursting with sth

to have a lot of something or be filled with something


•John was bursting with ideas and good humour. 约翰主意多,脾气好。

be bursting with pride/energy/excitement etc

•Your mum’s bursting with pride for you. 你妈妈为你感到无比骄傲。

3. move suddenly突然移动


[+ into/through/in etc]

•Jo burst into the room. 乔冲进房间。

PHRVB 短语动词

burst in on/uponsb/sth突然闯入打扰

•I’m sorry to burst in on you like this. 对不起,我这样闯进来打扰你。

burst into sth突然…起来〔尤指唱歌、哭、笑等〕

•Claire looked as if she were about toburst into tears. 克莱尔看上去好像就要哭出来了。

burst onto/upon/onsth 突然出现在…〔指突然成功〕

•The bandburst onto themusicscenein 1997. 1997 年该乐队突然在乐坛上一炮而红。

(n.[C ])

1. 破裂,爆炸;喷出;裂口

2. a short sudden effort or increase in activity 突然用力;加速

[+ of]

•The van gave a sudden burst of speed. 小货车突然加速。

[+ of]

burst of anger/enthusiasm/temper etc 怒火/热情/脾气等的爆发

三、compress  [kəm'pres]

(v) compress--compressed--compressed

compressible(adj) compression-'preʃən /[U]

•data compression 数据压缩

1. [I,T]to press something or make it smaller so that it takes up less space, or to become smaller压紧;压缩

compress sth into sth将...压缩成...

•Snow falling on the mountainsides is compressed into ice. 落在山坡上的雪被压成了冰。

2. 压缩〔计算机文件〕


compress sth into sth

•In this chapter we compress into summary form the main issues discussed so far. 在这一章节里,我们把到目前为止所讨论的主要问题压缩成概要形式。


1. a small thick piece of material that you put on part of someone’s body to stop blood flowing out or to make it less painful


cold/hot compress

•Apply a cold compress to the injury. 在受伤的地方敷上一块冷敷布。


(v) defer--deferred--deferred   deferring

deferment[C,U] deferraln[C,U]

1. to delay something until a later date 延期,推迟

defer sth until/to sth

•Further discussion on the proposal will be deferred until April. 对此提案的进一步讨论将推迟到4月份。

2. to agree to accept someone’s opinion or decision because you have respect for that person 服从,遵从,听从

defer to sb/sth

•I will defer to your wishes. 我会遵从你的意愿。

五、gratify ['grætɪfaɪ]

(v) gratify--gratified--gratified    gratifying   gratifies

gratification  •sexual gratification 性满足

1. [一般用被动态]to make someone feel pleased and satisfied 使高兴,使满意

be gratified to do

•John was gratified to see the improvement in his mother’s health. 约翰很高兴看到母亲的身体有所好转。

2. to satisfy a desire, need etc满足〔欲望、需求等〕

•She did not propose to gratify Gloria’s curiosity any further. 她不想再去满足格洛丽亚的好奇心了。

六、infect  [ɪn'fekt]

(v) infect--infected--infected

1. to give someone a disease传染

•People with the virus may feel perfectly well, but they can still infect others. 带有这种病毒的人可能毫无症状,却仍可能传染他人。

[+ with]

•the number of people infected with HIV 艾滋病病毒感染者的数目

2. [usually passive,一般用被动态]to make something contain something harmful that gives people a disease 污染〔使致病〕

3. if a feeling or interest that you have infects other people, it makes them begin to feel the same way or have the same interest〔某种感情或兴趣〕感染,影响〔他人〕

•Lucy’s enthusiasm soon infected the rest of the class. 露西的热情很快就感染了班里的其他人。


七、miracle ['mɪrəkəl]

(n.[C ])   (adj) miraculous

1. something very lucky or very good that happens which you did not expect to happen or did not think was possible 意外的幸运事,不可思议的事;奇迹

•By some miracle, we managed to catch the plane. 我们奇迹般地赶上了飞机。

2. an action or event believed to be caused by God, which is impossible according to the ordinary laws of nature〔神创造的〕奇迹,神迹

•Do you believe in miracles? 你相信神迹吗?

3.miracle cure/drug

a very effective medical treatment that cures even serious diseases


•There is no miracle cure for diabetes. 糖尿病没有特别有效的疗法。

八、refresh [rɪ'freʃ]

(v) refresh--refreshed--refreshed


1.[T]to make someone feel less tired or less hot使恢复精力,使提神;使清凉

refresh yourself (with sth)用...提神

•He refreshed himself with a glass of iced tea. 他喝了杯冰茶提了提神。

2.refresh sb’s memory

to make someone remember something使某人想起,唤起某人的记忆

•I looked at the map to refresh my memory of the route. 我看看地图,回忆这条路线。

3.refresh sb’s drink

to add more of an alcoholic drink to someone’s glass给某人添酒

•Can I refresh your drink? 我给你再加点酒好吗?

九、relief [rɪ'liːf]

(n) 1.[singular,单数, U]a feeling of comfort when something frightening, worrying, or painful has ended or has not happened宽慰,宽心;〔恐惧、忧虑或痛苦过后的〕轻松

•I felt a huge surge of relief and happiness. 我如释重负,大感欣慰。

with relief    •He watched with relief as the girl nodded. 他看到女孩点头,就放心了。

in relief    •He laughed in relief. 他放心地笑了。

it is a relief to do sth

•I hate to say it, but it was a relief to have him out of the house. 我不想这么说,但是他不在家里确实让我很轻松。

to sb’s relief    •To my relief, they spoke English. 让我宽心的是他们说英语。

what a relief/that’s a relief  

2.[U]when something reduces someone’s pain or unhappy feelings〔疼痛或不快的〕减轻;缓解

[+ of] •the relief of suffering 痛苦减轻

[+ from]  •The cool room provided relief from the terrible heat outdoors. 这个凉爽的房间可以挡一挡户外的酷热。

3.[U]money, food, clothes etc given to people who are poor or hungry 救济品

disaster/famine/flood  relief

•famine relief for victims of the drought 为旱灾灾民提供的饥荒救济品

4. 换班的人,替换者    •a relief driver 换班司机

5. to make something very noticeable, or to be very noticeable(使)某事物格外引人注目

bring/throw sth into relief

•The article throws into sharp relief the differences between the two theories. 这篇文章使两种理论的区别更加明显。

sharp/stark relief  格外明显,醒目

7.light/comic relief 〔严肃的电影、书或情景中的〕轻松/滑稽场面

•a moment of comic relief 轻松诙谐的一刻

8.救济金  on relief(adj)接受救济的

•families on relief during the Depression 在大萧条时期领取救济金的家庭

十、fix [fɪks]

(v) fix--fixed--fixed

1. [T]to decide on a limit for something, especially prices, costs etc, so that they do not change 确定,决定〔价格、成本等〕

fix a time/date/place 确定时间/日期/地点等

fix sth at sth

•The interest rate has been fixed at 6.5%. 利率已经定为6.5%。

fix onsb/sth〔尤指经过认真考虑后〕选定,确定

•We’ve finally fixed on a place to have the concert. 我们终于定好了举行音乐会的地点。

2. if two or more companies fix the price for a particular product or service, they secretly agree on the price they will charge for it, in order to keep the price high and make more profit. This practice is illegal. 操纵〔价格〕

•The government accused the two companies of fixing petrol prices. 政府指控那两家公司操纵汽油价格。

fix up 安排〔会议、活动等〕

•I fixed up an interview with him. 我安排了一次对他的采访。

fix sb up with sb


•I asked my best friend to fix me up with someone.我叫我最要好的朋友给我找个对象。


1.[C]something that solves a problem解决方法

•Robinson called the proposal a quick fix(=a temporary or easy solution) of limited value. 鲁宾逊称那项提议只是个权宜之计,意义不大。

2.(be) in a fix

to have a problem that is difficult to solve陷入困境

•That’s put us in a fix. 那件事让我们陷入了困境。

3.[singular,单数]an amount of something, especially an illegal drug such asheroin, that you often use and badly want

•I need my fix of caffeine in the morning or I can’t think. 我早上总得来点咖啡因,不然就无法思考问题。

4.get a fix on sb/sth确定某人/某物的位置 ,弄明白

•He peered out, trying to get a fix on the enemy’s position. 他凝视着外面,试图确定敌人的位置。

•I couldn’t seem to get a fix on the situation. 我有些搞不清状况。

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