
论文:Bag of Tricks for Efficient Text Classification


We evaluate the quality of our approach fastText1 on two different tasks, namely tag prediction and sentiment analysis.


2.Model architecture

A simple and efficient baseline for sentence classification is to represent sentences as bag of words (BoW) and train a linear classifier, e.g., a logistic regression or an SVM

句子分类:使用词袋模型 BoW表示句子,然后训练线性分类器

However, linear classifiers do not share parameters among features and classes.This possibly limits their generalization in the context of large output space where some classes have very few examples. Common solutions to this problem are to factorize the linear classifier into low rank matrices or to use multilayer neural networks




The first weight matrix A is a look-up table over the words.

The word representations are then averaged into a text representation, which is in turn fed to a linear classifier.

The text representation is an hidden variable which can be potentially be reused.


使用softmax模型计算分类的概率,使用negiative log-likelihood作为代价函数


This model is trained asynchronously on multiple CPUs using stochastic gradient descent and a linearly decaying learning rate.

2.1 Hierarchical softmax

When the number of classes is large


复杂度:O(kh) ---> O(h log2(k)) ,where k is the number of classes and h the dimension of the text representation

优势:when searching for the most likely class

Each node is associated with a probability that is the probability of the path from the root to that node. If the node is at depth l+1 with parents n1, . . . , nl, its probability is



This approach is further extended to compute the T-top targets at the cost of O(log(T)), using a binary heap.


FastText 也利用了类别(class)不均衡这个事实(一些类别出现次数比其他的更多),通过使用 Huffman 算法建立用于表征类别的树形结构。因此,频繁出现类别的树形结构的深度要比不频繁出现类别的树形结构的深度要小,这也使得进一步的计算效率更高。 

Huffman 树

2.2 N-gram features


we use a bag of n-grams as additional features to capture some partial information about the local word order


3 Experiments

First, we compare it to existing text classifers on the problem of sentiment analysis.

Then, we evaluate its capacity to scale to large output space on a tag prediction dataset.



3.1 Sentiment analysis

Table 1

We present the results in Figure 1. We use 10 hidden units and run fastText for 5 epochs with a learning rate selected on a validation set from {0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5}.

On this task,adding bigram information improves the performanceby 1-4%. Overall our accuracy is slightly better than char-CNN and char-CRNN and, a bit worse than VDCNN.

Note that we can increase the accuracy slightly by using more n-grams, for example with trigrams.

Table 3

We tune the hyperparameters on the validation set and observe that using n-grams up to 5 leads to the best performance.

3.2 Tag prediction

To test scalability of our approach, further evaluation is carried on the YFCC100M dataset which consists of almost 100M images with captions,titles and tags. We focus on predicting the tags according to the title and caption (we do not use the images).

We remove the words and tags occurring less than 100 times and split the data into a train, validation and test set

We consider a frequency-based baseline whichpredicts the most frequent tag.  we consider the linear version.

Table 5

We run fastText for 5 epochs and compare it to Tagspace for two sizes of the hidden layer, i.e., 50 and 200. Both models achieve a similar performance with a small hidden layer, but adding bigrams gives us a significant boost in accuracy.

At test time, Tagspace needs to compute the scores for all the classes which makes it relatively slow,while our fast inference gives a significant speed-up when the number of classes is large (more than 300K here).

Overall, we are more than an order of magnitude faster to obtain model with a better quality. 

4 Discussion and conclusion

Unlike unsupervisedly trained word vectors from word2vec, our word features can be averaged together to form good sentence representations.

In several tasks, fastText obtains performance on par with recently proposed methods inspired by deep learning, while being much faster.

Although deep neural networks have in theory much higher representational power than shallow models, it is not clear if simple text classification problems such as sentiment analysis are the right ones to evaluate them.

输入是一句话,x1到xN是这句话的单词或是ngram。每一个都对应一个向量,对这些向量取平均就得到了文本向量。然后用文本向量去预测标签。当类别不多的时候,就是最最简单的softmax。当标签数量巨大的时候,就是要用到hierarchical softmax了。由于这个文章除了词向量还引入了ngram向量,ngram的数量非常大,会导致参数很多。所以这里使用了哈希桶,会可能把几个ngram映射到同一个向量。这样会大大的节省内存



word2vec中不使用正常的softmax,因为要预测的单词实在是太多了。word2vec中可以使用hierarchical softmax或是negative sampling。fasttext中当标签数量不多的时候使用正常的softmax,在标签数量很多的时候用hierarchical softmax。fasttext中不会使用negative sampling是因为negative sampling得到的不是严格的概率。


Negative log-likelihood function



After embed each word in the sentence, this word representations are then averaged into a text representation, which is in turn fed to a linear classifier.

It use softmax function to compute the probability distribution over the predefined classes.

Then cross entropy is used to compute loss.

Bag of word representation does not consider word order. 

In order to take account of word order, n-gram features is used to capture some partial information about the local word order

When the number of classes is large, computing the linear classifier is computational expensive. So it use hierarchical softmax to speed training process.

    use bi-gram and/or tri-gram

    use NCE loss to speed us softmax computation(not use hierarchy softmax as original paper)


1.load data(X:list of lint,y:int). 

2.create session. 

3.feed data.



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