
by 黄飞瑜






Good afternoon everyone. I can't tell you how honored I am to be here with you

to talk about my thoughts on leadership and to share my experiences as one of only a handful of women today running a major global corporation.


As I look out at all of you .... some at the beginning stages of your careers....some well along the road to your future.... 我注视着你们大家,你们中间有些人正处在职业生涯的起点,有些人已经在通向未来的道路上前进了,

wherever you are on your own personal path I can promise you a world of opportunity and excitement. 不管你在自己的道路上走了多远,我向你们保证,前面有无数的机遇和令人兴奋的事物。

Anything you choose to do is within your reach. 无论你们想做什么样的事业,你们都可以做得很出色。

How far you go will depend on how high you set your dreams and how hard you work to achieve them. 你们的梦想有多大,你们就能走多远;你们为梦想付出得越多,你们就会越成功。

But whatever path you take, the foundation provided by a good education will make success come that much easier, I promise you.  但无论你们选择哪条路,我保证,有良好的教育背景作为基础,成功会来得更容易。


I have shared my experiences on leadership with many different groups of people all over the world. 我曾和来自全世界不同的人群分享过我的经历。

But being here in the country where my parents and grandparents were born—

a country to which I continue to feel strong emotional and intellectual ties—is an enormous privilege and a dream comes true.  但是在这个我祖父母和父母出生的国度,这个我一直被强烈的情感和文化所维系的国度,能同各位分享我的成功感受,是我极大的荣幸,也圆了我的一个梦。

I consider myself a relatively recent member of a new generation of business leaders faced with a dizzying pace of change and a global economic and political environment that are redefined by the day in this tumultuous 21st century. 我认为自己属于相对新一代的商业领导者,我们面对的是令人目眩的变化节奏,



I was offered the job as CEO of Avon four years ago,  and it has certainly been an experience of a lifetime for me ever since. 四年前我被任命为雅芳集团的首席执行官,从那个时候起开始了我一生难得的经历。

We've had a spectacular success, modernizing everything about the company from top to bottom.  我们取得了令人瞩目的成功,全方位将整个公司推向现代化。

With sales this year that will top $6.7 billion USD and a stock price which is at an all-time high, we've certainly had some incredible results. 我们今年的销售额将达67亿美元,股票价格达到了历史新高,我们的确取得了骄人的成绩。

Avon has been named one of Fortune magazine's most admired companies and we've made Business Week's list of the world's most valuable brands for three years in a row. 雅芳被《财富》杂志评为最令人敬佩的公司之一,并连续三年被《商业周刊》评为全球最有价值的品牌之一。


Today, Avon is proudly known as "The Company for Women" in every country in which we do business. 今天,在所有销售雅芳产品的国家,我们很自豪地被公认为“比女人更了解女人的公司”。

And our ability to provide women with both quality products and a significant earnings opportunity has become an important competitive advantage. 为女性用户停供优质产品和有可观收入的创业机遇成为我们的一个重要竞争优势。

It is one of the reasons our business in China has grown so rapidly right from the start. 这也是我们在中国业务一开始就高速发展的原因之一。

Going forward, our strategy for Avon recognizes China as the number one market in the world for future expansion, reflecting our strong commitment to bring new business opportunities to entrepreneurial women in every corner of this great country.  展望未来,雅芳的战略是把中国作为全球第一的市场进行拓展,这一战略也体现了我们的坚定承诺,即为身处这个伟大国家的所有具有企业家精神的女性同胞带来机遇。

As I look back to all that we have accomplished over the past decade and particularly over the past four years, it has been a real period of breakout success for our company .... breathtaking, but also exhausting. 过去十年尤其是最近四年,无疑是雅芳获得突破性成功的阶段, 回首这一阶段,既波澜壮阔又充满坎坷。


The roller coaster ride has opened my eyes to many things....about the increasingly complex demands of running a business today,  about my own competencies and the need to constantly challenge and renew my own commitment to being a better leader. 犹如乘坐过山车一样的感觉令我见识了很多有关当今经营企业所面临的复杂的要求, 关乎我自身能力和不断挑战自己的需要,以及要做一名更优秀的领导者需要不断更新的自我期望。

the roller coaster ride has opened my eyes to many things  about the increasingly complex demands of running a business today, about my own competencies and the need to constantly challenge and renew my own commitment to being a better leader.

I had no idea at the moment I became CEO that I would experience such great fortune and such great challenge both at the same time....and how enormously my life would change as a result.  刚成为首席执行官的时候,我从未想到我会如此幸运但同时又面临这么大的挑战,也从未想到这会给我的生活带来如此大的变化。

I had no idea at the moment I become ceo  that I would experience such great fortune and such great challenge both at the same time and how enormously my life woule change as a result.

No idea what privilege, yet what responsibility comes with being the first woman to lead the company, to be constantly scrutinized as one of less than a handful of women CEOs today—what it would be like to balance my Chinese cultural background—what the responsibilities of the office would entail in this unparalleled environment. 我不知道作为领导这家公司的第一位女性意味着怎样的特殊性和责任;或者是作为当今为数不多的女性首席执行官该怎样为我的华裔文化背景取得平衡、并时刻被审视;或者是在前所未有的环境下担任这一职位所肩负的责任;

And what it would mean to be a business leader that could distinguish him or herself in today's world where the game is changing by the minute.  还有在今天这个瞬息万变的世界做一名优秀的商业领袖所代表的意义。


Good afternoon everyone. I can't tell you how honored I am to be here with you  各位下午好!能来到这里和大家探讨针对领导力的认识,

to talk about my thoughts on leadership and to share my experiences  并分享作为目前管理着一家大型跨国企业的

as one of only a handful of women today running a major global corporation.  为数不多的女性所走过的历程,我感到无比荣幸。

As I look out at all of you .... some at the beginning stages of your careers....some well along the road to your future.... 我注视着你们大家,你们中间有些人正处在职业生涯的起点,有些人已经在通向未来的道路上前进了,

wherever you are on your own personal path I can promise you a world of opportunity and excitement. 不管你在自己的道路上走了多远,我向你们保证,前面有无数的机遇和令人兴奋的事物。

Anything you choose to do is within your reach. 无论你们想做什么样的事业,你们都可以做得很出色。

How far you go will depend on how high you set your dreams and how hard you work to achieve them. 你们的梦想有多大,你们就能走多远;你们为梦想付出得越多,你们就会越成功。

But whatever path you take, the foundation provided by a good education will make success come that much easier, I promise you.  但无论你们选择哪条路,我保证,有良好的教育背景作为基础,成功会来得更容易。

I have shared my experiences on leadership with many different groups of people all over the world. 我曾和来自全世界不同的人群分享过我的经历。

But being here in the country where my parents and grandparents were born— 但是在这个我祖父母和父母出生的国度,

a country to which I continue to feel strong emotional and intellectual ties—is an enormous privilege and a dream come true.  这个我一直被强烈的情感和文化所维系的国度,能同各位分享我的成功感受,是我极大的荣幸,也圆了我的一个梦。

I consider myself a relatively recent member of a new generation of business leaders 我认为自己属于相对新一代的商业领导者,

faced with a dizzying pace of change and a global economic and political environment  我们面对的是令人目眩的变化节奏,

that are redefined by the day in this tumultuous 21st century.  以及被充满动荡的21世纪重新定义的全球经济和政治环境。

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