
关键字: 应用统计 Android源码 应用使用时长 应用使用次数




 void reportEvent(UsageEvents.Event event) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            Slog.d(TAG, mLogPrefix + "Got usage event for " + event.mPackage
                    + "[" + event.mTimeStamp + "]: "
                    + eventToString(event.mEventType));

        if (event.mTimeStamp >= mDailyExpiryDate.getTimeInMillis()) {
            // Need to rollover
        final IntervalStats currentDailyStats = mCurrentStats[UsageStatsManager.INTERVAL_DAILY];

        final Configuration newFullConfig = event.mConfiguration;
        if (event.mEventType == UsageEvents.Event.CONFIGURATION_CHANGE &&
                currentDailyStats.activeConfiguration != null) {
           // Make the event configuration a delta.
            event.mConfiguration = Configuration.generateDelta(
                    currentDailyStats.activeConfiguration, newFullConfig);

        // Add the event to the daily list.
       if ( == null) {
   = new TimeSparseArray<>();
        }, event);

        for (IntervalStats stats : mCurrentStats) {
            if (event.mEventType == UsageEvents.Event.CONFIGURATION_CHANGE) {
                stats.updateConfigurationStats(newFullConfig, event.mTimeStamp);
            } else {
                stats.update(event.mPackage, event.mTimeStamp, event.mEventType);


 void persistActiveStats() {
        if (mStatsChanged) {
            Slog.i(TAG, mLogPrefix + "Flushing usage stats to disk");
            try {
                for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentStats.length; i++) {
                    mDatabase.putUsageStats(i, mCurrentStats[i]);
                mStatsChanged = false;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Slog.e(TAG, mLogPrefix + "Failed to persist active stats", e);


     * Update the stats in the database. They may not be written to disk immediately.
    public void putUsageStats(int intervalType, IntervalStats stats) throws IOException {
        synchronized (mLock) {
            if (intervalType < 0 || intervalType >= mIntervalDirs.length) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad interval type " + intervalType);

            AtomicFile f = mSortedStatFiles[intervalType].get(stats.beginTime);
            if (f == null) {
                f = new AtomicFile(new File(mIntervalDirs[intervalType],
                mSortedStatFiles[intervalType].put(stats.beginTime, f);

            UsageStatsXml.write(f, stats);
            stats.lastTimeSaved = f.getLastModifiedTime();

接下来,函数如下,依次调用UsageStatsXml.write(AtomicFile file, IntervalStats stats) -->UsageStatsXml.write(OutputStream out, IntervalStats stats) --> UsageStatsXmlV1.write(XmlSerializer xml, IntervalStats stats) ,将数据写入xml文件中。

public static void write(AtomicFile file, IntervalStats stats) throws IOException {
        FileOutputStream fos = file.startWrite();
        try {
            write(fos, stats);
            fos = null;
        } finally {
            // When fos is null (successful write), this will no-op

private static void write(OutputStream out, IntervalStats stats) throws IOException {
        FastXmlSerializer xml = new FastXmlSerializer();
        xml.setOutput(out, "utf-8");
        xml.startDocument("utf-8", true);
        xml.setFeature("", true);
       xml.startTag(null, USAGESTATS_TAG);
        xml.attribute(null, VERSION_ATTR, Integer.toString(CURRENT_VERSION));

        UsageStatsXmlV1.write(xml, stats);

        xml.endTag(null, USAGESTATS_TAG);

     * Writes the stats object to an XML file. The {@link XmlSerializer}
     * has already written the <code><usagestats></code> tag, but attributes may still
     * be added.
     * @param xml The serializer to which to write the packageStats data.
     * @param stats The stats object to write to the XML file.
    public static void write(XmlSerializer xml, IntervalStats stats) throws IOException {
        XmlUtils.writeLongAttribute(xml, END_TIME_ATTR, stats.endTime - stats.beginTime);

        xml.startTag(null, PACKAGES_TAG);
        final int statsCount = stats.packageStats.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < statsCount; i++) {
            writeUsageStats(xml, stats, stats.packageStats.valueAt(i));
        xml.endTag(null, PACKAGES_TAG);

       xml.startTag(null, CONFIGURATIONS_TAG);
        final int configCount = stats.configurations.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < configCount; i++) {
            boolean active = stats.activeConfiguration.equals(stats.configurations.keyAt(i));
            writeConfigStats(xml, stats, stats.configurations.valueAt(i), active);
        xml.endTag(null, CONFIGURATIONS_TAG);

        xml.startTag(null, EVENT_LOG_TAG);
        final int eventCount = != null ? : 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; i++) {
            writeEvent(xml, stats,;
        xml.endTag(null, EVENT_LOG_TAG);

从最后调用的UsageStatsXmlV1.write(XmlSerializer xml, IntervalStats stats) 的代码上可以看出,正如第二篇文章所介绍的xml文件那样,数据先写入统计数据Stats,再写入ConfigStats数据,最后在把Event数据写入文件。针对以上三个write***函数,可见其源码如下:

 private static void writeUsageStats(XmlSerializer xml, final IntervalStats stats,final UsageStats usageStats) throws IOException {
        xml.startTag(null, PACKAGE_TAG);

        // Write the time offset.
        XmlUtils.writeLongAttribute(xml, LAST_TIME_ACTIVE_ATTR,
                usageStats.mLastTimeUsed - stats.beginTime);

        XmlUtils.writeStringAttribute(xml, PACKAGE_ATTR, usageStats.mPackageName);
        XmlUtils.writeLongAttribute(xml, TOTAL_TIME_ACTIVE_ATTR, usageStats.mTotalTimeInForeground);
        XmlUtils.writeIntAttribute(xml, LAST_EVENT_ATTR, usageStats.mLastEvent);

        xml.endTag(null, PACKAGE_TAG);

    private static void writeConfigStats(XmlSerializer xml, final IntervalStats stats, final ConfigurationStats configStats, boolean isActive) throws IOException {
        xml.startTag(null, CONFIG_TAG);

        // Write the time offset.
        XmlUtils.writeLongAttribute(xml, LAST_TIME_ACTIVE_ATTR,
                configStats.mLastTimeActive - stats.beginTime);

        XmlUtils.writeLongAttribute(xml, TOTAL_TIME_ACTIVE_ATTR, configStats.mTotalTimeActive);
        XmlUtils.writeIntAttribute(xml, COUNT_ATTR, configStats.mActivationCount);
        if (isActive) {
            XmlUtils.writeBooleanAttribute(xml, ACTIVE_ATTR, true);

        // Now write the attributes representing the configuration object.
        Configuration.writeXmlAttrs(xml, configStats.mConfiguration);

        xml.endTag(null, CONFIG_TAG);

    private static void writeEvent(XmlSerializer xml, final IntervalStats stats,final UsageEvents.Event event) throws IOException {
        xml.startTag(null, EVENT_TAG);

       // Store the time offset.
        XmlUtils.writeLongAttribute(xml, TIME_ATTR, event.mTimeStamp - stats.beginTime);

        XmlUtils.writeStringAttribute(xml, PACKAGE_ATTR, event.mPackage);
        if (event.mClass != null) {
            XmlUtils.writeStringAttribute(xml, CLASS_ATTR, event.mClass);
        XmlUtils.writeIntAttribute(xml, TYPE_ATTR, event.mEventType);

        if (event.mEventType == UsageEvents.Event.CONFIGURATION_CHANGE
                && event.mConfiguration != null) {
            Configuration.writeXmlAttrs(xml, event.mConfiguration);

        xml.endTag(null, EVENT_TAG);

以上三个函数皆是将数据写入xml文件中,但是,值得注意的是,所有关于时间的节点,记录的并非是绝对时间,而是类似于 usageStats.mLastTimeUsed - stats.beginTime 这样的减去beginTime之后的相对时间。




Android 5.1相关源码目录
Android UsageStatsService:要点解析


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