知识点46 :N字母开头的单词 nondescript-numb

ADJ If you describe something or someone as nondescript, you mean that their appearance is rather dull, and not at all interesting or attractive. 毫无特色的; 毫无兴趣的; 毫无吸引力的
In another experiment, participants typed the statements and saved them to folders with nondescript names, such as “facts,””data,” and “info.”
N-COUNT In the days before printing was common, a scribe was a person who wrote copies of things such as letters or documents. (印刷术普及前的)抄写员
This is what Jesus was, Jesus was a good scribe.

  1. V-I If you subscribe to an opinion or belief, you are one of a number of people who have this opinion or belief. 持有 (意见或信仰)
    I’ve personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other.
  2. V-I If you subscribe to an online newsgroup or service, you send a message saying that you wish to receive it or belong to it. 申请加入 (在线新闻组); 申请 (在线服务)
    Usenet is a collection of discussion groups, known as newsgroups, to which anybody can subscribe.
  3. V-I If you subscribe for shares in a company, you apply to buy shares in that company. 申购 (股份)
    Employees subscribed for far more shares than were available.
  4. V-T If you ascribe an event or condition to a particular cause, you say or consider that it was caused by that thing. 将…归因于
    An autopsy eventually ascribed the baby’s death to sudden infant death syndrome.
  5. V-T If you ascribe a quality to someone, you consider that they possess it. 将…归属 (于某人)
    We do not ascribe a superior wisdom to government or the state.
  6. V-T If you inscribe words on an object, you write or carve the words on the object. 题写; 刻
    Some galleries commemorate donors by inscribing their names on the walls.
  7. V-T If you inscribe something in the front of a book or on a photograph, you write it there, often before giving it to someone. 题赠
    On the back I had inscribed the words: “here’s to Great Ideas! John.”
    V-T If you transcribe a speech or text, you write or type it out, for example, from notes or from a tape recording. (根据笔记或磁带录音等) 写下; 用打字机打出
    She is transcribing, from his dictation, the diaries of Simon Forman.
    prescribe:vi. 规定;开药方
  8. V-T If a doctor prescribes medicine or treatment for you, he or she tells you what medicine or treatment to have. 开 (药、处方)
    She took twice the prescribed dose of sleeping tablets.
  9. V-T If a person or set of laws or rules prescribes an action or duty, they state that it must be carried out. 规定
    … article II of the constitution, which prescribes the method of electing a president.
    V-T If something is proscribed by people in authority, the existence or the use of that thing is forbidden. 正式宣布被禁止
    In some cultures surgery is proscribed.
    V-T If someone's power or freedom is circumscribed, it is limited or restricted. 限制
    The army evidently fears that, under him, its activities would be severely circumscribed.
    N-COUNT A conscript is a person who has been made to join the armed forces of a country. 被征入伍者
    Most of the soldiers are reluctant conscripts.
    nonplus n. 迷惑;困惑
    The professor is never at a nonplus, and never perplexed by a problem.
  10. ADJ Surplus is used to describe something that is extra or that is more than is needed. 过剩的; 多余的
    Few people have large sums of surplus cash.
  11. N-COUNT If a country has a trade surplus, it exports more than it imports. 顺差
    Japan’s annual trade surplus is in the region of 100 bilion dollars.
  12. N-COUNT If a government has a budget surplus, it has spent less than it received in taxes. 盈余
    Norway’s budget surplus has fallen from 5.9% in 1986 to an expected 0.1% this year.
  13. ADJ If you say that someone's way of life or opinions are nonconformist, you mean that they are different from those of most people. 不随主流的
    Their views are nonconformist and their political opinions are extreme.
  14. N-COUNT A nonconformist is someone who is nonconformist. 不墨守成规者
    Victoria stood out as a dazzling nonconformist.
    And so it was named “Nonsuch,” as in no other palace could ever equal its magnificence.
    But this nonpareil, which never needed sharpening and would never break.
    N-COUNT If you refer to someone as a nonentity, you mean that they are not special or important in any way. 无足轻重的人表不满
    Amidst the current bunch of nonentities, he is a towering figure.
    ADJ You use entire when you want to emphasize that you are referring to the whole of something, for example, the whole of a place, time, or population. 全部的; 整个的强调
    He had spent his entire life in China as a doctor.
    V-T If you are mystified by something, you find it impossible to explain or understand. 使困惑不解
    The audience must have been totally mystified by the plot.
    V-T If someone or something confounds you, they make you feel surprised or confused, often by showing you that your opinions or expectations of them were wrong. 使吃惊; 使困惑
    He momentarily confounded his critics by his cool handling of the hostage crisis.
  15. V-T If you confuse two things, you get them mixed up, so that you think one of them is the other one. 混淆
    I always confuse my left with my right.
  16. V-T To confuse a situation means to make it complicated or difficult to understand. 使复杂化
    To further confuse the issue, there is an enormous variation in the amount of sleep people feel happy with.
    novice n. 初学者,新手
    N-COUNT A novice is someone who has been doing a job or other activity for only a short time and so is not experienced at it. 新手
    I’m a novice at these things, Lieutenant. You’re the professional.
    V-T If someone renovates an old building, they repair and improve it and get it back into good condition. 修复; 整修
    The couple spent thousands renovating the house.
    V-I To innovate means to introduce changes and new ideas in the way something is done or made. 创新; 革新
    What sets Rice apart from most engineers is his constant desire to innovate and experiment.
  17. N-COUNT A veteran is someone who has served in the armed forces of their country, especially during a war. 退伍军人
    They approved a $1.1 billion package of pay increases for the veterans of the Persian Gulf War.
  18. N-COUNT You use veteran to refer to someone who has been involved in a particular activity for a long time. 经验丰富的人
    The baseball veteran loved to coach young players.
    ADJ If you describe someone as, for example, an inveterate liar or smoker, you mean that they have lied or smoked for a long time and are not likely to stop doing it. 根深蒂固的
    Cynics might find Russian support for a stringent anti-bribery regime akin to an inveterate alcoholic joining a campaign for total abstinence.
    noxious adj. 有害的;有毒的;败坏道德的;讨厌的
    ADJ A noxious gas or substance is poisonous or very harmful. 有毒的; 有害的
    Many household products give off noxious fumes.
    ADJ Something that has a deleterious effect on something has a harmful effect on it. 有害的
    Petty crime is having a deleterious effect on community life.
    ADJ Something that is detrimental to something else has a harmful or damaging effect on it. 有害的
    Many foods are suspected of being detrimental to health because of the chemicals and additives they contain.
    The advanced treatment of the nocuous organics in water is vital to environmental protection.
    Being honest does not mean you go on and on about your obnoxious ex or your passionate one night stand years ago.
    noisome:adj. 恶臭的;有害的
    The growing protectionist sentiment in the US and Europe is particularly noisome because it reeks of so much hypocrisy.
    When this phenomenon occurs, it produces a pernicious level of debt to pervade throughout the economy.
    No one expects us to choose sides in internecine mommy battle.
    numb vt. 使麻木;使发愣;使失去感觉
    Now they can have sex with anyone because they’re numb.
    dumb:adj. 哑的,无说话能力的;不说话的,无声音的
    Every office has its share of favoritism, inefficiency and dumb decisions.
    What type of anesthetic will be used? How will it affect me?
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