



    英国最初给我的印象是天很蓝,是那种可以做手机壁纸的蓝。早晨的剑桥有着丝丝寒意,于是公交车上的人们也裹着厚厚的围巾,戴着耳机,不吭一声。但是没有人睡着—因为英国的公交车是不报站牌的,到站请自行看窗外来辨别,按一下提示铃,对司机说“thank you”,结束CITI1的公交之行,来到Train station下车。




下午的时光经常是参观各大胜地。令我印象最深刻的是参观国王学院。我们参观的那天下午天气非常好,穿过散发着金辉的草地来到了国王学院的礼拜堂King's College Chapel。教堂里的一切都散发着庄严的气息,也让我感受到了百年来独具英国贵族气质的英伦风范和严谨的学术气息。Cambridge river也穿过这里。泛舟河上,感受百年前徐志摩先生“轻轻地我走了,正如我轻轻地来”的吟唱,心也随着康河的柔波向远处荡漾。英国人那种不紧不慢、追求生活的细致在这环境中展现的恰如其分。




莎士比亚故地也是难忘的回忆。在莎士比亚的庄园流连,听着那段经典名言,To be,or not to be - that is the question莎士比亚在英国的地位相当于我国的鲁迅,在世界文坛上有着举足轻重的地位。探访莎士比亚故居,了解他的生平事迹,让我对文学有了多一份感悟与思考。





A British trip to a poetic ancient kingdom

Shakespeare said, that this is the best time and the worst.

It was also interesting to say that the plane passed through the customs, and I found my communication invitation proved wrong. The embarrassment explained the customs with the customs, and was surprised to find that his English level could also deal with the general dialogue. All the way, there was a twists and turns on the road to England, but on the road of nine, there was no one, leaving a flickering light. It was not easy for the car to reach the goal of the town of Jian Qiao at the time of approaching twelve. With the homestay family Martine and Anntie hot "Hello"! I started a two week travel tour in England.

The first impression that Britain gave me was that it was blue, the kind of blue that could be used as a cellphone wallpaper. The morning of Cambridge has a bit cold, so people on the bus is wrapped in a thick scarf, wearing a headset, without a sound. But no one fell asleep -- because the British bus doesn't report the stop sign. When you arrive at the station, you can see the windows yourself, identify the foreign guests, click the prompt bell, tell the driver "thank you", end the CITI1 bus trip, and get off at Train station.

I was divided into the same class with Yang Huiyuan and some other students. The first day of the course is to discuss the topic of weather. Teacher wie's talent is not ordinary. He has been studying in Tsinghua and Chinese language. He can communicate with him smoothly. He also encourages us to discuss with other students from France, Japan and Turkey. We should also communicate with foreign students the custom and human feelings and even some political problems, and also understand some problems to foreigners is that, as if the world outside is another kind of vision. It is true that it is true that it really opens the horizon to a new realm. It is worth mentioning that we are in the classroom is forced to sell a China China culture ---- Alipay achieved without cash payment, taobao.com let you single evening morning delivery, high iron quickly let you in the morning in the evening, North south. Looking at the astonishing eyes of foreign friends, the heart is deeply proud of his own country.

The afternoon is often a visit to the great places of victory. What impressed me most was to visit King's college. The day we visited was very good, and we went through the meadows of Jinhui to the chapel of King's College King's College Chapel. Everything in the church has a solemn atmosphere, and I feel the British style and the rigorous academic atmosphere of the British aristocracy for a hundred years. Cambridge river goes through here, too. Boating on the river, feeling a hundred years ago, Mr. Xu Zhimo "gently I go, as I gently singing," the heart is also with the health of the river to the distant rippling waves. The British people, the pursuit of life that neither fast nor slow show in this environment in detail to a proper extent

Second weeks ago, we went to the former diplomat's class to understand the top level of the world's top level and his estimation of the future technology development route. A lot of harvest. On Wednesday, we went to London to visit famous scenic spots such as British Museum, Buckingham Palace, The London Eye and so on. I saw the Royal Army in a high hat, wearing a red uniform and riding the horse at the door. Although there is no boarded The London Eye yibaoyanfu, but in London now took a picture, like in the movie the girl wearing a hat wearing a windbreaker, a gentleman feelings. The meticulous life in this environment is just good.

Shakespeare's hometown is also an unforgettable memory. Wander in the Shakespeare manor, listening to that famous classic, To be, or not to be - that is the question Shakespeare's position in the UK equivalent to China's Lu Xun, has a pivotal position in the world literature. To visit Shakespeare's former residence and understand his life, let me have more understanding and thinking about literature.

为The two days of British Communication soon ended. In this best era, I have the honor to go to a foreign country through the school platform, understand the local customs and feelings, and feel their academic style and attitude towards life. This is the best time. Go out and get the world - go out, look more, the world is near.

As for the worst of times, the British cooking was not consistent with Chinese slow the traditional diet, China is the best.

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