
                                                        Privacy policy

 Information we might collect

When you use our products and services, we may collect, store and use the following information related to you.  If you do not provide relevant information, you may not be able to register as our user or enjoy some of the products or services we provide, or you may not be able to achieve the desired effect of the relevant services.

1. Information you provided:

Relevant personal information, such as phone number, identity certificate, email, etc. provided to us when you register your account or use our products and services;

Personal information provided when you use our specific services;

If you use our products and services that can be realized with your bank account or account related parties of other payment instruments, you will provide us with your bank account information or account information of other payment instruments.

The shared information you provide to others through our products and services, and the information you store when you use our products and services.

 2. Your information shared by other parties:

The shared information about you provided by other parties when using our products and services.

3. We got your information:

When you use products and services, we may collect the following information:

3.1 log information: when you use our products and services, the system may use small data files ( these data files may be cookies, Flash Cookie, or other local storage provided by your browser or associated applications ( collectively referred to as " cookies" ), electronic images ( called " single pixel GIF files" or " network Beacon" ) and embedded technologies, etc.

3.2 Device or software information: for example, configuration information provided by your terminal device ( personal computer, mobile device, etc. ), web browser or related programs for accessing our services, your IP address and the version and device identification code used by the terminal device;

3.3 Information searched or browsed when using our products and services, such as page search terms you used, URL addresses of social media pages visited, and other information and content details you browsed or requested when using our products and services;

3.4 Information ( metadata ) contained in the content you share through our products and services;

3.5 Location Information: refers to the information about your location collected when you turn on the device location function and use our location-based services, including:

3.5.1 Your geographic location information collected through GPS or WiFi when you use our products and services through mobile devices with positioning functions;

3.5.2 Real - time information provided by you or other users containing your geographic location, such as information about your region contained in account information provided by you, shared information uploaded by you or others showing your current or former geographic location, and geo-tag information contained in photos shared by you or others;

You can stop collecting your geographic location information by turning off the location function.

3.6 Your usage of our products or services, such as usage duration, reading records and other data information.

3.7 In addition to the above information, we may also collect other information of users in order to provide services and improve service quality, including relevant information provided by users when contacting our customer service team and relevant information collected when users interact with us and our affiliated enterprises.  At the same time, in order to improve the security of users using our products and services and prevent phishing website fraud and trojan horse virus more accurately, we may judge the risk of users' accounts by understanding some users' network usage habits and software information commonly used by users, and may record some URLs that we think are at risk.  For the purposes of this Agreement, " Affiliate" means an organization that now or in the future forms a relationship with us in which one party controls, jointly controls or exerts significant influence on the other party and two or more parties are controlled, jointly controlled or significantly influenced by the same party.

How do we collect user information

1. It is possible to collect the user's interaction behavior through the log storage function embedded in the product and store such information as log text, which can be used to improve our products and services.

2. We or our third-party partners may collect and use your information via Cookie and network Beacon and store it as log information.

We use our own Cookie and network Beacon to collect your information in order to provide you with a more personalized user experience and service for the following purposes:

2.1 Remember your identity.  For example: Cookie helps us to identify you as our registered user, or to save your preferences or other information that you have provided to us.

2.2 The use of network Beacon can help users who use computing to browse web pages or access certain Cookie. We will collect information about your page browsing activities through network Beacon, such as the page address you visited, the address of the quoted page you previously visited, the time you stayed on the page, your browsing environment and display settings.

2.3 Analyze your use of our products and services.  For example, we can use Cookie to understand what activities you are using our products and services, or which applications or services are most popular with you.

2.4 Advertising Optimization.  Cookie helps us to provide you with advertisements related to you according to your information instead of general advertising.

When we use Cookie or network Beacon for the above purposes, we may provide non-personal identity information collected through Cookie or network Beacon to advertisers or other partners after statistical processing for analyzing how users use our products and services and for advertising services.

There may be Cookie or network Beacon placed by advertisers or other partners on our products and services, and non-personal identity information related to you may be collected for analyzing how users use these products and services, sending you advertisements that you may be interested in, or evaluating the effectiveness of advertising services.  The collection and use of such information by these third-party Cookie or network Beacon is not subject to this policy, but is subject to the privacy policy of the relevant users, and we are not responsible for the collection of information by third parties.

How do we protect and store user information

In order to ensure your information security, we strive to take various reasonable physical, electronic and management security measures to protect your information from being leaked, damaged or lost, including but not limited to SSL, encrypted storage of information, access control of data centers, dedicated network channels and agents.  We have also adopted strict management of employees or outsourced personnel who may come into contact with your information, including but not limited to adopting different authority controls according to different positions, signing confidentiality agreements with them, monitoring their operations, and other measures.

We will provide corresponding security measures to protect your information and provide reasonable security according to the existing technology, and we will try our best to prevent your information from being leaked, damaged or lost at any time.

How do we use user information

Since your information is collected for the purpose of complying with national laws and regulations and providing you with services, we will use your information for the following purposes to achieve this purpose:

1. Provide you with our products and services;

2. Improve our products or services;

3. When we provide services, it is used for authentication, customer service, security, fraud monitoring, archiving and backup purposes to ensure the security of the products and services we provide to you;

4. To let you know about your use of our services or about our related services, send you information such as service status notification.

5. Make us know more about how you access and use our services, so as to respond to your personalized needs, such as language settings, location settings, personalized help services and instructions.

6. Software certification or management software upgrade;

7. Prevention or prohibition of illegal activities;

8. Other uses approved by you.













  3.1日志信息:指您使用我们的产品和服务时,系统可能通过小型数据文件(这些数据文件可能是Cookie,Flash Cookie,或您的浏览器或关联应用程序提供的其他本地存储(统称“Cookie”)、电子图象(称为“单像素GIF文件”或“网络Beacon”)以及内嵌技术等;








  3.6 您对我们产品或服务的使用情况,如使用时长、阅读记录等数据信息。

























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