镜我(Mirror Self)04

it's one and we should not deduce that the resulting in astronomy, should be completely reduced to the necessary chain of iron eight ids, it doesn't work like this way, and is only valid in this manner, the arrangements framed by myself, these arrangements that produces those ids, these arrangements may be carried out in different ways, those ids maybe produce in different ways, in order to achieve a scientific representation of discern, which does not resemble.

its immediate appearance, and of course the situation, I presented you last time, the situation of equivalence hypothesis, requiring that a component of fiction, be recognized in them, this situation illustrates, this says it's the best way for the Descartes to make us understand, that certain ids which achieve a scientific knowledge maybe produce on various ways, the best way for Descartes to make us understand, this is to we throw a way for two astronomical hypothesis and the concurrence of it.

you know the use of these example of astronomical supposition, the use of these examples enable us to put to better situate this one is resigning, and understand its paradigmatic character, what it's general character, the way the astronomers proceed has a general meaning for human mind, not in science.

I will quote an author page of Descartes about you know this is a later in which he's trying to explain this text, stakes written in decades meditations, please listen to me, he is this distinguishing three kinds of id, some adventitious, we don't have to come back to this, some are constructed or factitious, some are in adventitious they come from the senses, some are constructed of factitious in which class, so he wants to explain what it means to speak of constructed or factitious ids.

in which class we can put the ids, which astronomers construct of the sun, by the resigning its remark about it under such kind others, are and eight they are born with me, the Descartes is considering the human mind contains it ids, the idea of god, the idea of space such as etc, but there is not our problem here, what is concerning us is the second kind of ids, constricted or factitious.

you see the interests for philosophy in general, the interest of the astronomical example, the interest of the scientific example is very evident, it demonstrates the plurality of possible combinations in which factors factitious ids, reside without these various fabrications indicating no less the fall city of a bad insurance, so they are factitious society are factitious.

they are constructed and such as then maybe they might be constructed in different ways, but it does not mean that there face not at all, they have a fictional nature, but they are not false, in light of this information, it seems quite clear that this is truly the same of the plurality of hypothesis astronomical.

I suppose hypothesis remember Copernicus supposition, this is same which is mobilized in the meditations to illustrate and understand the status of a certain kind of ids, that is remarkable. in other words, here the ground of metaphysic of humans, he's in science comes from.

science the model of those factitious ids, the model for the Descartes is in astronomy calculator the astronomy, so this is very important, because sometimes readers believe that the order of philosophy in modern times, is always to pretend to give a grown to science in metaphysics, to find grounds metaphysical grounds to science well.

here's the situation is not false, but here this is a situation is quite the opposite, the model Descartes has to refer resides in astronomy he knows, deuce to be more precise, the use of what spinners are could remember superstitions in discussions, the use of civilizations in discussions, they are remember some certain kind of shifted ids, the use of supposition in discussion is soon to be rooted in a primitive system of the mind that counts and that is the point, I wanted to reach a primitive system of the mind that consists of fabricating ids, fabricating ids a system, which when it comes to its scientific use includes the possibility of fiction, that is a very important point.

it is but the nature of the mind to fabricate fictions and those fictions according to certain rules are very important in science as much outside as science comes two phenomena, this is not true concerning the first principles according to the Descartes, this is not true concerning the first general principles of science of physics, which are according to the Descartes, but when science when conclusions come, to achieve and to explain phenomena, then the scientists passed to a fable reads values to positions, and these fabrications is grounded on the primitive system of the mind.

we could go further the system of the mind is revealed by the work of astronomers, this is remarkable, when you see Descartes is not talking of fictions and offer the way the human mind fabricate sections, only very abstract living, now is considering concrete situations in which we have to use suppositions, which are fictions for Locke as first, and on the ground of these concrete situation, I mean the state of astronomy in his time, on these base is he boat to understand a primitive system of the mind is.

any question no wait, I’m coming.

that is very easy, perhaps my words are a bit abstract for me, Descartes considers that there are only three kinds of ids in human mind, this is what I call a primitive system, our ids are necessary part of one of those kinds, and the facts the important facts well, there are two kinds, I’m not difficult to understand adventitious ids well.

they come from the senses, and believe it or this is not a problem I need ids, which of course are true, the real problem is to know, if the whole knowledge human knowledge, the old science human science design it, of course, not so there must be a certain kind of ids, I need ids are very general, but when science comes to conclusions, it is not exposing I need ids, it's fabricating its conclusions, so Descartes is very aware of this, there are several superstitions, which may explain the same phenomena, the way the human mind produces laws supposition or Hubble hypothesis from comes from primitive faculty, this primitive faculty is to fabricate factitious ids fictions, but fictions here are not face ids.

remember as he wrote we saw it last time, fictions here are not only abstracted and feels, fictions away for the science to expose its conclusions.

let's go on the mind can forge fabricate, if you want forge efficient hypothesis not simply as you remember, the moralities you didn't know what it meant the man can the mind can forge efficient hypothesis, not simply generous, but the effective of those ids is to some extent exhibited showing by the simulate, taken at this level of origin.

in so far it derived from a specific faculty in the mind, the fabrication of hypothesis received as effective, those hypothesis are received considered as fifty, taken as this level of origin taken as a faculty of the mine, you understand easily, that this is subject to also uses, not only it doesn't have to be only used in science or astronomy, it is subject to other uses, that should be identified beyond serious child physics, so this is primitive, so Descartes has to consider the way the mind is conceiving factitious ids in all the fields, not only astronomy.

and we are no able that is the next point, before the break I would like to come to the next point, we are not able to understand how is the scientific reading of fiction, the scientific conception of free fiction, we have examined yet influences philosophy in general, that will be the next point, how the scientific conception of fiction, what we have examined yet, is influencing philosophy in general that is to say metaphysics himself.

I have a question to, don't be a shame and tell me the truth any of you, has any of you read the first meditation of the Descartes, no nobody, so I have to tell you a few words about this book, and at least you must remember I’m now talking about the most important book in the history of western philosophy.

if that's all this is the most important short book written by Descartes, and the most important one in the history of western philosophy, at least at its beginning, but even in the twentieth century, many authors tried to rewrite Descartes meditations, Husserl in German to write the book of Descartes meditations, so I mean it this is the most important group in the history of western philosophy, and in this book is that the point that I am considering today, but this is some this is a place in which the subject, the modern subjects.

personal subject is appearing in modern philosophy, what does the Descartes want to do in this book, meditations on third philosophy is a trench translation, is a metaphysical meditations.

so what does the Descartes want, this book is written in a certain context, the scientific revolution, the end all the diffusion of other fields of philosophy, the birds are the new way to make philosophy, but also to make law to make politics everything that happens in the beginning of the seventeenth century in Europe, and of course the scientific revolution, and in the meditations Descartes wants to find well, I may tell it like this way, an absolutely sure starting point for knowledge, this is his goal in the medications.

besides he wants to prove the existence of human soul, and the existence of god, but it does not concern us, his first goal in order to prove the existence of the soul, and the existence of god, they don't sure in order to prove the principles of physics, the first his main goal is to find these absolutely sure starting point, in order to scientists, he starts in the for there are six meditations, each meditation but it is of course a fiction, each meditation is happening on the day six days, six days and after was the six days pick up pretence, knowledge will be certain.

so in the first meditation in order to find the starting point, Descartes starts by adopting all the things with spontaneously trust, we have to start by adopting all the things, we spontaneously trust, first the objects the existence of the objects, we are perceiving objects first point is no doubt of these existence, and Descartes in order to explode this doubt, is using various reasons, since these are deceptive, we may be mad in the third reason is for us very important.

we dream of some objects that do not exist senses are deceptive we might be mild, and we dream of objects that are deceptive, but adopt the Descartes does not only concern the objects of the senses, according to the Descartes, we must also doubt mathematical ids, we can't start with mathematical ids, but it's not easy to doped to doubt of mathematical ids, I guess you knew, so in order to justification this Descartes in the first meditation.

Descartes is introducing a fiction, I will talk about this later in the second part of this lecture, he is introducing a fiction, we must adopt also mathematical ids, so because an evil genius an evil demon and systematically deceived as the cedars an evil genius or demon hold systematically deceived, as that is the reason why we must adopt even mathematical ids, and by adopting all of this, Descartes will come is a second meditation to find something, that is absolutely certain, absolutely sure that we can't doubt and you all know this at least.

this is the ego the self, you all know those words, cause you to ever go soon, because ego soon, I’m a racist the absolutely sure starting point, I won't speak talk about this in my lectures, I think ego therefore I am, this will be the absolutely sure starting point of decades philosophy, and of course this is only the birth.

now, pay attention to this, this is also the birth of western subjectivity of western individuality, it comes from both, so before I come to some details, we may take a short break, if you don't mind, if you're not concerning in philosophers later in your studies in your life, I can assure you that you won't understand anything to the western subjectivity, if you don't remember this is very important.

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