SECTION 2 Verbal Reasoning

SECTION 2 Verbal Reasoning

Total TIME 10分钟




[if !supportLists]A.   [endif]温暖的[if !supportLists]A.   [endif]嫉妒的[if !supportLists]A.   [endif]玩笑的

[if !supportLists]B.   [endif]共有的[if !supportLists]B.   [endif]剥削的[if !supportLists]B.   [endif]爱美的

[if !supportLists]C.   [endif]与世隔绝的[if !supportLists]C.   [endif]良性的[if !supportLists]C.   [endif]迅速的

[if !supportLists]D.   [endif]恶心的[if !supportLists]D.   [endif]博学的[if !supportLists]D.   [endif]渺小的


[if !supportLists]A.   [endif]完美[if !supportLists]A.   [endif]传播[if !supportLists]A.   [endif]根除

[if !supportLists]B.   [endif]野性[if !supportLists]B.   [endif]解释[if !supportLists]B.   [endif]成立

[if !supportLists]C.   [endif]成熟[if !supportLists]C.   [endif]转化[if !supportLists]C.   [endif]蜕变

[if !supportLists]D.   [endif]多余[if !supportLists]D.   [endif]欺诈[if !supportLists]D.   [endif]上升


[if !supportLists]A.   [endif]颓废的[if !supportLists]A.   [endif]蠕虫[if !supportLists]A.   [endif]弥漫的

[if !supportLists]B.   [endif]精力充沛的[if !supportLists]B.   [endif]鸡皮疙瘩[if !supportLists]B.   [endif]抑郁的

[if !supportLists]C.   [endif]憧憬的[if !supportLists]C.   [endif]癫痫病[if !supportLists]C.   [endif]无节制的

[if !supportLists]D.   [endif]时髦的[if !supportLists]D.   [endif]动物习性[if !supportLists]D.   [endif]精确的


[if !supportLists]A.   [endif]渺小的[if !supportLists]A.   [endif]神秘的[if !supportLists]A.   [endif]性情温和的

[if !supportLists]B.   [endif]骄傲的[if !supportLists]B.   [endif]愤怒的[if !supportLists]B.   [endif]模棱两可的

[if !supportLists]C.   [endif]迅速繁殖的[if !supportLists]C.   [endif]谨慎的[if !supportLists]C.   [endif]挑剔的

[if !supportLists]D.   [endif]缺乏想象的[if !supportLists]D.   [endif]完美的[if !supportLists]D.   [endif]警觉的




[if !supportLists]A.   [endif]愤怒[if !supportLists]A.   [endif]恶化[if !supportLists]A.   [endif]使兴奋

[if !supportLists]B.   [endif]犹豫[if !supportLists]B.   [endif]改善[if !supportLists]B.   [endif]使忧郁

[if !supportLists]C.   [endif]愉悦[if !supportLists]C.   [endif]提倡[if !supportLists]C.   [endif]使进步

[if !supportLists]D.   [endif]狡猾[if !supportLists]D.   [endif]分离[if !supportLists]D.   [endif]使虚弱



第二部分    填空题

Text Complete Question 单选题



1. It is refreshing to read

a book about our planet by an author who does not allow facts to be __________

by politics: well aware of the political disputes about the effects of human

activities on climate and biodiversity, this author does not permit them to  __________

his comprehensive description of what we know about our biosphere. He

emphasizes the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our

observations, and the  __________, calling attention to the many

aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood before we can

accurately diagnose the condition of our planet.

[if !supportLists]A.   


D.EnhanceG. Plausibility of  our hypothesis

[if !supportLists]B.   


[if !supportLists]E.     


H. Certainty of our  entitlement

[if !supportLists]C.   


[if !supportLists]F.     


[if !supportLists]I.      [endif]Superficiality of our theories

2. The author’s ______style renders a fascinatingsubject, the role played by luck in everyday life, extraordinarily ______.

Blank 1Blank 2

[if !supportLists]A.    [endif]soporific[if !supportLists]D.    [endif]pedantic

[if !supportLists]B.    [endif]lucid[if !supportLists]E.     [endif]tedious

[if !supportLists]C.    [endif]colloquial[if !supportLists]F.     [endif]opaque

3. From

the outset, the concept of freedom of the seas from the proprietary claims of

nations was challenged by a contrary notion—that of the _______ of the oceans for

reasons of national security and profit.

A. promotion   B. exploration    C.   surveying      D.  conservation   E.   appropriation

Sentence Equivalence Question 双选题


4. The

corporation expects only ___________increases in sales next year despite a yearlong effort to revive its retailing


A.    dynamic  B. predictable  C. expanding  D. modest

E.    slight    F. volatile


第三部分    阅读题


Reading comprehension 

Questions1 through4arebased on the following reading passage, which consists of four paragraphs.

In the 1970’s, two debates engaged many scholarsof early United States history.  One focused on the status of women,primarily White women.  Turning on the so-called golden age theory, whichposited that during the eighteenth-century colonial era, American women enjoyeda brief period of high status relative to their English contemporaries and tonineteenth-century American women, this debate pitted scholars who believedwomen’s lives deteriorated after 1800 against those who thought women’s liveshad been no better before 1800.  At issue were the causes of women’s subordination: were these causes already in place when the English first settled North Americaor did they emerge with the rise of nineteenth-century industrialcapitalism?  The second debate, the so-called origins debate, concernedthe emergence of racial slavery in the southern colonies:  was slavery theinevitable result of the deep-rooted racial prejudice of early Britishcolonists or did racial prejudice arise only after these planters institutedslave labor?

Although these debates are parallel in some respects,key differences distinguished them.  Whereas the debate over women’sstatus revolved around implicit comparisons of colonial women to theircounterparts in the antebellum period (1800-1860), thus inviting comment fromscholars of both historical periods, the origins debate was primarily confinedto a discussion about slavery in colonial America.  Second, in contrast tothe newness of the debate over women’s status and its continued currencythroughout the early 1980’s, the debate over race and slavery, begun in the1950’s, had lost some of its urgency with the publication of Morgan’sAmerican

Slavery, American Freedom (1975),widely regarded as the last word on the subject.

Each debate also assumed a differentrelationship to the groups whose histories it concerned.  In its heyday,the origins debate focused mainly on White attitudes toward Africans ratherthan on Africans themselves.  With few exceptions, such as Wood’sBlack

Majority (1974) and Mullin’sFlight

and Rebellion(1972), which were centrally concerned with enslaved Africanmen, most works pertaining to the origins debate focused on the Whitearchitects, mostly male, of racial slavery.  In contrast, although women’shistorians were interested in the institutions and ideologies contributing towomen’s subordination, they were equally concerned with documenting women’sexperiences.  As in the origins debate, however, early scholarship oncolonial women defined its historical constituency narrowly, women’s historiansfocusing mainly on affluent White women.

Over time, however, some initial differencesbetween the approaches taken by scholars in the two fields faded.  In the1980’s, historians of race and slavery in colonial America shifted theirattention to enslaved people; interest in African American culture grew,thereby bringing enslaved women more prominently into view.  Historians ofearly American women moved in similar directions during the decade and began toconsider the effect of racial difference on women’s experience.

[if !supportLists]1.     [endif] Thepassage is primarily concerned with

A.  showing how historians who were engaged in aparticular debate influenced historians engaged in another debate

B.    explaining why two initially parallelscholarly debates diverged in the 1980’s

C.    comparing two scholarly debates anddiscussing their histories

D.  contrasting the narrow focus of one scholarlydebate with the somewhat broader focus of another

E.  evaluating the relative merits of theapproaches used by historians engaged in two overlapping scholarly debates

2. Itcan be inferred that the author of the passage mentionsAmerican Slavery, American Freedomprimarily in order to

A.  substantiate a point about the methodologythat came to be prevalent among scholars engaged in the origins debate

B.    cite a major influence on those scholars whoclaimed that racial prejudice preceded the institution of slavery in colonialAmerica

C.  show that some scholars who were engaged inthe origins debate prior to the 1980’s were interested in the experiences ofenslaved people

D.  identify a reason for a certain difference inthe late 1970’s between the origins debate and the debate over American women’sstatus

E.  contrast the kind of work produced by scholarsengaged in the origins debate with the kind produced by scholars engaged in thedebate over American women’s status

3. The passage suggests which ofthe following about the women’s historians mentioned in the third paragraph?

A.  They disputed certain claims regarding thestatus of eighteenth-century American women relative to women in England duringthe same period.

B.  Their approach to the study of women’ssubordination had been partly influenced by earlier studies published by somescholars engaged in the origins debate.

C.  Theirwork focused on the experiences of both White and African American women.

D.    Their approach resembled the approach takenin studies by Wood and by Mullin in that they were interested in theexperiences of people subjected to a system of subordination.

E.    To some extent, they concurred with Wood andwith Mullin about the origins of racism in colonial America.

4. According to the passage,historical studies of race and slavery in early America that were producedduring the 1980’s differed from studies of that subject produced prior to the1980’s in that the studies produced during the 1980’s

A.    gave more attention to the experiences ofenslaved women

B.    gave less attention to the cultures ofenslaved people

C.    were read by more scholars in other fields

D.    were more concerned with the institutionsand ideologies that perpetuated racial prejudice in postcolonial America

E.    made direct comparisons between thesubordination of White women and the subordination of African American people


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